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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Could you please test what happens if you try launching Emacs from Finder by double clicking the app? I suspect you won't get focus in this situation either (i.e. a little Emacs / Catalina bug). If so, perhaps instead of a Launch Apps / Files, you could use a Run AppleScript in Alfred with something like: tell applications "Emacs" to activate
  2. Modern macOS restricts access to these kind of things without the necessary permissions, and as much as possible, Alfred is an "opt-in" when it comes to giving permissions... so I don't think I could make this work as standard default behaviour, which is imperative when it comes to such a fundamental action. To re-phrase, for such a core feature, I'd rather do a single simple API call to open an app, matching Spotlight's behaviour, rather than go through logic which could potentially hold Alfred up making Alfred "slow" for the every-day user.
  3. Excel aside, I've had a bit of a play this morning of making Alfred "activate" an application if it's already running instead of asking macOS to open (reopen) it, which would essentially give Alfred the same behaviour of cmd+tab instead of Spotlight / Finder like reopening. This brings different and sometimes undesirable behaviour, for example, if you have Messages.app open but no windows open for the app and cmd+tab to it, you don't get the messages window. This compares unfavourably to the current behaviour where a new Messages window is opened. As a side note, Dock seems to have the ideal behaviour in this situation when looking at the Messages.app example, but I suspect it's using workspace APIs which aren't publicly accessible (e.g. direct access to the current windows for an app and shaping the behaviour accordingly). Alfred's default behaviour will remain as it is (i.e. matching Spotlight and Finder vs cmd+tab).
  4. @ssppjj you can configure this in Alfred's Advanced preferences: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/advanced/ By default, ctrl+return will use the default fallback on the currently typed query, but you can change this to cmd+enter if you like. Cheers, Andrew
  5. @stdavis could you update to the 4.0.7 b1130 pre-release and let me know if this fixes the issue?
  6. @afzalive could you please update to the 4.0.7 b1130 pre-release and let me know if your issues are resolved?
  7. @afzalive If your metadata is in good health, you shouldn't experience any issues with this change. Having said that, I think you may have hit the nail on the head with this. I'm going to do a bit more investigating and perhaps back out the default sort order change for a 4.0.7 pre-release. Cheers, Andrew
  8. This looks to be related to Catalina and Emacs specifically: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/13807-upgrade-macos-catalina-and-alfred-4-alfred-couldnt-switch-the-window-to-emacs/ Outside of Alfred, what behaviour do you get with Emacs using alternative methods of re-launch (e.g. double clicking in finder, and from Spotlight). Also, are there any other apps which exhibit this behaviour? Cheers, Andrew
  9. @Sebastian Are there certain scenarios where it works, for example does it work when Emacs is fully quit? What full path do you have to Emacs, and which version of macOS are you using?
  10. This was quite some time back now, but quite a few apps were simply ignoring more than the first one when sending as a single batch. I've added note to have a fresh look at this
  11. @Karl87 if you update to the 4.0.7 b1128 pre-release, you should now be able to drag Alfred around by the hat without actioning the selected result
  12. @luckman212 try pasting a tab character into the Delimiter box, then it should work as expected
  13. @Karl87 I've managed to reproduce this on 10.12... It doesn't affect newer versions of macOS. I'll get this fixed for the next release Cheers, Andrew
  14. @ohmz90 I'm unable to reproduce what you've tried to describe. Could you please provide a simple example workflow which exhibits the issue (with notes on the workflow objects of what you are expecting)? I have configured two hotkeys wired in to respective post notifications, one hotkey set to "have focus" and one set to "don't have focus", and they both work as expected. Cheers, Andrew
  15. @switters If you type 'reload' into Alfred 3, this will sort the issue. Alternatively, Alfred 4 has updated logic for Catalina to show virtual app mappings to /Applications.
  16. @dfgh turn off Optimised storage: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207236 Alternatively, you can pin individual folders in macOS Catalina which should prevent this: https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/c63tp5/my_1_desired_icloud_drivemacos_feature_is_finally/ YMMV with this, I haven't had a chance to test pinning folders in Catalina, and I can't seem to find any official Apple documentation for this.
  17. @luckman212 Alfred still access the Address Book API regardless of how you search for contacts. I'm fiddling with this now, and there is a negligible affect for performance, but I don't have a currently suitable Catalina setup to see if this is fixed. I'm going to pop out a 4.0.7 pre-release in the next 10 mins, if you wouldn't mind testing and letting me know?
  18. @luckman212 There is one thing I could try, and that's switching to creating a new instance of the ABAddressBook instead of using the sharedAddressBook. I theorise that in Catalina, Apple may be [in a buggy way] caching the address book information for the shared instance outside of Alfred's control. Creating a new instance may have the same affect as restarting Alfred (at the expense of a little performance and memory).
  19. @sfdukester this error is coming from macOS, not Alfred (More specifically, coming from the macOS Metadata Server). I've had a quick look on Google for the -400 error and it leads me to this page: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/368054/spotlight-doesnt-show-applications The top response on that page is a more thorough version of what Alfred's script is doing anyway, so should likely help you out! Cheers, Andrew
  20. @speedypete962 if you use the macOS screenshot combo of shift+cmd+5, and select the Options > Save To (in the little control at the bottom of the screen) as clipboard, then the resulting screenshot will appear in Alfred's clipboard history.
  21. Andrew

    Kernel Panics?

    @bchrobot no need to remove all transparency, just the background blur... you can do this from the little fuzzy dot icon in the top left of the theme editor.
  22. @face have you added /Volumes/Studio/ to Alfred's default search scope? If you're on Catalina, Alfred will likely also need full disk access granted. @Mateusz G the info you've provided shows that this file isn't being indexed by macOS. You'll need to reindex your Mac. Take a look at the troubleshooting here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/
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