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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. The actual drag area hasn't changed between Alfred 3 and 4, but due to the changes in the way the spacing for the search height has changed, this means the hit area for dragging has become smaller. I've made some notes on how to improve this for a future release, as I agree, with some themes the draggable areas are quite small now. Cheers, Andrew
  2. @idledae could you please try temporarily creating a new user account, switching to that user, activating your Powerpack there and seeing what happens? Cheers, Andrew
  3. Quit Alfred 4, then copy the Alfred.alfredpreferences file back to the folder in above (in your home folder: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred), then in the same folder delete the prefs.json file to reset Alfred's sync folder. Then re-run the 2 commands I gave again to reset the permissions throughout the folder including the Alfred.alfredpreferences. Watch for any errors which happen. Start Alfred 4 and let me know.
  4. @idledae If you haven't set up syncing, use these two commands in Terminal.app to reset permissions on Alfred's main app support folder: xattr -rc ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred If you have setup syncing, also run this with the path to the Alfred.alfredpreferences file. Let me know how you get on, as you may also need to change ownership of those files back to yourself if the owner is incorrect. Cheers, Andrew
  5. For full disk access, you'll need to click the padlock on this macOS prefs screen to unlock the [+] button, then add Alfred 4 manually. Cheers, Andrew
  6. @Stevescat It looks like you're using macOS 10.9. Alfred 4's minimum requirement is 10.10 to allow him to use some of the more modern macOS features such as Dark Mode, but we recommend 10.11+ for the best experience. I've added a note to give an error message on startup if using 10.9. Andrew
  7. The thread about what? I don't believe I deleted anything... I'll go looking for it
  8. @godbout oops!! thanks for spotting this, I'll get it fixed for the next build Cheers, Andrew
  9. @Heidern It means that Alfred can now allow you to pick arbitrary fonts as the fonts are correctly positioned. Before, some fonts (especially non-english ones) would render obscured off the edge of the text input box as Alfred was "guessing" the spacing rather than calculating based on macOS' requirements. It's a fair point though, I'll add a ticket to look into allowing negative spacing here.
  10. @gingerbeardman further to our discussion on Twitter, I'm unable to reproduce this issue. I created the workflow in v3, and did a migration into v4 and it worked as expected.
  11. @edbro could you provide a bit more info about how you did the migration? 1. Did you do the backup before migration? 2. Did you select Copy or Sync for settings? 3. If you're using iCloud, do you have Optimised Storage disabled for iCloud Drive: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/advanced/sync/#services 4. Could you see if this folder was created within your home folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/ Thanks, Andrew
  12. snippets.alfdb is a legacy file from many years ago. Snippets are now stored in the snippets folder as individual json files.
  13. Alfred isn't in control of the font rendering here, and it shouldn't be fuzzy... e.g. I've attached what it looks like on my non-retina screen. Could you try restarting your Mac in case something underlying is happening in macOS?
  14. I've had a bit of a play with this and it looks like if I force the Alfred window to light mode, then just use the different themes to represent dark mode, the preferred border rendering comes back. This does leave me with no "official" way to get the current dark mode when showing Alfred's window, so there is a future proofing risk. As we are still super busy with the Alfred 4 release, I haven't got time to really test this hard, so I'll come back to it when things calm down. Things look positive though
  15. I'm going to look into this once Alfred 4 calms down. Alfred doesn't have much control over these borders, but I'm sure there must be something I can do to make this look better.
  16. @Heidern Alfred now correctly provides the space the font needs in macOS (this wasn't correct in Alfred 3), i.e. if you use your theme, and select the typed text with cmd+a, the minimum height of the search box now correctly contains the text selection height macOS demands. You'll see that macOS has different requirements for different fonts. If you select something like Papyrus, it's very large. If you select something like System or Helvetica, then it's much smaller. Having said that, make sure the 'vertical search padding' is set as small as possible. Cheers, Andrew
  17. @schrodinger_cat thanks for spotting this! I'll get it fixed in the next build
  18. @peterpica Have you downloaded Alfred 4 from our website? If so, when you run it, you should see this to migrate your preferences: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/migration/
  19. @antil I think you may be entering your older v2 single license into the upgrade page. If you enter your newer v3 mega upgrade license into that page, you'll get your free v4 upgrade If you have any issues finding your newer license, take a look in Alfred 3's Powerpack prefs to view your license, or pop an email to our info@ address and Vero will help you out! Cheers, Andrew
  20. I've split the above post to this thread: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/12830-theme-border-when-using-dark-mode/
  21. Ah, I can see why this is happening. Now that Alfred identifies as a dark mode compatible app, macOS automatically adds the dark border around the window in dark mode. If you select a dark Alfred theme for dark mode, this masks the effect. You actually get the same in default macOS apps which identify as dark mode compatible. Here is an example of Safari: Light mode, dark border: Dark mode, dark border: In actual fact, if you open up Spotlight over this light forum window, you see the dark border there. I suspect the only way to "fix" this, and get the v3 behaviour, is to get Alfred to opt out of being Dark Mode compatible, but this is essentially deprecated by Apple. I'll have a think about this once the v4 release has settled down. Cheers, Andrew
  22. I've posted a response here: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/12830-theme-border-on-light-theme-is-dark-when-using-macos-dark-mode/
  23. I've posted a reply here: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/12830-theme-border-on-light-theme-is-dark-when-using-macos-dark-mode/
  24. @Jasondm007 Strange with the borders! Do you have any of the accessibility options enabled on your Mac which can affect things like this? Could you temporarily create a new user account and run Alfred there to see if things look normal? Cheers, Andrew
  25. @nikivi as a workaround while I look into fixing this properly (i.e. I don't want an empty row showing, but still being able to action the result), add a workflow variable of "empty" with a single space as the value. That will get you up and running for now.
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