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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. That's gonna be your issue... add both of the dyn.ah62d4rv4ge81s4ppre and org.vim.wiki-file types into the Alfred file filter. The dyn. type suggests that on that Mac, you don't have the app installed which has claimed that file UTI so OS X automatically generates a temporary dyn.hash for you instead. Cheers, Andrew
  2. Care to share your file filter workflow for me to take a look? Also, it might be worth doing a reindex (shortcut in Alfred's Advanced prefs) in case there is an issue with the underlying metadata. One final idea is you have a second workflow with a matching keyword which searches for other file types... perhaps check through your other workflows (you can search the workflows by keyword)
  3. Does the dynamically generated type "dyn.ah62d4rv4ge81s4ppre" match on both Macs?
  4. If you add to spotlight privacy and back out again, this won't fix underlying issues vs deleting the .Spotlight-V100 folder which removes all index data and rebuilds from scratch.
  5. As you noticed, Alfred's default translate URL will remember the last settings you had in Google translate e.g. 'Detect Language' to 'French', or 'French' to 'English'... which is much better for all Alfred users around the world. Your URL forces the translation scheme, so you are better off creating the custom search as you did. I do like that icon though! I'll add a ticket Cheers, Andrew
  6. As far as I'm aware, OS X shouldn't be indexing inside this package in this way, regardless of location. Have you tried forcing a full reindex on that drive using the "Rebuild OS X Metadata" shortcut in Alfred's Advanced preferences? (select the option to delete the ./Spotlight-V100 folder too) Cheers, Andrew
  7. Alfred should find them too... Pop one of the files which Alfred doesn't find into this tool and let me know the output: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.0.zip
  8. Alfred puts a heavy weighting on the actual keyword used when actioning a result... if you *always* use the keyword "it" and select the iTunes mini player, this will latch so that you can be sure that whenever typing "it", you will always get the mini player, even if you have launched iTunes with keyword "itunes" many times. Alternatively, you can set a hotkey for the mini player so that without even showing Alfred, you can pop up the mini player. I have mine set to F6 which is next to the iTunes transport keys on my Mac. Cheers, Andrew
  9. Is Spotlight finding files in that folder (on the Mac where Alfred isn't finding the files)
  10. It could be one of two things... Firstly, if you have set a scope on the filter, the searched folders only exist on one Mac, not the others. You'll need to add relevant folders from both Macs if there are different locations. Secondly, there is an indexing issue on the Mac it's not working on... try reindexing from Alfred from the shortcut in his Advanced prefs. Let me know how you get on, as this should work fine Cheers, Andrew
  11. Great, thanks for the update! I'm going to move this to Closed, but do let me know if you discover any other issues in this area!
  12. I have some pretty special ideas for the future of Alfred and how things are displayed, so stay tuned
  13. I have created a simple script filter (based on the built in example) and tried all the modes... no argument, optional argument (with and without space) and argument required (with and without space) and am seeing the expected behaviour. When running as keyword from Alfred's default results: No argument - Script run immediately on keyword match Optional Argument - Script is run immediately when keyword matches Required Argument - Placeholder is shown until argument is provided When running from an attached hotkey (or external influence): No Argument - Script run immediately Optional Argument - Script run immediately Required Argument - Placeholder shown until argument is provided Are you seeing any errors in Alfred's workflow debug view, or any errors in Console.app? Is there a specific scenario which isn't working Cheers, Andrew
  14. I'm interested in looking into this further as the 2.5 behaviour in this instance has changed and I want to make sure it hasn't broken anything which previously worked. I am going to move this into bugs until we work out what is happening! Cheers, Andrew
  15. cmd+enter isn't actually the default hotkey for the clipboard history... you can set this in Alfred's Features > Clipboard prefs, I have mine set to alt+cmd+v. While it may be technically possible with a bit of internal fudgery, I'd rather not mix uses of hotkeys in this case, so best choose a unique one for the clipboard history
  16. I've thrown together a super simple workflow to do this for you... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Hotkey%20to%20Translate.alfredworkflow Double click to install, then double click the hotkey trigger in the workflow and set the hotkey you want to trigger the action. Once setup, select some text in OS X and then use your hotkey which will open google translate with your selected text filled in
  17. Excellent, thanks for your help and feedback on this
  18. It looks like it's working as expected in this case... the placeholder is there to show what's happening in Alfred's default results. When directly triggering a script filter, the results have subtly different behaviour depending on the argument type. With a 'required' argument, the placeholder is shown until an argument is typed. With Optional or None, your script is run immediately (same as default results) which naturally allows you to select a generated result when the argument is empty.
  19. If you update to 2.5 b295, you should see this image behaviour change now
  20. While this isn't possible (by intrinsic operation), if you had Alfred's Powerpack, you could create a simple workflow to connect a global hotkey which would open the translate page for the selected text in OS X. This would be significantly quicker than having to copy text into Alfred each time. Cheers, Andrew
  21. I'm also going to make a small change which uses the workflow icon to the right if it's set, otherwise it uses the script input icon like this...
  22. Could you update to the 2.5 b293 pre-release and try again, the behaviour in this area should now be fixed!
  23. Ah yeah, there are some odd behavioural things around this still too... I'll look at this now and see what I can do, cheers
  24. This should now be fixed if you update to Alfred 2.5 b291 pre-release from Alfred's Update prefs
  25. If you open Activity Monitor.app, select Alfred 2 and then click the stop button in the toolbar... this will force quit Alfred. You can then replace the app in /Applications! Let me know how you get on
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