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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Not at this point, but I have a ticket for this
  2. This will more likely affect inconsistent latency, and for a tiny script like this, I would have it cache the complied AppleScript as it will only use a few more kb of memory. Glad you are happy with the solution Cheers, Andrew
  3. Hi there, There isn't a command in Alfred to start and stop the remote server, but I think this is a good opportunity to reassure you that having the server running won't impact battery life. Alfred Remote Server does nothing at idle. Any activations are interrupt or notification based, so it will happy sit using 0% CPU until it's needed. Therefore, alongside other idle default OS X services which are waiting for network connections, having Alfred Remote Server running when you aren't using it won't use any additional battery on your Mac Laptop. When it comes to your iOS device, I have specifically engineered Alfred Remote on iOS to disconnect from the server when the app isn't visible on your iOS device. At this point, Alfred Remote yields to iOS and is placed into an inactive state. So again, this won't be using any additional battery. Cheers, Andrew
  4. Did you change the trigger behaviour like I suggested... that should remove the lag (unless there is AppleScript lag)
  5. If you hold your finger down on the listed connection in Alfred Remote, you can move connections around or select the (X) button to remove
  6. One option could be to set the default Alfred hotkey to something obscure, then setup an Alfred Workflow with Hotkey -> AppleScript. The hotkey could be your Alfred hotkey of cmd+space configured to not be active when Photoshop is active... then the AppleScript action could be: tell application "Alfred 2" to search To make this as speedy as possible, right click in the hotkey field and set the trigger behaviour to "pass through modifier keys" Hope this helps! Cheers, Andrew
  7. Here you go... http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/5138-change-the-alfred-theme-within-a-workflow/#entry31375 In OS X's Script Editor, you can open Alfred's AppleScript dictionary which tells you Alfred's AppleScript methods Cheers, Andrew
  8. I've added a ticket to look into this Cheers, Andrew
  9. Ah sorry about this, oversight on my part! I hadn't updated the legacy default scope (OS X user defaults) which was then getting migrated over the real default scope (Alfred.alfredpreferences) on initial startup. I have made the code change to get this fixed in 2.6.1. Thanks very much for the super clear bug report too! Cheers, Andrew
  10. Alfred needs to hide by intrinsic design for many of the actions (such as pasting), so staying on screen isn't really an option for now. This is something that I'm aware of though, so if possible in the future, this may change. Is there a particular reason you need or want Alfred to stay on screen?
  11. Are the solutions above not working for you? This should override the "open in finder" behaviour.
  12. Just to manage your expectations on this, Alfred Remote is still really new and the protocol is likely to evolve and change in the coming releases. I won't be encouraging or supporting reverse engineering. Having said that, once Remote settles and becomes established in the future, I may provide a more published and open way to interact with Alfred which will allow for 3rd party integrations. Cheers, Andrew
  13. Thanks very much! Vero will be posting some videos over the next few weeks of how to do what you need. Essentially, you can add remote triggers in the workflows and connect these up to the required inputs and actions, then you can trigger your workflows directly and visually from your iOS device Cheers, Andrew
  14. Hi there, One option is this help workflow: http://www.packal.org/workflow/workflow-help-workflows which outputs all the info about your workflows. Another option is to use Alfred Remote which allows you to hook up buttons on your iPhone / iPad to workflows instead of hotkeys and actions. This way, you don't need to remember them, just swipe and select on your iOS device Cheers, Andrew
  15. Thanks for the kind words! There may possibly be landscape mode on the iPhone 5s (like there is on the 6 and 6+), I have a note to fiddle with this. There is a bit of a shortage of screen real estate so smaller iPhones would need a bespoke landscape layout. Cheers, Andrew
  16. Have you tried temporarily turning off the firewall? Also, could you try quitting Alfred and creating a new user account on your Mac, switching to that user and trying from there? There may be something on your main profile which is interfering with Alfred's connection. Cheers, Andrew
  17. This is almost certainly in the roadmap for Alfred Remote
  18. One thing is for sure... this is just the start for Alfred Remote! Stay tuned
  19. I've added a ticket to look into this... it shouldn't be too hard to add a direct "Run Automator Workflow" action into remote (and likely workflows too). This would essentially use the shell workflow command under the hood but make it less of a faf to work directly with Automator! Cheers, Andrew
  20. You can check if your IP address is static in OS X's network settings... even if it's not, it might be worth setting up a direct connection from Alfred Remote to your IP address to see if it's a bonjour issue. Also, before restarting the server next time, could you open Activity Monitor and see if "Alfred Remote Server" is still running and not listed as "not responding". Cheers, Andrew
  21. I'll be adding a "Disable page for this Mac" option soon which will fix this scenario
  22. Thanks! I've been investigating other methods of connection (e.g. bluetooth and handoff), so stay tuned
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