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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Unfortunately, Chrome doesn't have the relevant external AppleScript support for emailing attachments. The list of email clients which Alfred supports for attachments is list at the bottom of Alfred's Features > Contacts > Email preferences. If you are using webmail, you can select 'Use Gmail to compose mail' in this same prefs page which will allow the 'mail' command to work for composing emails (but not attachments). Cheers, Andrew
  2. When Alfred does a query to OS X's metadata server, it's not possible to prioritise drives. Having said that, when you open "Songs to Download" on any drive, OS X should mark it as used which means OS X will return this to Alfred in the initial returned list of files. What I think is happening is OS X isn't marking the file as used so its last used flag isn't updating... this means the file isn't even being returned to Alfred until all the other "more relevant" files are no longer relevant. If a file isn't returned to Alfred, he can't show it in his list using his own knowledge. Before fixing this, could you pop an email to our info@ address and we can take a look at the metadata for the specific files which aren't showing, that way we can see exactly what's happening. Don't worry, we'll find a solution to this for you as Alfred should absolutely and instantly prioritise the files you have been using! Cheers, Andrew
  3. Looks like Google has fixed the issues I described, so I am going to add the new search URL into the next release
  4. Unfortunately, iTunes doesn't export the necessary information in the iTunes XML to discretely identify items as AudioBooks like you can with Podcasts, for example: <dict> <key>Track ID</key><integer>7945</integer> <key>Name</key><string>Alice in Wonderland (Unabridged)</string> <key>Artist</key><string>Lewis Carroll</string> <key>Album Artist</key><string>Lewis Carroll</string> <key>Album</key><string>Alice in Wonderland (Unabridged)</string> <key>Genre</key><string>Kids & Young Adults</string> <key>Kind</key><string>Protected AAC audio file</string> <key>Size</key><integer>77578886</integer> <key>Total Time</key><integer>9757904</integer> <key>Disc Number</key><integer>1</integer> <key>Disc Count</key><integer>1</integer> <key>Track Number</key><integer>1</integer> <key>Track Count</key><integer>1</integer> <key>Date Modified</key><date>2014-11-12T12:05:52Z</date> <key>Date Added</key><date>2014-11-12T12:05:44Z</date> <key>Bit Rate</key><integer>64</integer> <key>Sample Rate</key><integer>22050</integer> <key>Artwork Count</key><integer>1</integer> <key>Persistent ID</key><string>25E48DD2620AB032</string> <key>Track Type</key><string>File</string> <key>Protected</key><true/> <key>Purchased</key><true/> <key>Location</key><string>file:///[fullpath]/01%20Alice%20in%20Wonderland%20(Unabridged).m4p</string> <key>File Folder Count</key><integer>4</integer> <key>Library Folder Count</key><integer>1</integer> </dict> Therefore, this won't be making it into the next update of Alfred as it requires a different and more holistic approach such as user specified filtering in Alfred's iTunes preferences. Cheers, Andrew
  5. Thanks for pointing this out... I'll update Alfred's default Google image web search for the next release. That first link does redirect to the second one for me though. Cheers, Andrew
  6. I'll be adding in the ability to switch themes based on name in the next Alfred release: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/5138-change-the-alfred-theme-within-a-workflow/#entry31375 In the case of duplicates, it will set it to the first matching name in the list. I didn't do this by UID for now as these aren't revealed in Alfred's UI.
  7. I'm going to add the ability to change theme via AppleScript in the next release [which will probably be Alfred 2.6]
  8. The base sorting is provided by OS X's last used metadata, Alfred only subsequently uses his much more precise internal knowledge once you have started opening files from within Alfred. I think your case would be much better suited to creating a workflow with more specific file filters to replace the default 'open' keyword. You could create a filter which only searches drive A for example. You could even search for specific file types on specific drives. Try adding the workflow example "Filter for folders in Home" from the [+] button in the Workflow prefs, and changing the search scope and file types within that workflow to suit your searches. Once you are happy with that, you can add more filters in the same workflow. I think you'll get much more satisfying and accurate search results this way. Let me know how you get on and if you need a hand! Cheers, Andrew
  9. Do you have any other apps installed which could be affecting this interaction with OS X? (things which replace Finder's default functionality for example). Also, how much memory do you have on your Mac, as Yosemite may be more memory intensive meaning your Mac is having to work harder. Finally, If you have launched an app once from Alfred, quit it fully and launch it again, is it fast the second time?
  10. Yep indeed, in Alfred's Features > Web Search > URLs / History, select the item and either press backspace or the [-] button.
  11. Alfred's main hotkey is the only one you cannot actually disable, as it is intrinsic to Alfred's operation. For other hotkeys, you can select the field and press backspace to clear out the hotkey. Cheers, Andrew
  12. I'll deffo add a note to look into adding line numbers, I agree!
  13. Definitely an interesting concept... I'll add a note to think about this during the future overhaul of Workflows
  14. The main reason I have avoided turning Alfred's editors into fully featured editors is that this could become a very deep rabbit hole. Instead, I recommend that for more complex scripts, you simply use the editor box to bootstrap to a script which is stored within that workflow's folder. This way, you can use your favourite editor or IDE to create your workflow and as Alfred runs scripts with pwd as ./ the script will just work. Cheers, Andrew
  15. Ok, I have a solution for you - it looks like the simulated modifier release is messing with the reported modifier keys to Alfred. If you configure your hotkey, right click in the hotkey field and set the Trigger Behaviour to "Pass through modifier keys", that should hopefully fix the issue. I'll look at what's causing the root issue though
  16. Interesting... I've been playing with this for the past 15 mins (on 10.9) and can simulate a situation where I'm using alt+b for the hotkey, I continue to hold alt down but I see the override subtext for cmd. I imagine that the difference is 10.10 which adds to the situation is the timing or method for telling Alfred that the mod key has been released is different which means Alfred is showing the [incorrect] mod key. Cheers, Andrew
  17. Alfred despatches a standard [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] selectFile:path inFileViewerRootedAtPath:path]; API call for revealing files in finder, and isn't in control of the outcome of this action. In the past, users of Path Finder have discussed a fix here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1146-pathfinder-support-is-not-working-as-intended/ Other than this, you may have to contact support for either of these tools to find your solution. [moving to help sub-forum]
  18. I suppose this is expected behaviour as Alfred is showing the command which will be run in Terminal under the text... and in this case, you will be running a space. If you Open Alfred and type: >ls ~/ then you'll see the subtext, it just happens that you don't see the [unnecessary] space you have typed. Cheers, Andrew [moved to closed as not really a bug]
  19. Themes are going to be fully overhauled in the future, and will be way easier to generate / create
  20. Alfred runs workflow scripts from within the workflow's folder... so if you replace the Open File action with a Script action set to bash with the simple command: open metro-map.pdf This will open the metro map pdf in the workflow's folder, so you can bundle it just fine Cheers, Andrew
  21. Alfred doesn't have control over the network when performing the lock action. I think I saw a workflow which performed some AppleScript to lock the display instead of suspend the session which may give you better results but I can't see this now. [moving to help sub-forum]
  22. This sounds like a corrupt download. Try quitting Alfred and re-downloading from http://alfredapp.com. Unzip and replace Alfred 2 in /Applications. Cheers, Andrew
  23. I'm going to be making Alfred more symlink aware in the future, so I'll keep this particular use case in mind [moving to noted for now]
  24. I can understand why this would be happening... have you tried just setting the hotkeys to link to the original apps rather than the symlinked apps instead?
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