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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. I thought you were wanting to turn off this option: Also, no keyboard as of yet... but stay tuned
  2. This confirmation will soon be moving to the iOS app, but for now, you can disable it altogether by double clicking on the reboot item in Alfred's remote preferences and unticking "confirm"
  3. Take a look at this amazing workflow, which includes 3 built in remote pages for controlling Spotify: http://alfred-spotify-mini-player.com Cheers, Andrew
  4. Have you tried setting up a direct connection? Are you on a home or work network?
  5. Which OS version do you have? Also, could you let me know the IP addresses and subnets of your Mac / iOS devices?
  6. I'm definitely going to provide a way to more easily dispatch specific key commands and combos to OS X in a future release of Alfred... this seems really popular
  7. What are the IP addresses and subnets of your Mac / iOS devices? That may provide a clue
  8. There is a little bug where you can't drag reorder a full page... if there is spare positions on a page, you can drag items to there! Will have this fixed in the next Alfred release
  9. I actually already have a note to consider adding installable "icon sets" into Alfred which would then be selectable in the image pickers, I think this would be a great addition
  10. When you say that it won't save, do you mean the save button is greyed out? Here are the steps you need... 1. When editing your workflow, add a [+] > Trigger > Remote object to your workflow 2. Configure this new trigger (the slide down sheet), setting the identifier to a string e.g. 'mytrigger' 3. Set the name for the trigger in the purple box to 'My Trigger' and drag in an icon. You should now see this: The trigger is now available as a button in the remote page preferences: Now all that's left to do is to go back to your workflow and connect the output of the remote trigger to any part of your workflow such as an action object... We will be creating videos to help you through the entire process within the next few weeks Hope this helps! Andrew
  11. I'll be moving the confirmation to iOS instead of the Mac in a future release... but you can disable the confirmation altogether in the remote item's settings in Alfred's Remote preferences.
  12. Hi Howard, You need to add a new Remote Trigger to your workflow. Once added, you'll be able to add this item to a remote page in Alfred's Remote prefs. http://support.alfredapp.com/workflows:config:triggers-remote We will be doing some video tutorials in the coming weeks which will take you through exactly this Cheers, Andrew
  13. Could you paste the response to the following two commands in Terminal: cd ~/Dropbox/Alfred ls -la Thanks, Andrew
  14. For those with a connection issue, would you mind temporarily creating a new user account on your Mac, switching to that new user, starting Alfred Remote Server from Alfred's Remote preferences in that account and trying from there? Cheers, Andrew
  15. Yes indeed, it will be the same commands as above but the first one you'll need to cd to the location of Alfred.alfredpreferences in your Dropbox. Mine is stored in ~/Dropbox/Alfred so I would type: cd ~/Dropbox/Alfred then run the xattr and chmod commands. Where have you set your sync folder to exactly and I can help you get to the correct folder in terminal. Cheers, Andrew
  16. the label at the bottom suggests it's still trying to connect. Have you tried rebooting both your devices? Also, if you have your firewall active on your Mac, could you try temporarily disabling it?
  17. You can setup Alfred Remote to connect directly to an IP (the "Direct" option when adding a new Alfred)... if you have port forwarding setup on your router, connecting to Alfred from outside your LAN is possible
  18. Thanks for the feedback chaps! I'll add a ticket
  19. When your iOS device shows your Mac, have you tapped the Mac to connect?
  20. Are there any details in Console.app showing an issue? Could you also try temporarily quitting LittleSnitch?
  21. We are going to have some video tutorials within the next month, I'll be sure to include this kind of thing
  22. This is available as an option in Alfred's preferences (in iOS's prefs)... "Prevent device from sleeping"
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