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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Hi there, Could you please answer the following 5 questions, this will aid me in identifying where your issue might be: http://support.alfredapp.com/remote:troubleshooting-questions Cheers, Andrew
  2. I've been meaning to look into this for a while... I'll see what I can do
  3. I've added a ticket to investigate this
  4. You can force Alfred into English in his Advanced prefs under the "Force keyboard" section.
  5. There are workarounds for now, but osascript JavaScript mode will likely make it into the script selection choices in the future. [Moved to workflow help]
  6. After typing 'reload' into Alfred, are other apps still showing up? Is TextSoap showing up in Spotlight?
  7. OS X's metadata server doesn't allow for non-recursive search queries, but if you use Alfred's file system navigation, you can [wildcard] search within a single folder. To do this, firstly, find the folder you want to search in then press cmd+down which will navigate into that folder, then start typing the name of the file you want to search for. e.g. rubiks, or *cube. To make searching for folders even easier, you could use the folder search workflow filter in Alfred's workflow examples. Cheers, Andrew
  8. Do you have any other apps which may be interfering with the keyboard combo on the Mac it's not working on? If you aren't sure, temporarily creating a new user account, switching to that user, (activating the Powerpack), then trying there as a fresh user.
  9. Could you check if the file buffer is enabled in Alfred's Features > File Search > Buffer prefs? Cheers, Andrew
  10. Hi there, Thanks for buying the Powerpack! You are indeed correct, you can use your single license on both your laptop and your desktop Cheers, Andrew
  11. I believe OS X doesn't index dot files. To get to these files though, you just need to type ~ into Alfred, then . and it will show you the dot files for that folder in the file system navigation
  12. Can you search for a BusyContact in Spotlight? If so, you should be able to configure Alfred to search for and open contacts in BusyContact.
  13. A few people have reported this since updating to 10.10.2, so I wonder if Apple have changed (broken) something with word matching in the metadata server as it has only affected a couple of people. First, if you could try reindexing OS X from Alfred's advanced prefs. If that doesn't seem to help, you could always replace the built in open filter with a workflow which doesn't do word based matching... here is one to get you started with keyword 'o': https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Replacement%20File%20Filter.alfredworkflow Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  14. Perfect, thanks! I've just updated that list. I also removed escaping dollars for Python then tested each set of defaults with the query string... < `"\();$bob'> and they all output the exact string. Does the final list look good? Thanks for the original suggestion on this, it should really ease getting started with scripts. Cheers, Andrew
  15. Thanks Dean! Because we are wrapping in double quotes, can a space be put around the = sign for all of the language types without adding whitespace (to make things look more consistent). Cheers, Andrew
  16. Hey Shawn, Thanks! Alfred's defaults assume wrapped in " marks, so if I escape backquote, you just see \` in the output... I've added backquotes in ruby and perl now though which doesn't affect the output. I'll update above! Cheers, Andrew
  17. So these are the defaults I have, could you correct me if any are inaccurate, thanks! [uPDATED] bash, zsh: Backquotes, Double Quotes, Backslashes, Dollars query="{query}" php: Double Quotes, Backslashes, Dollars $query = "{query}"; ruby: Backquotes, Double Quotes, Backslashes, Dollars query = "{query}" python: Double Quotes, Backslashes query = "{query}" perl: Backquotes, Double Quotes, Backslashes, Dollars $query = "{query}"; osascript: Double Quotes, Backslashes set theQuery to "{query}" Cheers, Andrew
  18. The script is wired up so should run, my guess is it's the escaping options causing the issue... try changing the bash escaping for both to: Let me know how you get on
  19. I can reproduce this, but there isn't anything I could change in Alfred to affect this behaviour and I suspect that it could be an OS X bug (as Alfred simply asks OS X to launch an app and doesn't actually fettle with the focus subsystem at all). I can offer an alternative shortcut which seems to be consistently reliable. If you use cmd+shift+? it opens the help search menu (with the focus up at the menu). This also gives you the advantage of then being able to simply search for the menu item you are looking for instead of having to navigate to it with the arrow keys. Hope this helps Cheers, Andrew
  20. I'm not entirely sure there is much I can do in Alfred to modify this behaviour which is controlled by OS X and the underlying applications. Is there a way to reproduce this in e.g. Sublime Text without using Alfred?
  21. Thank you so much for this Katherine, this is fantastic! Vero is now preparing a blog post and support article for this today!
  22. I think this is quite a reasonable idea... I'll add a note to consider expanding the file buffer to be a general results buffer in the future
  23. I think dfay has a great idea here... and gives you even more flexibility. If you setup apps to toggle visibility (show / hide), then have one button on the page of apps which can quit the current app. There are a number of issues with regards to "toggle" launching / quitting an app which would make it confusing even if you had configured it this way... Currently: With the toggling show / hide, if the app is not current it brings it to the front and shows it. If it is visible, you are hiding it. You are always working with the correct context and the feedback happening on the Mac when you tap the button is a little more obvious. Toggling Launch Quit: If an app is launched but not visible, you would want tapping the button to bring it to the front... it would quit the app instead as it's already running. This could be made more intelligent to show if hide, then quit if visible, then launch if not launched, but then it confuses the behaviour with the show hide toggle and could potentially confuse the user. While I haven't discarded this idea altogether, I haven't seen people request this before so I'll have to see if there is any other interest in this before taking it further. Cheers, Andrew
  24. It's definitely going to be an option, and will default to {query} for current workflows. I'd like to keep extra environment vars to a bare minimum... as I understand, the python ones are essential to stop things from breaking for P3.
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