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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Blimey, this list should definitely be a sorted list! I'm gonna move this into bugs as it's an easy thing for me to fix for 2.5 Cheers, Andrew
  2. There are a few reasons why this isn't possible... firstly, OS X's metadata query server takes a scope list but ignores the order. Alfred could pass the search scope in a specific order and it would be ignored. Alfred then gets a subset of the most relevant results passed back which he subsequently applies his own knowledge to which ensures that the most relevant (learnt over time) result is at the top for the typed term. This subset means subsequent ordering would miss non relevant results, and forcing ordering based on scope would prevent Alfred's internal knowledge from being used to do any ordering... which would make the result order less useful for all other use cases.
  3. This is a bit of a tricky one and at this point, I'm not sure if there is anything I can do in Alfred to address this. Have you spoken to the workflow developer, are they aware? I'm going to wait until Yosemite is released to see if there is any behavioural changes. Cheers, Andrew
  4. If you update to 2.5 b290 pre-release, you will now see this new behaviour - let me know how you get on
  5. If you update to the 2.5 b290 pre-release, this should now be fixed
  6. Hey there, As David said, this behaviour is controlled by Safari and not Alfred. You could always try changing Safari's Tabs preferences to "Open pages in tabs instead of windows: Always" to see if that helps. Cheers, Andrew
  7. The reason App Store shows with M is because Apple has given this app an alternative name of "Mac App Store" which Alfred also sees when searching. Try clearing Alfred's knowledge using the "Clear Knowledge" button in Alfred's preferences... you can then re-teach him from scratch. If you type 'm' into Alfred, arrow down to Mail and press return. Mail will now latch to 'm'... this bond will become stronger over time. Let me know how you get on! [moving to help sub-forum] Cheers, Andrew
  8. To see if it's anything relating to your main user account, you could try temporarily creating a new user account, switching to that user and running Alfred from there.
  9. That's correct as going down starts the process of using that particular result (i.e. select next result, select previous result).
  10. Hey there, Alfred really isn't doing anything clever, he is simply deactivating / hiding himself, waiting a moment, then asking OS X to paste. He isn't doing anything to detect or change focus, it's OS X which passes focus back to the previously focused app... and that app then does whatever it likes with it. It was my findings with Terminal.app that kinda shows that regardless of what Alfred does, if that previous app wants to change which window has focus, there isn't a huge amount Alfred can do about this. I am keeping an eye on this though, and will likely start raising issues with Apple if they don't generally get fixed (things like this generally stop and start working through different releases of OS X as they make changes to their apps). Cheers, Andrew
  11. I've made a note to look into this, but I can't make any promises!
  12. JSON along side XML is almost certainly coming in the future. For compatibility, Alfred only gives access to built in shells, but you can bootstrap to any shell from e.g. a /bin/bash workflow and, as Alfred runs from the specific workflow folder, you can run scripts stored directly in there too (reveal in finder from the Workflow list) Cheers, Andrew
  13. Hi Gary, Show Alfred and press the up arrow. Continue to press the up arrow to see the last 20 historic items. Cheers, Andrew
  14. I've popped you a private message to get more debug info, cheers!
  15. Any more info on this would be appreciated as I'm not sure where to start with this one!
  16. The first thing to check is if the external folder is in Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope still... for some reason, it may have been removed from there. Let me know ho you get on [moving to help sub-forum]
  17. This info is a touch out of date, searching by email address was removed to clean up the default results. You have a few options though... you can either use the email keyword which will search by email address e.g. email alfred or you could use a workflow filter to search for email addresses to open in Alfred's contact viewer like this one: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Contacts%20filter%20like%20v1.alfredworkflow Let me know if you need any help with that workflow and I'll get the help page fixed! Cheers, Andrew
  18. I suspect that some applications are creating this behaviour, e.g. here is Terminal.app's behaviour outside of Alfred: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/4721-clipboard-history-pastes-into-wrong-terminal-window-when-on-different-displays Are there specific apps it works in and doesn't work in on your configuration?
  19. To be honest, there is nothing really wrong with just adding /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom for all UIDs under... .../Alfred.alfredpreferences/preferences/local/[uID]/features/defaultresults/prefs.plist If you have multiple Macs syncing, you'll see multiple UIDs and adding the /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom folder to each UID means you'd only need to do the link on one Mac and it will set it on all Macs. It's also worth noting that with Alfred's prefs framework, changes are picked up without having to restart Alfred. With the defaults write and the old prefs location, Alfred wouldn't usually pick these up until after a restart of Alfred due to the way preferences are cached and synced while an app is running. Cheers, Andrew
  20. I'm not seeing this issue so it could be related to possible corruption somewhere in your Contacts / OS X's Contacts API. You can actually switch Alfred to use contact metadata instead of the OS X Contact API in Alfred's Features > Contacts > Advanced > "Use Spotlight metadata for searching contacts". Select that and see if it helps Cheers, Andrew
  21. Hey Vitor, This isn't a bug in Alfred, it's just the Alfred local preferences are now stored in a different place (due to a shared preference inheritance issue in Yosemite). The search scope is now stored in... .../Alfred.alfredpreferences/preferences/local/[uID]/features/defaultresults/prefs.plist If you modify that plist file, Alfred will pick up the changes automatically... Essentially, com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences is all but deprecated for Alfred 2.4+ The path to the preferences and the UID are available in the 2.4 workflow script environment variables: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:script-environment-variables If there is anything you need to make this easier to edit, let me know and I'll see what I can do! Cheers, Andrew [moving to investigating]
  22. It really could be anything... some corruption somewhere in OS X, or another app, or a hanging network resource. Alfred doesn't actually do that much stuff at startup, but he does ask for metadata from OS X's metadata server, and I suspect this is what could be holding Alfred up. I'm not sure what to suggest to fix this though as I suspect it's outside of Alfred's control. When Yosemite is released, it may be worth doing a fresh install and migrating your data across rather than an upgrade.
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