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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @mikedvzo @zerowidth could you please update to the 4.0.2 pre-release and let me know if macOS now requests the relevant Reminders / Calendar access for Alfred when required?
  2. 4.0.2 is now in pre-release, so you should be able to reliably use {var:tag} directly in Alfred's Fields prefs instead of needing to configure it in JSON.
  3. In the 4.0.2 pre-release, Alfred should now mark almost black and almost white as macOS control text colour instead, which means it should match the paste behaviour
  4. @grahamdb could you update to the 4.0.2 pre-release and let me know how you get on
  5. This should now be significantly improved in the Alfred 4.0.2 pre-release
  6. @nikivi could you please update to the 4.0.2 pre-release and let me know if things are back to how they were in v3?
  7. @Jasondm007 I've taken a quick look at this - you're missing the query field in your fields, so Alfred doesn't know you want to narrow things down. In both Alfred 3 and Alfred 4, your JSON would need to look a bit more like this (note there are normal brackets around the query value to tell Alfred to use the typed {query} instead of the fixed {query} passed into the JSON config😞 { "alfredworkflow" : { "arg" : "*", "config" : { "fields" : [ { "not" : false, "split" : true, "field" : "kMDItemDisplayName", "value" : "(query)", "words" : true }, { "field" : "kMDItemUserTags", "split" : false, "not" : false, "value" : "{var:tag}", "words" : true, }, ] } } } It's also worth noting that I'm making a couple of tweaks in Alfred 4.0.2 which will make using {var:} much more robust within the "Fields" prefs directly (this was added as a v4 feature), so you won't need to use the JSON config at all. I'll be getting 4.0.2 in pre-release today. Cheers, Andrew
  8. @Carbon Is Spotlight finding files and apps? What have you tried on this page: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ Cheers, Andrew
  9. @Jasondm007 I'm going to move this into the bugs forum to remind me to look at this in the morning. Quite a bit changed with regards to the file filter object, and I want to make sure I haven't introduced a regression. Cheers, Andrew
  10. Both Alfred 3 and Alfred 4 don't include the info.plist entries NSRemindersUsageDescription and NSCalendarsUsageDescription which are a prerequisite for macOS to be able to show the request dialog. This could be why you aren't seeing the reminders dialog when you see the log message: default 12:09:16.911791 -0400 tccd Prompting for access to kTCCServiceReminders from /Applications/Alfred 4.app/Contents/MacOS/Alfred on behalf of /usr/local/Cellar/ical-buddy/1.8.10/bin/icalBuddy I'm going to add these in to 4.0.2 to see if that fixes the issue for you in the short term, and I've added a ticket to add buttons to Alfred's Permissions sheet to officially request access to these using EventKit. Cheers, Andrew
  11. @dfay try unticking Features > Contacts > Advanced > Use Spotlight metadata for searching contacts. When using cmd+o on spotlight metadata results, it asks macOS to open that file.
  12. @grahamdb I'll have this fixed in the next Alfred build. Alfred was incorrectly only recognising alphanumerics instead of all valid chars from the RFC2396: scheme = alpha *( alpha | digit | "+" | "-" | "." ) Cheers, Andrew
  13. @naven87 Thanks for pointing these out, I'll get both sorted in the next build Cheers, Andrew
  14. @wangyijie Try copying a couple of those files to the desktop, waiting a few moments, and seeing if they are found.
  15. @wangyijie The files should be found. To make sure, I created a folder on my desktop, created some files with those names, and Alfred finds them fine typing 'ii- The first thing to try is a full reindex, take a look at step 4 of the troubleshooting guide: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ I'm moving this thread to Discussion and help. @ me in your reply Cheers, Andrew
  16. @Stooovie try Apple's own method for reindexing: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT201716 [moving to discussion and help]
  17. @ScoticusMaximus Alfred is a background app so won't have a dock item. If you can't quit Alfred from the hat in the top menu bar, open Activity Monitor and you should be able to quit him from there. Cheers, Andrew
  18. @Stooovie could you please check that /Applications/ is in Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope? It should be by default.
  19. @AdrianDuan cmd+option+c is Alfred's clipboard viewer, have you change the hotkey in Alfred's Features > Clipboard preferences?
  20. @Stag prefixing a search with the spacebar is Alfred's file search mode. You can configure Alfred to show any file types in the default results in Alfred's Features > Default Results > Advanced, however, I always recommend keeping Alfred's default results as clean as possible for all the other features, then use the file search keywords ([spacebar] / open / find / in / tags) when you want to do a file search. For more specific file filtering requirements, take a look at the File Filter workflow object which can be configured however you like it https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/file-filter/ Cheers, Andrew
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