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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Yep, I really like this. It would take a bit of an architectural change (allowing a single result item to have multi state validity) so it may not be a minor release... but I can definitely see something like this coming to workflows!
  2. It's actually OS X doing the error sound, not Alfred... If it were Alfred in control of this, I definitely wouldn't be sounding an alert.
  3. I've added a note to have a think about this when I do a bit of workflow fettling in the future, I can see that this scenario could be useful
  4. It sounds like Spotlight's metadata index is broken as this shouldn't take more than an hour. When you run the rebuild shortcut in Alfred's advanced preferences, did you select to delete the V100 folder... if not, it might be worth doing so as this fully resets the index. Also, are any errors showing in the Terminal window when starting the rebuild?
  5. Fuzzy capital letters means that 'as' will match App Store... The pref pane is remaining with AppS because this is it's filename... if you'd like Apps to match App Store, you'll need to switch the fuzzy mode to full fuzzy from word boundary
  6. If your search scope is looking correct in Alfred's Features > File Search preferences, you may just need to rebuild your OS X metadata. There is a shortcut for this in Alfred's Advanced preferences "Rebuild OS X Metadata" Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew [moving to help sub-forum]
  7. This fix is now in Alfred 2.5.1 pre-release, available in Alfred's Update preferences
  8. This fix is now in Alfred 2.5.1 pre-release, available in Alfred's Update preferences
  9. This fix is now in Alfred 2.5.1 pre-release, available in Alfred's Update preferences
  10. Under Alfred's 1Password preferences, could you click the Advanced button and make sure "Discover Automatically" is selected. Also, where do you have 1Password 5 installed and what is it called (e.g. 1Password.app). Cheers, Andrew
  11. Could you please try quitting Alfred, then downloading and installing this build: Alfred_2.5.1_300.zip - Update to the 2.5.1 pre-release in Alfred's Update preferences. I don't yet have 1Password 5, so if you could please let me know how you get on as this has been fixed on a little guesswork for now. Cheers, Andrew
  12. Your issue is unrelated to the listed issue above. The issue you mention is related to Script based workflows where the row you are selecting is the current live row returned from the underlying workflow. If the workflow hasn't completed execution, as far as it is concerned, you are selecting the correct row. This will only affect workflows which are slow at updating results to Alfred, most (especially non web based ones) should be instant. Having said that, I have planned passing out the currently typed query throughout the workflow which may enable workflow developers to catch similar to what you describe (which may or may not be the desired behaviour).
  13. I have some ideas for Alfred's workflow future which should help address this kind of thing
  14. Yep, I've decided that this is a bug... I'll remove the automatic trimming in the next release! Sorry about that!
  15. You're absolutely right, it trims the argument you pass. I'm really not sure why it's doing this so I'm going to move it into the bugs forum to investigate!
  16. Odd, do you have a second Mac to try this on? I'll ask David too.
  17. When installing the first one and typing 'ss', Alfred re-shows and I don't get the AppleScript error you are describing. Could you try temporarily creating a new user account on your Mac, switching to that user and trying from there?
  18. It's unlikely that this will be included in Alfred by default, but you should be able to create a workflow for this very purpose. If you pop a question in Alfred's workflow questions, somebody may be able to help you
  19. Thanks! I'll pop an email to 1Pwd... the location of the 3rd party export file has likely moved container. Cheers, Andrew
  20. I'm not experiencing these errors, but the event handler seems like an underlying AppleScript Event error... have you tried restarting your Mac? Is it affecting other external trigger workflows?
  21. Thanks for the debugging on this... I'm not sure why this would have happened and seems isolated, but I'll keep this info handy to share with any other users who run into the same issue! Cheers, Andrew [moving to noted]
  22. Alfred should (and does for others) work fine with this... so you may just need to reindex OS X if Spotlight isn't returning these apps to Alfred. Try the reindex shortcut in Alfred's Advanced prefs. [moving to the help sub-forum]. Cheers, Andrew
  23. Andrew

    Deleting symlinks

    Making Alfred symlink aware is currently planned for a future major release as this is will be part of overhauling the file interactions... but this will be fixed in the future!
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