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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Could you try adding a direct connection as Bonjour may be blocked on your network... Number 4 on this page: http://support.alfredapp.com/tutorials:setting-up-remote Your Macs IP address and port will be listed in Alfred's Remote preferences next to the enable server tickbox. Let me know how you get on!
  2. Take a look here: http://support.alfredapp.com/remote:workflow-page
  3. There is a new Remote Trigger object you can add to your workflow which is then available from the [+] button when adding items for a remote page. You can even setup whole remote pages within a workflow which are exported with the workflow itself if you were to share it. http://support.alfredapp.com/workflows:config:triggers-remote We have some screencasts coming in the next month which will show you how to get the most from Alfred Remote Cheers, Andrew
  4. Your scope settings are one of the few things which aren't synced between your two Macs (as the two Macs may have different scope requirements), so you may have the required folder on one Mac, and removed from the other.
  5. Alfred's clipboard history is stored locally in your user account so is secure (particularly if you have File Vault enabled for OS X). Snippets are stored in plain text in the synced Alfred preferences file, so I wouldn't recommend storing sensitive information in there unless you are using a secure syncing service which you have full trust in. Cheers, Andrew
  6. iTerm2 has overhauled its AppleScript support which makes Alfred 2 currently incompatible. This is something I'm currently looking into, but the default Terminal support should work fine! Cheers, Andrew
  7. Do you have Alfred set to show on your active screen, in Alfred's Appearance > Options > "Show Alfred on"? Cheers, Andrew
  8. There may be a permissions issue preventing Alfred from deleting the workflows, perhaps pasting the following (bold things) in Terminal.app: Firstly, go to the Alfred 2 folder (this is the folder if you don't have Syncing setup): cd Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/ Next, remove any extended attributes on Alfred's prefs: xattr -rc Alfred.alfredpreferences Finally, reset the permissions on Alfred's prefs: chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX Alfred.alfredpreferences Things should now work as expected Cheers, Andrew
  9. Great, thanks for the update
  10. No worries at all! Glad you are sorted [moving to closed]
  11. I was just playing with this and it looks like you get some weird font kerning and rendering going on if you switch out the ellipsis... for example, when you see Search Google for '...' and the ... gets switched for real text where ... is the ellipsis character, the shape of "Search Google" changes slightly which looks weird. Seeing as using three dots for ellipsis isn't "wrong" as far as wikipedia says, I'm just going to leave this be. It also means that if there is a font which doesn't support the ellipsis in the future (when there is open ended font selection), then there won't be an issue. Cheers, Andrew
  12. Escape should definitely work in both of these cases. Could you open Console.app and see if anything odd is happening when you press Escape and it isn't closing? Also, do you have a standard Mac config (i.e. Apple keyboard) and any software installed which affects or maps the keyboard? Cheers, Andrew
  13. From Alfred's default results, Esc should always close the window regardless of the results showing. Is there a particular scenario where this isn't the case for you, or when there are valid results, does Alfred never close with Esc?
  14. That sounds like a likely scenario... Alfred is watching the clipboard counter for the clipboard merging. If you aren't using Alfred's clipboard merge feature, you could always disable this in Alfred's Clipboard prefs?
  15. Now that the folder is set to ~/Documents (and your actual settings are still sitting safe in dropbox), can you try quitting Alfred and deleting Alfred.alfredpreferences from ~/Documents then start Alfred again. You should now see a default setup of Alfred... if so, can you check if things are working correctly. This will help us understand if there is an issue or corruption in your Alfred.alfredpreferences which you have been using previously. Also, can you show me the output of the following two commands in Terminal.app: defaults read com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 defaults read com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences Thanks, Andrew
  16. As far as I'm aware, this isn't possible with Apple's cocoa APIs, but could be possible with a bit of bash scripting in an Alfred Workflow - it may be worth asking in the workflow help section to see if somebody has already done this?
  17. Did you move the preferences using the sync settings in Alfred's Advanced preferences (not manually)? If you restart Alfred, does the sync folder location still show correctly?
  18. If you temporarily move your sync folder outside of Dropbox (for example, ~/Documents), do things work as expected?
  19. Do you have any other apps which interact with the keyboard installed such as PopClip?
  20. Are the listed volumes on the same physical volume? Alfred uses NSWorkspace's unmountAndEjectDeviceAtURL method which un-mounts the physical volume which will disconnect all child volumes.
  21. The OS X notification centre screenshot looks like you are showing text in the title field... try putting {query} in the 'text' field of the workflow notification output. This then shows two lines for me (which I think is the max for OS X's NC)... not sure the behaviour in Growl as I don't have it installed on this Mac, but you may see improved behaviour!
  22. This is tricky as it would become extremely inefficient with large result sets. Alfred is very fast for file results as he creates and dispatches carefully crafted queries to the metadata server instead of requesting all results then subsequently filtering.
  23. Alfred just sends the text you pass to the outputs, so there may be something up with that text. Are there normal spaces used in the first line? If not, Growl may be having an issue recognising where to line break. Have you tried also setting this to Notification Centre instead of Growl to see what happens?
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