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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. If you can browse and open like this, you may be able to do something similar to this in an Alfred workflow script: open -a "Safari" http://google.com where you replace out Safari with Internet Explorer (or the actual app name)
  2. If you have the proxy apps running in OS X (i.e. you can launch IE directly from OS X), then it may technically be possible. Does IE show up as a browser which you can select as default in Safari's prefs? If so, you could create a workflow which opens the passed URL in the selected browser of IE. Cheers, Andrew
  3. Auto update for workflows is coming to Alfred in the future, for now, have you taken a look at the wonderful http://www.packal.org which has an updater workflow
  4. Due to the nature of Alfred's calculator (which is based on CGMathParser), it uses the % mark as mod remainder... so =23%10 equals 3. There are a few normal calculator workflows on the forum which may treat % differently, but at this point, I have no intention to modify CGMathParser. I do have a note of this in my bug tracker though, so will keep it in mind.
  5. Maybe try adding some sleeps between opening the URLs... unfortunately this behaviour is outside of Alfred's control. Hopefully Apple fix it in the next Yosemite release.
  6. You'll need to change the top line to... open -a "Google Chrome" if Google Chrome is your default browser
  7. Sorry about the slow reply on this... this is something I'm aware of, but would take some framework overhaul which means it will be addressed in a major iteration cycle. Thanks for your patience! Cheers, Andrew
  8. This is almost certainly related to this: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/4950-workflow-cant-open-more-than-4-urls-simultaneously-reported-to-apple/ Try using the workaround I posted in that thread.
  9. Sorry about the slow reply on this... I'm going to have to do a bit of analysis to see what's going on here. Essentially, tab auto-complete only forward completes, not backwards which is why an empty auto complete is treated as ignored. I am going to look into treating empty and nil differently to see if I can allow empty autocompletes to clear out a field. Cheers, Andrew
  10. Have you tried the workflow I posted and is Safari your default browser? If so, try setting the delay to 2 instead of 1 (as that delay is to allow Safari to launch).
  11. Yep indeed, in Alfred's Features > Default Result prefs you can configure which file types you see in Alfred's default results or select "Search all file types" if you want all files. If you start using lots of workflows, it's usually better to get used to keyword based file search though as that way, the default results are kept nice and tidy for other features. Cheers, Andrew
  12. Yep absolutely... if you edit the keyword object and tick "with space" and select "Argument Required"... then edit the URL list in the script action and setup the URLs with the {query}. If you want the query to show like it does with web searches, you can edit the keyword subtext to include {query} too e.g. Search for {query}. Let me know if you need any help with this Cheers, Andrew
  13. I've reported this issue to Apple... this is discussed here (with workaround) http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/4950-workflow-cant-open-more-than-4-urls-simultaneously-reported-to-apple/
  14. Did you use app cleaner instead of manually deleting those folders... if there is a permissions issue preventing things from saving, an App Cleaner type app won't flush these through either. You said you haven't tried creating a new user account, could you also try that temporarily to see what happens?
  15. I definitely agree with this... I've added a note to look into this for the future
  16. A system freeze may have corrupted something beyond repair... it might be worth fully resetting Alfred to see if that helps: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:reset-alfred Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew
  17. The clipboard db may have become corrupt. Try quitting Alfred then opening Terminal.app and pasting: rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/Databases/clipboard.alfdb Then restart Alfred. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  18. for now, have you prefixed http:// to OS X's setup for the proxies? this will likely be passed through and Alfred will work
  19. Interesting, I wasn't aware of this. As I don't want Alfred to be discovering the proxies, I may add an option along side the proxy option to say prefix http if missing.
  20. I haven't seen or heard of this latency... but I'll leave this in the bugs forum for now in case others see it.
  21. Alfred uses the mailto: url handler for this, so it's compatible with any mail client which can deal with this, I assume Chrome registers itself as a mailto: handler in this case
  22. The script filter icon takes priority (this allows you to have multiple script filters with different purposes / icons in a single workflow). If you don't have a script filter icon, it falls back to the workflow icon.
  23. Hi there, thanks for the kind words! You can create a very simple file filter for searching inside of XML files for this purpose... I've thrown together a simple example with keyword 'inxml' which should get you started: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Search%20in%20XML.alfredworkflow This has been configured to only look inside of XML files, not by filename. Let me know how you get on with this Cheers, Andrew
  24. Thanks for the kind words! This icon was changed for various reasons, the discussion is here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/4304-external-triggers-not-showing-titlesubtitle-fixed-25-b290/ You have control over the icon shown to the right, this represents either the icon on the script filter you are attached to, or if this script filter doesn't have an icon, the workflow icon. So, update either of those to the Jira icon and you'll see the Jira icon on the right. Cheers, Andrew
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