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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Alfred should be perfectly happy with this... are you using the file search mode (open keyword, or prefixing your search with [spacebar]?)... Cheers, Andrew
  2. Alfred currently doesn't have dynamic filtering built in (something planned for the future)... you can achieve this pretty easily with a file filter workflow though, but each filter you setup will be fixed to the keyword you set for it e.g. "map". Under the workflow examples ([+] button in Workflow prefs), there is folder filter example "Filter for folders in home". Add that, then under the Advanced settings of the File Filter object, add the tag metadata item and set the tag to 'map' like this: Configure the keyword in the basic setup tab to represent a keyword search like 'fmap', also remove the folder file type below that and then in Alfred, you'll be able to search for map files using e.g. fmap europe. Let me know if you need any help, I'd be happy to create an example workflow for you
  3. As Tyler suggests, Alfred doesn't use OS X's Accessibility features for text interaction, and as such, cannot reposition the cursor after pasting. Having said that, depending on what you need to do, you could create a workflow which pastes a text snippet and populates additional text within the snippet in place (I assume that's why you want to reposition the cursor?) Cheers, Andrew
  4. I've added a ticket to consider what can be done about this. I agree that there should be an alternative mechanism for autocomplete if the tab key has been used for actions. While this is a good idea in theory, some of the 3rd party workflow script filters will give you different results after auto completing with tab which, means you wouldn't be able to get to the action. It may simply be another key combo.
  5. I was a bit over zealous with the query filtering... here is a better one to try: https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/Alfred_2.6.1_376.zip Also, 40MB ram isn't high if you are pasting in large chucks of text. Alfred is running the entered query through all relevant workflows including any scripts or script filters which may match, which is all added to the usage shown in Activity Monitor. If a script is using lots of ram, there isn't much Alfred can do about this other than tidy up after the script has finished. You shouldn't be seeing this grow over time though (If you want to monitor this, use Instruments, not Activity Monitor) - I've profiled this latest build and it's without leaks so any growing allocation will be marked as inactive by OS X and cleaned at some point later. Either way, I think this latest build will give you the best behaviour based on what you were experiencing above. Cheers, Andrew
  6. The BT Home Hub should work great with Alfred Remote... so I'm wondering if Little Snitch is getting in the way. The process which should be allowed access is "Alfred Remote Server" - could you try disabling Little Snitch? Also, if you have OS X's firewall enabled, turn that off for a moment too.
  7. Your network looks like it should be compatible... what router do you have? Do you have wireless isolation enabled? Also, do you have any other wireless devices which connect to your Mac such as an AirPlay device?
  8. Right, I've put in some arbitrary discard limits to stop Alfred from performing certain actions when it's obvious that they shouldn't be run, for example... when pasting in that angular js, don't use OS X's metadata server to search for files and don't use the Contacts API to search for contacts (these were the two big culprits). If you could grab this test build and let me know how you get on: -- build removed, see newer build below -- Note that there is still a little pause when handling the large text pasted in, but this should no longer freeze Alfred or make him use GBs of memory. Cheers, Andrew
  9. I'm currently looking into this off the back of a conversation I've been having with Tyler this past week. Essentially, there are some situations where Alfred should just ignore the query when the input gets too big. I'll post back in this thread with my findings, but I've already made some progress on improving this situation
  10. opt+cmd+\ is Alfred's file selection hotkey (i.e. show Alfred's action panel for the selected file in Finder). You can change or disable this in Alfred's Features > File Search > Actions preferences. The funk sound will be if there is no file selection in Finder when you use this combo. Let me know if that helps Cheers, Andrew
  11. This is a good point... I'll add a "Delete" item in the popup menu too!
  12. The behaviour of this can depend on a few things, sometimes down to the target app's focus behaviour. First thing to try is set Alfred to show on the active display (in Alfred's Appearance > Options). If this doesn't work... try just showing Alfred and then hiding him to see where the focus flows. I know that Google Chrome exhibits incorrect behaviour where the focus always returns to a window on the primary display when it shouldn't do. Cheers, Andrew
  13. Spotlight will automatically find files on an OS X Server if the indexing is working correctly on the server. You may just need to reindex the OS X Server, and make sure Spotlight indexing is enabled for connected clients. I'm not too familiar with OS X Server, so somebody here may be able to help out with the specific details of this. Cheers, Andrew
  14. Do you have anything installed which enables Spotlight to be able to search using pinyin? I've named a file 我的文档 and when I use Spotlight (or use mdls), can't see any reference to wodewendang, and 我的文档 isn't found. Cheers, Andrew
  15. Is Spotlight able to find files on the network drive? Alfred uses the same underlying OS X metadata to search for files as Spotlight, so this will give a good indication if the issue lies in the metadata. Cheers, Andrew
  16. Setting your Mac to have a static IP shouldn't affect anything... UNLESS, you have set your static IP to be within your routers DHCP range. This means that your router could theoretically assign your static IP to another device. On my Airport Extreme, I have setup the DHCP range to be - This leaves a static for the router itself and - for statically allocated IP addresses. I have the wired Macs on my network with a static IP address and any wireless devices such as my B&W A5 and printer to DHCP... they both work fine with AirPlay and AirPrint. Other than this, assigning a static IP shouldn't affect anything. Let me know if you need any more help! Cheers, Andrew
  17. You could try setting Alfred to "Use Spotlight metadata for searching contacts" in Alfred's Contacts > Advanced preferences, then Alfred will search for the adcdp files. If BusyContacts hasn't done so already, you could try re-associating that file type with BusyContacts instead of Contacts.app? Failing that, a simple workflow to search for contact file types then opening in BusyContacts should be possible
  18. Thanks for confirming! I will update the text in the preferences to better reflect this behaviour and to remove confusion. Thanks for your help with this Cheers, Andrew
  19. I'm re-familiarising myself with the window position behaviour, and it looks like in "default screen" mode with "save position" unticked, you can drag Alfred to the screen you would like him to show on. He will then show in the position shown in the "Where he shows" appearance options pref on the last screen you selected. This seems to work as expected on 10.9 and 10.10, so it looks like the text needs to be updated to reflect this. Is this the behaviour you are seeing? Cheers, Andrew
  20. To reproduce: With Show Alfred on "default screen".... Select "Save position when dragging Alfred main window", drag onto secondary monitor then deselect "Save position when dragging Alfred Main window". Alfred will continue to show on secondary screen. [moved into bug reports so as to investigate further]
  21. I've played with this a little more and it looks like there is a scenario where it will take the saved screen position over the "Show Alfred on" setting. Could you select "Save position when dragging Alfred main window" and drag it onto the screen you would like it on... this is another way to achieve what you want.
  22. I fully agree with you, the update process isn't very smooth and this is something which I have had planned in for overhaul for some time. You can definitely expect improvement in this area in the future!
  23. Which OS are you using? I've just tested this on this machine (10.9) and when Alfred's "default screen" is selected, Alfred shows on the screen where the menu bar is displayed in OS X's display settings... no need to reboot, the update is instant.
  24. Alfred is simply asking OS X to launch the selected app. I've had a play with this and I get the same behaviour if I double click LaunchPad from the /Applications folder in Finder, so it looks like this is a bug with OS X.
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