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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Could you give a bit more info? I'm unable to reproduce this in Alfred's Web Search > Custom prefs. Cheers, Andrew
  2. @sysninja This is a really awkward issue and a bug I've raised with Apple regarding font rendering in Mojave on transparent panels, and only seems to affect some configurations of Mac. It was broken in 3.7 and before (fonts rendering too light). Could you try a different theme, or different fonts? I may add a hidden default writes which will restore the smoothed front, but incorrectly weighted behaviour for people who see this issue, and I'm going to bump the bug report.
  3. @nikivi Hmm, I'll take a look at this once we're through the inbox... sorry about that!
  4. Be very careful not to delete some of the settings which are still being used when using an auto cleaning app. Take a look at the following page to see where Alfred 3's settings live to check against what you're deleting: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/reset-alfred/ Cheers, Andrew
  5. @DickDi It's osascript which is adding the line break. You have two options: 1. Use a different scripting langauge which doesn't automatically add a line break. 2. Add a transform utility after the osascript to trim the output. Cheers, Andrew
  6. @dogen this isn't possible, but the task you describe is better suited to using a Hotkey Trigger rather than Keyword. This way, you wouldn't even need to show Alfred, just use the assigned key combo to run the workflow.
  7. You can calculate powers using ^, for example 2^7 = 128
  8. I'll take a deeper look into this and see what I can do
  9. @Bilbo63 Is Mail.app definitely set as your default Mail client? It could be that you didn't allow access for Alfred to control Mail.app when macOS popped up the dialog to ask for permissions (it only ever does this once, the first time Alfred needs access). Could you open macOS Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Automation, and ensure that "Mail" is selected for Alfred 3? Also, what happens when you use the 'email' command inside of Alfred. Cheers, Andrew
  10. Alfred isn't simulating modifier keys when doing the file drag, he's using a standard macOS API call which simply implies "start a file drag with this path, from this location on the screen" and macOS takes care of the rest. The simple API call doesn't give you any control over this, as "default behaviour" is assumed. Alfred isn't responsible for what happens when you drop, so it's treated as a file reference. The receiving app deals with the file as it sees appropriate: Drag from Alfred to Mail (shows +): References file Drag from Alfred to Finder (shows +): Copies file Drag from Finder to Coda (doesn't show +): Moves file - Coda decides this behaviour What actual behaviour are you seeing in emacs? FWIW, Alfred moved away from using old deprecated drag code in Alfred 2, so a behaviour change may have been seen.
  11. @IrishLionPlatter Do you have your Application Support folder on an external disk, or a network drive, or 3rd party synced in some way. I'm thinking that at the point Alfred starts, it doesn't have access to the Application Support data, which means that no Powerpack details can be found so it's started as a non-Powerpack version. Restarting Alfred at some point after the data is available will start with the Powerpack active. Cheers, Andrew
  12. When Alfred Remote 2 comes out, it'll be a free upgrade for Alfred Remote 1 users
  13. This will almost certainly be down to macOS requesting permission for Alfred to control iTunes. This should appear in front of Alfred, but sometimes, macOS will put the request dialog behind Alfred. You can try dragging the Alfred window out the way to reveal the dialog and confirm access (which you should only need to do once). Another cause of this could be iTunes modally blocking AppleScript, waiting for input. Again, unusual, but if you launch iTunes and make sure it's not asking any questions before using Alfred's mini player. There are a few things I've done for the future which should mitigate these issues. Andrew
  14. If you type 'preferences' into Alfred, you'll get "Show Alfred's Preferences" in the results.
  15. @Fira It's part of "Advanced Date Formatting using Unicode formats" which links to this page: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-31/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patterns The formatting itself is a unicode standard, there are plenty of examples on that page. I'll add a note to add more examples on our own help page Cheers, Andrew
  16. @h2ner if you pass some text out of a Run Script (i.e. the open file you've looked up), then it can be set to a variable in the Arg & Var (set the name of the variable, and set the value to {query}). The variable is then available to subsequent scripts (i.e. the Script Filter) as an environment variable. As you've said, this is a much cleaner way than adding some configuration. Cheers, Andrew
  17. @Fira Here are a few which should help out: 24h formatting without am/pm: {date:HH:mm} 12h formatting with am/pm: {date:h:mm a} Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  18. @mickaphd take a look at the permissions section here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/macos-mojave/#integration Specifically the "Full Disk Access" Cheers, Andrew
  19. I've been playing with this a bit today, and it's actually quite a tricky conundrum when everything is taken into account. Alfred stores the string at the point of setting the hotkey as this is presented to him from the API, but to map a string key value back from a keycode is not a trivial task involving UCKeyTranslate. I'm going to contemplate the best approach to this, but it might have to be an alternative display mode which shows the original and translated codes.
  20. @d3v1an Alfred has no control over this process with 1Password 7. Alfred has a bare minimum of information about the login just to display the name to you, and when you select this login, it's passed to 1Password to handle opening the website, and filling your details. It might be worth posting on the 1Password forum to see if they have any ideas about this... perhaps (but probably not) they should be aware of intermediate browsers such as Choosy, or perhaps they could have an option to force which browser (e.g Safari) the logins open in instead of the default browser (i.e. Choosy on your Mac). You could possibly create a fudge workflow to switch your default browser, but then you'd need some way of browsing your logins in a Script Filter, which would require a fair amount of scripting to interact with the 1Password 3rd party data. Cheers, Andrew
  21. @AXLr80r can you paste in the metadata for an app you're looking for instead of Alfred 3.app - Alfred, by design, does not find his own app package.
  22. I have something in the works which I think will make you very happy with regards to this. That's all I'm saying for now
  23. @hecate Alfred evaluates dates based on unicode tr35: So you'll need to use the following for your initial example: {date:yyyy-MM-dd, HH:mm} For the full current month name, use: {date:LLLL} This link covers all other formatting you'll need: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-31/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patterns Cheers, Andrew
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