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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Hmm, if you drag the file which wasn't found into the file types of the workflow filter, do you get the .sffkey one added in there too? That file may have different metadata vs the keynote file you dragged in.
  2. You may find that it's just Chrome being naughty with it's focusing. If you just show then hide Alfred on a multi screen setup with Chrome active, Chrome will always switch its focus back to the primary window... unfortunately, there isn't much Alfred can do about this as he relies on the previously focused app refocusing correctly. A workaround to this behaviour is to select the item you want in Alfred's clipboard history and use cmd+c to copy the history item to the clipboard again without auto pasting, then you can paste it manually to the correct Chrome window.
  3. When searching specifically for a file type in Alfred's filter, it will be setting the file content type in the mdfind query (and the scope you have set). The mdfind you are doing searches your entire drive for all file types then grep through for the file types (which may not contain the correct metadata). This will potentially match more... Could you share your file filter workflow so I can take a look. Also, are the files not being found inside your search scope, if so, can you do an mdls on one of those files to check the kMDItemContentType. Cheers, Andrew
  4. Quick update, this is going to be a little more clever now... There will still be a custom fixed delay mode for if it suits your workflow better.
  5. Here are the options you'll now see from a "Script Behaviour" button in the Script Filter workflow preferences... This will give you the same behaviour as current Script Filters: This will wait until 300ms after the user has finished typing, terminate the currently running script for this Script Filter (if it is running), then run the script with the latest query: This will make it into Alfred 2.6 if I'm happy that it's working robustly and as expected. Cheers, Andrew
  6. Ah yeah, you are right... error takes priority. I'll fix that now.
  7. "All Information" also shows general internal stuff output by the different processors... for example, if you set to "All Information", you'll see the XML output listed in the debug view for a script processor.
  8. Anything logged to stderr will be shown in the "Errors and Warnings" mode regardless of script exit status... I may rename it to something like "Interesting Information" or something like that.
  9. This is more like what you'll see in 2.6... If there is an exit code other than 0, it's shown as ERROR and in red, else it's shown as STDERR in black. Output to stderr is shown with the log in the "Errors and Warnings" mode.
  10. I've just been playing with this a bit, and it works as originally intended. If you leave out the autocomplete flag, autocomplete is ignored. If you set autocomplete to "" then it clears it back to just the keyword when you try to autocomplete. Can you show me the XML you are having an issue with? Cheers, Andrew [moving to investigating]
  11. I havent decided yet, I'll probably post a topic when it becomes relevant to get a bit of input.
  12. This type of scenario will be much easier in the future when I overhaul the workflow architecture, but for now, wolph is right... a simple script filter will likely serve your needs. You could always run into a script action which then opens the terminal with the script you want if you need to process the script before opening Terminal
  13. I'm aiming to have 2.6 in pre-release before January and released within the first few weeks of Jan
  14. The delay would be pretty much that yep, and it would be SIGTERM as this is what the NSTask sends when using the terminate method.
  15. Just to let you know, if I get a bit of time before the 2.6 / Remote release, I'm going to look into adding a few options for running script filters... 1. Default: Wait until last one has finished and then run the current query 2. Instantly kill current and run latest 3. Wait a short delay (i.e. finished typing), then kill current and run latest. This should hopefully help reduce a bit of complexity and bodging needed to perform what you are trying to achieve Cheers, Andrew
  16. I've added a ticket to look into this, as I agree, reporting ERROR in this scenario could be misleading. Cheers, Andrew
  17. You need to put "open" in front of the URLs otherwise bash won't know what you want to do with them. Cheers, Andrew
  18. You may find that these items are protected by OS X so setting a spotlight comment doesn't actually set the comment on the item. If you search for alfred:ignore in Spotlight, you'll see the items which have had that comment successfully committed.
  19. Can you paste in the script here... it could be that the URLs have some invalid chars
  20. That's a good idea! I've added a note
  21. Hmm so it is! I'll get that fixed for the next release, thanks Shawn! Andrew
  22. Any particular files it's not working on? Cheers, Andrew
  23. If you use a run script action set to bash (not AppleScript), then you can simply put the open -a part without wrapping it in the AppleScript function. Setup an Alfred keyword input into the script which requires an argument, then this argument can be accessed in the script using {query}. Cheers, Andrew
  24. If you enable the debug mode (the little bug button top right in the workflow editor), do you see an error when running the workflow? It should easily be able to handle as many URLs as you need.
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