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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. I'm not seeing the screenshots... could you pop them in an email to our info@ email address and I'll take a look
  2. Whoa that sounds amazing!! Which Onkyo amp do you have?
  3. Hmm as far as I can think, there isn't... but I guess there should be! I've added a feature request ticket to look into adding this by default. Cheers, Andrew
  4. Are you just using the default Terminal.app? If so, double check that Terminal.app is selected in Alfred's Features > Terminal preferences. Also maybe try restarting just in case Shell has borked. Cheers, Andrew
  5. I suspect that you may have Shuffle enabled in iTunes. Unfortunately, Apple removed the ability for Alfred to turn off Shuffle using AppleScript a few major versions of iTunes ago. If you turn off Shuffle in iTunes manually and try again, I suspect things should work as expected
  6. You are definitely correct that it's a Bonjour issue, but I'm not sure what could be causing it. I wonder, could you temporarily create a new user account on your Mac, quit Alfred, switch accounts and try from there? There may be something on your primary account which is interfering with Bonjour operating. Cheers, Andrew
  7. You can turn off the confirmation for Eject All (or any of the system commands) by double clicking on the Eject All item in Alfred's Remote prefs and unticking Confirm
  8. Could you please drag a chrome bundled app into this tool and paste the output: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.1.zip Cheers, Andrew
  9. You may just find that your office network is blocking broadcast / multicast which would stop OS X's bonjour from operating. Have you tried (from scratch) on your home network?
  10. Are any workflows working, or non at all? Also, have you done any custom installs of the standard scripting languages e.g. php? You could try temporarily creating a new user account, switching to that user, activating the Powerpack and trying from there. This would see if you had an issue only with your main account.
  11. Are there any errors showing in Console.app? This looks like it could be a lower level issue than Alfred.
  12. When you reindexed, did you do it from the shortcut in Alfred's Advanced prefs? If so, did you select the option to delete the /.Spotlight-V100 folder? If not, this can usually remove any corruption or indexing oddities.
  13. Could you please check if 1Password's bookmarks-default.json file exists in one of the following folders in your home folder: ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/3rd Party Integration/ ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword4-helper/Data/Library/3rd Party Integration/ ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/3rd Party Integration/ You can get to the home ~/Library folder by selecting Finder, clicking the Go menu item and holding alt. ~/Library will appear. Cheers, andrew
  14. I'm just having a play with this now and have decided that if you set tab to show actions then backtab will auto complete (i.e. shift+tab). This will be documented in the subtext under Alfred's Features > File Search > Actions > Show Actions prefs. This will be in the next release Cheers, Andrew
  15. Great, glad it's all working again [moving to closed]
  16. Strange - could you try disabling it in Alfred's Features > Clipboard preferences, then re-enabling it and perhaps changing the amount of time it's persisted for. Also, could you double check that the time is correctly set on your Mac... If it's wrong, clipboard entries could be being purged from the db before you are seeing them. Cheers, Andrew
  17. Was Alfred quit when you removed the clipboard.alfdb file? If so, when restarting Alfred, did this file get recreated? Cheers, Andrew
  18. Alfred currently uses a very similar connection method to Logic Remote which favours WiFi over bluetooth due to the better reliability and faster speeds (which is really noticeable when transferring the initial icon images, instant on WiFi and more than 30 seconds on bluetooth). The current fallback to bluetooth is based on a similar method provided by Apple for Logic Remote: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202765 You shouldn't need to reinstall your Mac or iPhone, but the OS X pairing to iOS should work and is out of Alfred's control. At this point, I'm not sure what to suggest to help you get this part working... perhaps temporarily quitting Alfred, creating a new user account, switching to that user and trying the bluetooth connection from there? It's also worth saying that native bluetooth pairing will be coming to Alfred in the future as fallback if WiFi isn't available.
  19. Could you open the Evernote workflow in Alfred's workflow preferences and click the little bug icon (top right), then try to run the workflow again. If there is an error with this workflow, it will be echoed out there. Cheers, Andrew [i'm going to move this to the workflow help section]
  20. You can copy the selected row in Alfred's clipboard history by using cmd+c on the selected item (this is essentially the same as using cmd+2 if the second row was selected). That way, you can leave the paste on return behaviour for when you want to use that in a different app. Cheers, Andrew
  21. Hi there, This is done by design to help massage the search results to be more accurate from OS X's metadata server. You can actually turn off touching the folder in Alfred's Features > File Search > Advanced preferences: "Touch folders after opening them". Cheers, Andrew
  22. Have you enabled 3rd party integration within 1Password's advanced preferences?
  23. For question 1, could you please provide the IP addresses and subnets of the devices so I can see if there could potentially be a VLAN issue. For question 2, if it's an office network, there is a chance that the devices are on a different VLAN or have wifi isolation. Question 1 may help answer this. Thanks, Andrew
  24. Excellent! [moving to closed]
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