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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. There are definitely improvements planned for the internal search over time
  2. @KelvinZhao If you switch the Emoji popup to a window (from the little button top right of the emoji window, it seems to work. There seems to be a macOS oddity where the emoji window being a popover being launched from Alfred (also being a popover) causes Alfred to receive a deactivation event.
  3. @Neil Merton where is that app located? Can you check wether the path is within Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope? Cheers, Andrew
  4. @cooper this isn't currently possible from Alfred. I've done a bit of investigation and it looks like this is now possible with the 1Password URL scheme, so I've added a note to look at adding this into Alfred
  5. @raguay.customct Have you given Alfred full disk access in the macOS Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access prefs? FWIW, installing and updating workflows works fine on my install of Catalina.
  6. @mortenblaa Alfred doesn't do anything unusual when it comes to listening for mouse interactions, and I suspect this is a bug or quirk in the Wacom driver. One thing you could try is to set Alfred's window to compatibility mode (which makes the window act more like a macOS window instead of a floating panel). You can do this in Alfred's Appearance > Options. Cheers, Andrew
  7. @Bhishan It's extremely unusual for Alfred to shut down like this, so I'll need quite a bit more info to work out what could be happening on your Macs. 1. Could you provide any crash logs shown in Console.app (User Reports from the left hand list). 2. Is there any pattern to what you're doing, for example, a specific workflow you use in the run up to this issue. 3. Do you have any unusual configuration on both your Macs (apps which may change lower level Mac configuration such as "auto cleaner" apps). Cheers, Andrew
  8. @craig Thanks for spotting this, I can reproduce and will look at fixing in the next release Cheers, Andrew
  9. @paulw You can use wildcards in the blacklist, try adding the names of these to the blacklist. Also experiment with the scoping above this, e.g. "Local Mounted Volumes".
  10. @raguay.customct Could you try on a new Catalina user account to see if it's working?
  11. @raguay.customct This is Alfred's ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/ folder, which he stores quite a bit of stuff in, so should definitely be able to write to this folder. I've just done a fresh install of Catalina and it's working as expected, so perhaps take a look at permissions on that folder?
  12. @politicus they are searchable by keyword, but this is something which will likely change in the future
  13. @dtoub you can get back to the previously typed query using the up arrow after showing Alfred. You can also automatically show the last typed query if within 5 minutes with an option in Alfred's Advanced prefs. Cheers, Andrew
  14. @IlyaD Make sure Alfred has the correct permissions on this page: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/permissions/ Specifically, Alfred will need Accessibility access to simulate the paste. Cheers, Andrew
  15. @Kuze32 Alfred doesn't have to be launched in the background, as under normal circumstances, nothing should show when starting him. The only reason Alfred's preferences would open is that Alfred hasn't been able to commit (or re-read) the current build number from the macOS prefs file. Could you paste the following into Terminal and let me know the output: defaults read com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred lastBuildNumber
  16. @Bhishan I have already fixed this in the 4.0.3 pre-release, which you can update to in Alfred's Update prefs Cheers, Andrew
  17. @paulw this shouldn't be the case - can I see a screenshot of Alfred's Features > System prefs to see the settings (eject / eject all / blacklist). Cheers, Andrew
  18. @seanwes the next thing would be to temporarily reset Alfred's preferences to see if it's a misconfiguration or corruption. Quit Alfred then open Finder to ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/. Move Alfred.alfredpreferences and prefs.json temporarily to another folder (e.g. your desktop) and then restart Alfred. Is the lag still there? Cheers, Andrew
  19. @Gerry ensure that you've granted the macOS Accessibility permission to Alfred. You can quickly access the macOS permissions from the button in Alfred's General preferences.
  20. @nikivi funny you should ask - I had actually made the required changes to the framework during Alfred 4's development but didn't actually get around to implementing this in the contacts viewer. I'll add this in for the next release Cheers, Andrew
  21. @Boris Could you try backing up your Alfred.alfredpreferences (to be safe), then quitting Alfred 4, deleting the prefs.json file and the Alfred.alfredpreferences in the same folder. Then restart Alfred 4 and skip any offered migration to get a completely clean set of preferences. Are preferences saving in this scenario?
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