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  1. The dropbox link here is dead and I can't seem to find this anywhere. Do you still have and use this? I had this on my last work computer and used it constantly, I lost it at some point in the transition to a new job and I'd love to get it back again.
  2. Small update. I saw this option https://cl.ly/2v1O3x163D2B and while `shift` doesn't seem to do anything, `CMD+Y` does the following: https://cl.ly/1n0F1i3C0b23 I'm satisfied enough with that, but would still like to know if it's possible to do so in that preview pane as well.
  3. Maybe a setting was changed in the update, and this is as simple as modifying a setting that I'm not sure where to find? I used to be able to preview gifs with the following sequence of actions: use a workflow that simply searches through my gifs folder, select a file through a query, Press `fn` key and see a preview of the file. All of this still happens but now I no longer get the active preview? Is there a way to get this back? I'm sure there are much better ways to do this as well, but I've grown accustomed to that workflow and like using it for quickly previewing gifs. I've included a video and gif of me going through it (I know some people hate gifs) Everything works as it used to, but now I get gifs as an image with a white border instead of a preview of them playing. Thanks again and sorry if the answer is obvious, I promise I searched around the settings and forum a bit before asking (but it is after 4 pm on a Friday ?) https://cl.ly/3T253Y003U2a <---Video https://cl.ly/2A273i2W2R38 <---Gif
  4. First of all, I love this workflow and use it constantly. Recently it started showing weird behaviour; not always showing the notification, never showing current timers, and sometimes it just worked and others it never went off. I just deleted the workflow and reinstalled from here, with migrated settings (pretty sure i never changed anything) And now it works, but doesnt show me the confirmation notification, doesn't show in current timers, and doesn't notify me when it goes, off, just rings. I'll include the debug log of me trying "timer 1 TEST" [2016-11-18 13:43:46][STDERR: input.scriptfilter] ls: /Users/Benjamski/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/carlosnz.eggtimer2/recent_timers: No such file or directory ls: /Users/Benjamski/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/carlosnz.eggtimer2/running_timers: No such file or directory ls: /Users/Benjamski/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/carlosnz.eggtimer2/running_autotimers: No such file or directory ls: /Users/Benjamski/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/carlosnz.eggtimer2/running_alarms: No such file or directory [2016-11-18 13:43:46][input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0"?> <items> <item uid="newtimer" arg="newtimer" valid="yes"> <title>New Timer</title> <subtitle>Create a new timer with EggTimer</subtitle> <icon>icon.png</icon> </item> <item uid="newalarm" arg="newalarm" valid="yes"> <title>New Alarm</title> <subtitle>Create a new alarm with EggTimer</subtitle> <icon>resources/icon_alarm.png</icon> </item> <item uid="timer" arg="" valid="no"> <title>No timers or alarms currently running</title> <subtitle>Enter "timer help" for usage instructions.</subtitle> <icon>icon.png</icon> </item> </items> [2016-11-18 13:43:47][input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0"?> <items> <item uid="newtimer" arg="new 1 Reminder" valid="yes"> <title>New Timer:</title> <subtitle>"Reminder" in 1 minute</subtitle> <icon>icon.png</icon> </item></items> [2016-11-18 13:43:48][input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0"?> <items> <item uid="newtimer" arg="new 1 Reminder" valid="yes"> <title>New Timer:</title> <subtitle>"Reminder" in 1 minute</subtitle> <icon>icon.png</icon> </item></items> [2016-11-18 13:43:49][input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0"?> <items> <item uid="newtimer" arg="new 1 T" valid="yes"> <title>New Timer:</title> <subtitle>"T" in 1 minute</subtitle> <icon>icon.png</icon> </item></items> [2016-11-18 13:43:49][input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0"?> <items> <item uid="newtimer" arg="new 1 TE" valid="yes"> <title>New Timer:</title> <subtitle>"TE" in 1 minute</subtitle> <icon>icon.png</icon> </item></items> [2016-11-18 13:43:49][input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0"?> <items> <item uid="newtimer" arg="new 1 TES" valid="yes"> <title>New Timer:</title> <subtitle>"TES" in 1 minute</subtitle> <icon>icon.png</icon> </item></items> [2016-11-18 13:43:49][input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0"?> <items> <item uid="newtimer" arg="new 1 TEST" valid="yes"> <title>New Timer:</title> <subtitle>"TEST" in 1 minute</subtitle> <icon>icon.png</icon> </item></items> [2016-11-18 13:43:52][input.scriptfilter] Processing output of 'action.script' with arg 'new 1 TEST' [2016-11-18 13:43:52][action.script] Processing output of 'output.notification' with arg 'Reminder in 1 minute: "TEST"' I did notice the missing directories at the top, but I don't know enough about what they should be to want to dig in there without sound advice? Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for any help!
  5. What does that workflow look like for you? I have a few different web templates (rails, express, javascript, ember) that I'd like to be able to open as a scaffold for new projects via workflow. And it sounds like I could do something like that. ideally, it would go something like on keyword template with argument rails or express etc it would open the corresponding template directory in atom, maybe even throw in a git init too. Looks like just opening the files on command is easy enough.
  6. Has anyone found a solution the OPs question? I've been trying to figure out a way to do it with no success. I've tried using both Unlock your mac remote and the remote key workflows to no joy.
  7. I've always loved this workflow, and had only minor issues with it (usually me forgetting the syntax) but this latest update is fantastic. It's so much more intuitive and I use it constantly. Thanks for the great work!
  8. Can anyone give me some use cases for alfred remote that they actually do use? I've been toying with it for a while and it's great, I just haven't found anything to consistently use it for. Basically locking my computer when I walk away from it at WeWork or somewhere public, and controlling spotify while at home. Beyond that I haven't found the big aha use case that I'm hoping to. What have you all been using it for?
  9. Has anyone figured out how to get this or this to work from the lock screen. I've gotten the workflow I linked working just fine from screensaver or sleep but can't figure out how to get it to run from the lock screen. I have my password set in the workflow and my login screen set to default to me as a user with just the password form but no dice as of yet.
  10. Thanks Jack! I haven't had any issues with the workflow with Alfred3 ( I know because I use it constantly) but I'll keep that in mind.
  11. Strange. Have you tried just reinstalling it? Unless you've made significant customizations to it, there's nothing to lose. Still not sure why that would change anything either though. I've definitley run into some issues with some of my favorite workflows being unusable since updating to Alfred3, but that isn't one of them.
  12. I'm running Alfred 3 as well and haven't run into any issues. When you open the workflow and double click the "r script filter" does it look like this? Maybe it changed the search filter settings in Alfred under the features tab, file search settings. I don't see why, as mine didn't do that. Also try just uninstalling and reinstalling the workflow as well.
  13. Ah! Even better! I was mixing up the order of at / time / reminder as reminder/ at / time Thanks! I've been using this workflow constantly and this will make it even better. Now if only the reminders app was a little more full-featured.
  14. That's actually pretty cool. Anyone have an idea of what I would need to incorporate into my gif workflow to make that work in it? That alfred file navigator must me something I can access from any workflow right?
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