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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. This is coming in the next release which should make this task much easier...
  2. That's the same as I have here so should work fine. Could you try just showing and hiding Alfred to see if you get the same behaviour? Cheers, Andrew
  3. Alfred Remote shouldn't be asking to connect to the iTunes store when it starts unless something is wrong - could you pop an email to our info@ address, as this issue will need to be sorted before you have a chance of connecting! Cheers, Andrew
  4. This has been requested before. I've been researching and I'll be considering other methods of connection for Alfred Remote in the future including the possibility of using Apple's handoff technology once it matures.
  5. This is definitely an oddity outside of Alfred's control (as Alfred doesn't tell OS X which app to focus when hiding). I've been able to reproduce this in the past but am currently unable to. Out of interest, what settings do you have selected in the Mission Control prefs regarding spaces?
  6. Sorry, I meant trim, not contat... as there seems to be a forced size limit for environment variables through shell or NSTask where I'm getting the posix error on launch. The only way around this would be to either trim massive inputs or to just not run the NSTask when the input query is huge. By having the user select the different mode for the query argument, the help text would update... or the escaping tickboxes would be hidden etc, just making things a bit more clear really.
  7. It would be an option per script, strictly for memory reasons. The argument is passed into every currently matching workflow (system and user) for every character typed. Alfred would need to allocate 3 times the memory for setting the environment var, string replacing the {query} and passing into STDIN and if somebody were to paste in a huge chunk of text, this could make Alfred appear bloated until OS X purged inactive memory - this doesn't fit with my ethos for being as lightweight as possible at all times. It would also allow highlighting the nuances between the different options e.g. escaping needed for {query} replacement, and [possible] concat query trimming or failure with env var.
  8. Thanks for your insight and research into this... I'll add LC_CTYPE as UTF-8 to the NSTask environment As for queries, there is no hard limit on query size in 2.6 (for 2.6.1, I've actually added artificial limits for certain aspects which helps speed things up and prevent Alfred from bloating, e.g. sending hundreds of characters into an address book api query)... so basically, if somebody pasted the source code to the universe into Alfred, it would attempt to pass that to your script as {query}. I think I may still do the environment variable for {query} but give a caveat that if that mode is selected, queries longer than e.g. 1k chars will automatically be discarded. Cheers, Andrew
  9. To use a specific script language (or location), the best thing to do is select one of the built in ones (e.g. bash) and then bootstrap over to the language you would like to use. Alfred sets the pwd to the workflow's folder so you could do something as simple as: /usr/local/opt/php56/bin/php ./scriptname.php "{query}" ...where scriptname.php is a script stored in the workflow's folder. There are a quite a few workflows which already do this, so you aren't alone! Cheers, Andrew
  10. Thanks for the explanation... I've put the environment variable in for the next release and I'll play it by ear later
  11. I've been playing with environment variables today and it works very well indeed... having said that, unfortunately, when passing very large arguments you get a posix spawn error, so I think this may be a no-go. I'll add the PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 though - From your experience, can I just blanket add that without adding another selectable option and it won't break previous stuff? Cheers, Andrew
  12. I do agree with this... One other thing which could be useful is if the script has yet to be populated, provide a default assigned variable for the escaping for that language... e.g. $q = "{query}"; I already have a ticket to look into envs and stdin, but I may escalate that too. Cheers, Andrew
  13. While I definitely agree with this, it's not quite as simple as a correct set of escaping options for a given language... it depends upon how people use {query} within the script (for example, they may wrap it in quotes, single or double). In the future, I want to offer alternative methods for passing in the query argument (e.g. an environment variable or using stdin, in which case, they shouldn't have to be escaped). Cheers, Andrew
  14. A number of users have setup port forwarding on their router and setting the direct IP address as their external IP address, this allows direct connection from outside your local network. Your suggestion of using e.g iCloud Sync (and files) to run commands fundamentally couldn't work for a few reasons, one primary reason being that if your Mac goes to sleep, it may not run commands until the next time you wake it, which could be days later (iCloud isn't in real time).
  15. What kind of network configuration do you have? With my Apple Airport Extreme, Alfred Remote reconnects so quickly that you don't even know the reconnection is taking place when you launch the app - the icons are just there. It could be Apple's Bonjour being slow on your network, have you tried configuring Alfred Remote to directly connect to your Mac's IP?
  16. So I can see why this is happening - Alfred queues task from individual script action objects to prevent bloating. This should probably not be the case and allow scripts to run concurrently... I'm doing a little bit of analysis in this area and should hopefully have a fix for you. This shouldn't block Alfred though - Would you mind emailing the workflow which is causing the issue to our info@ email address so I could take a look? Cheers, Andrew
  17. If you'd like those found by default, you'd have to drag them into the section under the [Advanced] button
  18. What type of media files aren't being found? If it's images, you may just need to reindex your OS X metadata (shortcut in Alfred's Adv. prefs) as some of the files may have lost their content type. Prefixing with spacebar searches all types so would find images regardless of type.
  19. What do you have selected to show in Alfred's default results? I actually recommend to have less stuff setup in Alfred's default results and then use the spacebar trick for file search. This leaves Alfred faster and more accurate by default which is especially important if you start using lots of workflows. Cheers, Andrew
  20. You may be right... NSTask constrains the UTF-8 normalisation outside of Alfred's control... I wrote a little command line app which helps in this instance in the following thread which also contains discussion about this issue: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2015-encoding-issue/ Let me know if that helps?
  21. I've had a bit of a play with this and come up with the following workflow: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Strip%20smart%20quotes.alfredworkflow It allows you to select some text (in e.g. Textedit), hit the hotkey and have the text replaced with the smart quotes removed. Cheers, Andrew
  22. Could you share the workflow you have created, it may be a simple case of the script escaping in Alfred. [moved to workflow help]
  23. Sorry about the slow reply on this, I didn't have the correct environment setup to test... I'm seeing the correct character on both my iPad and iPhone (both on iOS 8.1.3) and trying with 10.9 and 10.10. Could you be pasting in a non standard UTF8 char? (I copied and pasted the ยต character you used above). Cheers, Andrew
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