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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @nindustries This should work fine - could you open Console.app and see if there is anything interesting logged out when this happens?
  2. @bmazin If you drag a file into Alfred's default scope, it does add the containing folder - This is to just make adding folders to the scope easier. Obviously, once ~ is in Alfred's scope, it's going to search everything within ~. When manually adding all the folders, did you try adding in all the finite ones (dot prefixed)? Also, I see you have some Box sync items there, I'm wondering if these are having an affect. @bmazin - Could you pop an email to our info@ address, I'm going to give you a build which will log the actual folders Alfred is including in the scope when folders in home is selected on your Mac. This should let us know where the discrepancy is. Cheers, Andrew
  3. When you tick for Alfred to include folders in home, Alfred enumerates the folders (NSURLIsDirectoryKey) in ~/ with the filter "NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles", and also excludes the suffix "/Library". The returned list is added to the list of manually added items in the search scope, and should be no different to manually adding these folders yourself. What we need to work out is why, in the case of your two Macs, there are additional folders being added which are subsequently resolving through to where your Mail attachments are being stored (~/Library/Mail/). I have a few theories, perhaps NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles is failing and Alfred is also adding a hidden folder which is somehow linked through to the mail folder, but it's extremely difficult for me to investigate this without access to your Mac. If you open Finder to your home folder, then use cmd+shift+. this will show all hidden files and folders. Perhaps start adding in the hidden folders to Alfred's default search scope (with home folders unchecked) until this problem is exhibited, this will give us a clue where to start looking for the culprit. Cheers, Andrew
  4. @illidian I've added the workaround in the 3.7.2 pre-release which you can update to from Alfred's Update tab Cheers, Andrew
  5. Quick additional note: If you update to the 3.7.2 pre-release, I've added a workaround to bring back the correct font rendering!
  6. @illidian There have been no changes to Alfred's font rendering or themes (including font weight) in 3.7.1. I've taken a look at this and it seems that this is a Mojave specific issue based on whether the main window has a transparent background or not. Alfred sets the window background to a special Apple "clear colour" so that the rendering can be done completely by itself. If I set the background to be black with an alpha value of 0.0001 (so basically invisible but not clear), the font rendering is essentially fixed. This feels like a hack, and I've yet to be able to find any answers on Google or Apple's forum for this. I'll raise a DTS and see if there are any suggestions to force the font rendering to be as expected over a "clear" background. Cheers, Andrew
  7. So it looks like this is a bug in Mojave, specifically relating to simulating hotkeys with the modified arrow keys. If you change the system shortcuts to something else, then this will work as expected. I'll fix the visual bug of the key not updating in a future release
  8. It looks like your combos don't actually have a ^ on them (it should show in grey under this). This has actually made me spot a little visualisation bug which is preventing the icon updating. To set a combo which is already reserved in macOS, you should be able to press the main part of the combo (i.e. left arrow), then right click within the key combo field and select ^ to apply that. Currently, the right click selections don't seem to update the combo's icon. Having said that, it does look like macOS isn't recognising these dispatched key combos as expected. This doesn't have anything to do with Notarisation - I'll take a look to see if there is anything I can do to work around this issue in Mojave! Cheers, Andrew
  9. Thanks to @szymon_k's information via email, it highlighted something I'd missed from the metadata output posted on the previous page. The kMDItemContentType for applications missing their icons was "com.apple.application-file" and not the correct "com.apple.application-bundle". The UTI defines that "com.apple.application-file" is for an Application file (traditionally older single-file carbon based apps), and not modern Application Bundles (multi file packages as you'd see for all modern applications). This is undoubtedly a bug hiding somewhere in Mojave, and something which seems to resolve itself over time. All is not lost though... I've just put 3.7.1 b944 pre-release which works around this Mojave bug, so the icons will be shown and the apps will be cached by Alfred! You can update to the latest pre-release in Alfred's Update preferences. Cheers, Andrew
  10. @Patrick Burleson Yielding execution means if there are multiple streams coming from one object, the next stream down will continue while the first one waits. If you take a look at the Workflow Editor > [+] > Getting Started > Stream Order, it will explain how stream execution order works, including delay. If you share your workflow, it'd be easier to see what's going on Cheers, Andrew
  11. @Magto the learning is based on the currently typed phrase, not just how many times you've selected it. For example, if you're selecting 'Energy Saver' when typing 'sa', then Alfred will never present 'Safari' at the top for the same keyword 'sa', even if it's you're most selected app when 's' is typed. To clarify, Alfred latches the typed phrase in Alfred's window to your selected result with that typed phrase.
  12. The bookmarks feature is a complimentary (free) feature in Alfred, and it's not even mentioned on Alfred's homepage or the Powerpack page. We are very careful when picking features to include in Alfred's core (instead of an extension in the form of a Workflow), there is significantly more time consuming research and due diligence than we ever talk about publicly. A few reasons Firefox hasn't been brought into Alfred's core are: 1. The low number of Firefox users (actually less than the 5% dean quotes) who use Alfred. 2. No public API for Firefox bookmarks, meaning a hacky approach would be required. This inevitably leads to increased maintenance effort to keep the feature working. 3. Firefox has complete overhauls every so often, rebranding, and re-launching. Alfred can't support this kind of nuance. This is not to say that Alfred will never natively support Firefox, but at this point in time, it's not a good fit for Alfred's core... Especially when there are a number of workflows which can satisfy this feature.
  13. Remove /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications from Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope, then type 'reload' into Alfred to clear the cache. Note that if you remove all items from the scope like in the original screenshot, Alfred will default to scope 'all', which will include Core Services. Also, you won't be able to exclude Finder, even though it's in Core Services as this is included regardless. Cheers, Andrew
  14. This seems reasonable, and is only a single character change in the regex
  15. I'm still waiting on Apple to fix this - Spotlight in 10.12 crashes these days unless you untick the "Bookmarks & History" option in the Spotlight prefs. You can also crash Finder by trying to quicklook a webloc file. It's fixed in newer iterations of macOS, but I'm starting to think Apple won't back fix this.
  16. @tullyhansen Alfred has legacy support for older 1Password versions, so this could be down to misidentification of the 1Password version you're using, as if Alfred sees you as using 1Password 7, then the newer style URL scheme should be used. Alfred extracts the CFBundleShortVersionString in 1Password's package and I'm guessing that "7.2.2.BETA-3" might possibly be causing a misidentification if 1Password is using the CFBundleShortVersionString instead of the CFBundleVersion for this value. FWIW, Apple define this as the following, which doesn't include string text such as BETA: I'll take a deeper look into this later today. Note: It could ALSO be that you have lots of older versions of 1Password on your Mac which are being seen as the valid version of 1Password to use. Cheers, Andrew
  17. Alfred still has the focus compatibility mode in Appearance > Options, but it's very rare that compatibility mode is needed these days (if you're up to date with macOS). Setting this option to "Compatibility Mode" in Alfred will make Alfred the front most (focused) application in macOS while Alfred's window is visible.
  18. It could be that one of the apps that you have installed is defining that JS files to be of type public folder, and even rebuilding the launch services database won't fix things because of whichever app this is. The first answer on here gives more info to save me typing more about this: https://superuser.com/questions/263311/on-os-x-how-do-you-change-a-files-kind If you could work out which app it is and delete that app, you may have more luck when trying to re-associate these files.
  19. @byamabe it's worth adding that if you are referring to the snippets.alfdb database being overwritten at startup, this isn't where the snippets are sourced from. They are sourced from inside the Alfred.alfredpreferences package, and the snippets.alfdb database is a temporary store which is created for Alfred to access the snippets more efficiently.
  20. @scalefree The message on that page wasn't quite right, I've just updated it to be more relevant. You should still apply the fix as it sounds like you are using workflows which have an old version of the alfred-workflow library.
  21. @thoughtbox when you reinstalled your Mac, did you do a fresh install, or just reinstall over the top of the old OS? If the latter, this can cause more problems than it's worth. As the screenshot you provided mentions accessibility, try removing any references of Alfred from the macOS Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy section, as this may have become corrupt. Also could you try creating a new user account on your Mac, switching to that user and trying Alfred from there? Cheers, Andrew
  22. @Fr. you can do pretty much exactly this with (no.3) a workflow using a File Filter object, configured something like this:
  23. @iconoclast Alfred doesn't do anything odd when running things, and doesn't take a copy of external scripts as you theorise. I suspect that this is more of a consequence of how Mojave organises and caches permissions. For example. after Alfred requests the process of allowing permissions himself, he has to restart himself manually for those permissions to take effect. I'm not entirely sure there is anything I can do to fix this from Alfred's side, but I suspect that as Apple refines the (relatively new) permission architecture, things like this should become more streamlined. Cheers, Andrew
  24. @zombieswontgetme This is to do with word breaks / non anchored based searching. After a change in the macOS metadata search server (about 4 years ago), hyphens are no longer treated as word breaks without overhead, and as Alfred uses word breaks in the default searches by design, the specific file search you are describing will no longer match in Alfred's default results. You have a few options with this: Add a * to do wildcard matching, so show Alfred and use "open *synthesis". Use spaces instead of hyphens in your filenames. Replace Alfred's default searches with workflow file search objects configured to not do word based matching. It's worth noting that Alfred uses highly refined word based queries, so while no.3 above will give you more results (perhaps more similar to Spotlight's results too), it will make the queries much more noisy and slower. Cheers, Andrew [Moving to discussion and help]
  25. Alfred uses significantly more refined searches to find files, so you will see different results in Spotlight vs Alfred. A few examples of this: - Alfred separates searching within files to the 'in' keyword. - Alfred doesn't include the entire contents of your home Library folder by default Is there a specific file Alfred isn't finding which you are expecting? This may be a better place to get started if Alfred isn't returning the results you are expecting. Here is the help page for file search in Alfred for a bit more info, and some advanced options for navigating your file system: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/file-search/ Cheers, Andrew
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