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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. For anybody else with connection issues, there is now a new sub-forum for this... please create a separate topic per person (as debugging network issues can be very user specific) and please answer the listed 5 questions Cheers, Andrew
  2. Hi Craig, This is actually OS X's volume graphic, not Alfred's... not much I can do to fix this, sorry! Cheers, Andrew
  3. They look to be "compatible"... do you know if your work network has isolation enabled, or is preventing routing in any way?
  4. You may find that your work network has wifi isolation from your work machines, which would prevent a network connection from being made. What are the IP addresses and subnets of your iOS device and Mac at work?
  5. Would you mind quitting Alfred then creating a new user account on your Mac, switching to that user, starting Alfred Remote Server then trying to connect again... there may be something on your main user account preventing the connection from happening into your Mac. Cheers, Andrew
  6. Is there anything special about the Fritz-Box which could be preventing a connection? I've never heard of it.
  7. Interesting... Alfred runs scripts off the main thread so it shouldn't block things. I'll add a ticket to look into this!
  8. I'll be adding easier ways to dispatch key combinations in a future release of Alfred, so this should be made much easier
  9. It should absolutely reconnect automatically... I'm wondering if Bonjour is playing up on your iPhone or Mac. Have you tried rebooting both? Also, if your Mac has a static IP address on your network, you could always configure it as direct connection which bypasses Apple's device discovery stuff. One final thought... could your Mac be going to sleep? When the mac wakes up, it can take a second or two for Bonjour to kick in again.
  10. You may find that Bonjour doesn't work via Fritz-Box... have you tried setting up a direct connection from Remote?
  11. Could you try disabling Alfred Remote Server in Alfred's Remote prefs, then creating a new user account on your Mac, switching to that account and try running the server from there? This may rule out anything installed on your main profile which is preventing Alfred Remote from connecting. Many thanks, Andrew
  12. A few questions which may help to find out what's happening... 1. What type of network are you on, a home network or a corporate / collage network? 2. Could this network have wireless device isolation enabled? 3. What are the IP addresses and subnets of your iOS device and Mac. 4. Are you running anything like Little Snitch? 5. Have you pressed "Add iOS Remote" in Alfred's Remote preferences Thanks, Andrew [moving to Remote forum]
  13. Alfred isn't actually aware of the underlying syncing mechanism, so the reliability is more down to the service than Alfred (who monitors the Alfred.alfredpreferences package for updates wether it's stored locally or in a folder which is being synced). You can always keep a backup of the Alfred.alfredpreferences package just in case, as it's a simple case of quitting Alfred and switching that back out to fully restore settings.
  14. Try setting the Terminal to "Custom" in Alfred's Features > Terminal, and setting the script to: on alfred_script(q) tell application "iTerm" activate set _term to (make new terminal) tell _term launch session "Default" tell current session write text q end tell end tell end tell end alfred_script
  15. I wonder if this has done any lower level network configuration... could you try creating a new user account without that running to see if you can connect from there
  16. Alfred should be binding to all network interfaces (i.e. I can connect via cable or wifi on my iMac)... I hope a reboot helps solve your issue! :/
  17. They seem to be compatible... Assuming you've already restarted your Mac and iOS device, do you have the OS X firewall activated or any other software such as Little Snitch installed?
  18. Hmm tricky... this sounds like it should connect. Do you have the firewall setup on your Mac? Or something like little snitch?
  19. http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=496 (a bit of an old guide, but the same applies for newer iOS devices)
  20. Hmm interesting, not that I know of... maybe somebody on here could help with that - there may be some AppleScript or a low level command which could circumvent this.
  21. have you tried disabling and re-enabling the remote server from Alfred's remote preferences?
  22. I need to see that for both your Mac and your iOS device to see if they are on compatible networks
  23. I meant the IP addresses (and subnet) of your Mac and iOS device, not the mac address
  24. 10.10.1 is absolutely fine! Could you let me know the IP addresses of your iOS device and Mac? Are you on a home network or a corp / college network? Do you have a different network you could try?
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