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Ted Curran

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Ted Curran last won the day on December 31 2021

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  1. Great suggestions. I tried and failed to get the File Filter to work for me, but the Navigate to Folder solution worked great, thank you!
  2. I run a biweekly meeting, each with meeting notes whose file name follows the format [AIMNotes][YYMMDD]. I expect that the most recent notes should appear at the top, but you can see here that the YYMMDD dates are all jumbled with no discernible order. Why does this happen and how can I fix? Thanks in advance. 😁
  3. With all the new activity on the Mastodon fediverse social network (Thanks Elon!), I'm a lot more motivated to post there frequently, and was wondering if there was a good Workflow for quickly writing out Toots?
  4. Is there an update for the Symbols workflow by Piotr WilczyƄski?
  5. @andy4222 It appears your dropbox link has been deleted -- what is the status of this workflow at the moment?
  6. Ah nvm I just remembered it's [TextBuddy](https://retina.studio/textbuddy/). A great app if you haven't checked it out.
  7. Hi All, A short while back (earlier this year I think), I saw in the Alfred forums a discussion of a desktop Mac app that does every type of text manipulation possible -- removing whitespace, changing case, converting markdown, etc. -- and people were talking about integrating its functionality into Alfred (or at least controlling this app with Alfred). As I recall, the community suggested Alfred better integrate with this app, and I recall seeing the dev participate in the thread saying he'd like that to happen. I downloaded it to my last Macbook Pro and really loved using it, but now I can't recall what it's called. Does this ring any bells for anyone? Thanks for your help.
  8. One of the few things on my Mac that I can't do with Alfred commands is UPDATE ALFRED. Would be awesome if, when I saw the "update available" notification in my window, I could just type "Alfred > Update and Restart" or something. Please make it so.
  9. I work a lot with audio, video, and images, and often I wish I could just select a file in Alfred and convert it to a different format, like: wav to MP3 MOV to MP4 PNG to JPEG etc etc etc I have different apps on my machine that may do one of these conversions (like VLC for video files, Preview for images, or OCENAudio for audio) but it'd be nice if Alfred could easily do these kinds of conversions via Workflow. Should I hold my breath? Thanks
  10. I do a lot of screencasting and screen sharing on Zoom, and I also use Alfred's Snippets feature, which displays the expanded text on screen when it's invoked. I'm afraid I will someday soon expose some sensitive data on my screen when I use snippets while sharing. I'd really like the ability to mark certain snippets as "hidden" so they do not display like the example below. I think this would greatly enhance the security of the data we store in Snippets. Thanks for considering.
  11. If Packal has indeed joined the walking dead, is there a new and improved alternative to it? The user experience of being able to search for workflows directly from within Alfred was a huge improvement over navigating this forum to try and find updated workflows.
  12. I use a variety of browsers between home and work, and while my Alfred settings nicely sync between my different computers, my bookmarks do not. I'd love it if I could sync my browser bookmarks to Alfred so they'd be accessible when I search the web.
  13. Thanks for your response, Vitor, I guess I should clarify -- I don't want Alfred to actually open the Finder menu on my Mac, but I wanted to be able to invoke the "Copy Share URL" action once I find the file using Alfred's file search. After posting, I found this workflow that does what I want for Dropbox: And also this one: http://www.packal.org/workflow/copy-dropbox-link My work uses Box.com, and I was hoping that a similar workflow could be developed for that service.
  14. Greetings, Alfred Community, I use several cloud file sync apps like Dropbox, GDrive, Evernote, and Box.com. Most of these tools add a context menu to my desktop Finder window, allowing me to instantly share a file and copy the share URL to the clipboard. I love to use Alfred to FIND all those files quickly on my desktop, but it would be awesome to be able to copy a share URL right from Alfred instead of doing "Show in Finder" and right-clicking the context menu. First world problems, I know, but we're all about speed in here, and this would make many of us extra speedy.... Thanks for reading! Ted
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