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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @Savior If you update to the latest 4.0.2 pre-release b1086, I've now made the hat in the Alfred window a draggable zone too, so you can easily move Alfred's window around from this
  2. @nikivi if you update to Alfred's latest 4.0.2 pre-release b1086, you should get the behaviour you're after. Could you let me know?
  3. @Michael Cordell The error message mentions Chrome - Have you tried downloading it with Safari? I've just double checked the download and it's fine.
  4. I haven't installed Catalina yet (I also generally recommend against anybody installing a beta OS this early if it's their main Mac), but I have made a few tweaks for the next 4.0.2 build which should get these icons back again. I'll likely out this build tomorrow. Cheers, Andrew
  5. @dfay oops no, I didn't implement the json config interface for the updated part of LargeType for v4. I'll get that fixed up for the next build.
  6. @gerrymcil Alfred 4 has a wildcarded blacklist for eject (Features > System > Blacklist), and one of the new additions is com.apple.TimeMachine* which will prevent this. Cheers, Andrew
  7. To make it clear about how we deal with feature suggestions in general to anyone who is reading this. This forum is a place for friendly interaction and not arguments. It constitutes a single channel of input which helps us paint a much bigger picture of the shape of Alfred's future. We read every single post on here (and all other channels) even if we don't respond to them. When we do respond, the opinion is carefully considered and definitive. In this case, my response to the thread is summarised as: Firefox provides no official way to integrate with their bookmarks, requiring fudges and hacks of sorts, something which I don't do in Alfred's framework. The weighting of users wanting this feature is significantly lower than other features which have been added. It's easy for people to spew statistics, but only Vero and I get to see the ACTUAL statistics of both usage and demand within Alfred. My full response to this thread is here: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/11724-firefox-bookmark-search/?do=findComment&comment=63324 The closest I can find to being able to read Firefox bookmarks is to activate their legacy bookmarks.html support, with no guarantee that this feature will remain in Firefox in the future, or to manually export a backup json. The info about this is here: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Bookmarks This is why the feature, for now at least, is better suited to a workflow. Generally if there is high demand for a feature, a workflow is created very quickly by the community, and this is something which hasn't really happened in this case. @Gareth I understand your frustration, but I'd really appreciate if you could dial down your levels of hostility a little. It'd make me much more willing to work with this feature request (perhaps with a 1st party created workflow for now), regardless of the low levels of interest. Could you also link me any of the feature requests you've made with Mozilla regarding official 3rd party integration of bookmarks so I can potentially chime in on them. Thanks, Andrew
  8. @nikivi For now, I wanted to revert to the v3 behaviour just to get you up and running, can I confirm that this is the case? The change to make Alfred correctly act on "no results" as if there is a result requires a bit more thought as I don't want to "fudge" things in the framework.
  9. @mikedvzo no probs, glad it's sorted! At this point, we only offer the "legendary" tipped upgrade at the point of converting a pre v4 mega to a post v4 mega... but at some point, we'll look into v4 mega to v4 legendary too Cheers, Andrew
  10. @Carbon Could you answer these: 1. Can Spotlight find the files and applications? 2. Is /Applications/ in your search scope?
  11. @mikedvzo @zerowidth could you please update to the 4.0.2 pre-release and let me know if macOS now requests the relevant Reminders / Calendar access for Alfred when required?
  12. 4.0.2 is now in pre-release, so you should be able to reliably use {var:tag} directly in Alfred's Fields prefs instead of needing to configure it in JSON.
  13. In the 4.0.2 pre-release, Alfred should now mark almost black and almost white as macOS control text colour instead, which means it should match the paste behaviour
  14. @grahamdb could you update to the 4.0.2 pre-release and let me know how you get on
  15. This should now be significantly improved in the Alfred 4.0.2 pre-release
  16. @nikivi could you please update to the 4.0.2 pre-release and let me know if things are back to how they were in v3?
  17. @Jasondm007 I've taken a quick look at this - you're missing the query field in your fields, so Alfred doesn't know you want to narrow things down. In both Alfred 3 and Alfred 4, your JSON would need to look a bit more like this (note there are normal brackets around the query value to tell Alfred to use the typed {query} instead of the fixed {query} passed into the JSON config😞 { "alfredworkflow" : { "arg" : "*", "config" : { "fields" : [ { "not" : false, "split" : true, "field" : "kMDItemDisplayName", "value" : "(query)", "words" : true }, { "field" : "kMDItemUserTags", "split" : false, "not" : false, "value" : "{var:tag}", "words" : true, }, ] } } } It's also worth noting that I'm making a couple of tweaks in Alfred 4.0.2 which will make using {var:} much more robust within the "Fields" prefs directly (this was added as a v4 feature), so you won't need to use the JSON config at all. I'll be getting 4.0.2 in pre-release today. Cheers, Andrew
  18. @Carbon Is Spotlight finding files and apps? What have you tried on this page: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ Cheers, Andrew
  19. @Jasondm007 I'm going to move this into the bugs forum to remind me to look at this in the morning. Quite a bit changed with regards to the file filter object, and I want to make sure I haven't introduced a regression. Cheers, Andrew
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