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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @PAUL R FONTENOT In answer to your questions: 1. As explained before, dropping sound files is literally copying sound files from one folder in Finder to another. You use the little squares button in the Play Sound output to open Finder to the folder where you should be dropping sounds for that workflow which can then be used by all Play Sound objects in that workflow. 2. The "Launch Apps and Files" action is different to "Open File" action. The former can open multiple apps or files, the latter is for opening the passed in files with the given app (or default app). I'm moving this to to the Workflow sub forum as these aren't bugs with Alfred.
  2. @HRD this should work as expected in the latest version of Alfred 3.6.2 as long as Alfred is granted accessibility access in the macOS Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility prefs. This is a new prerequisite in Mojave for simulating key events. There is a possibility that I'll be offloading the key simulation into Alfred's Text Helper app which already has Accessibility access once I've done a bit more research on this.
  3. @PAUL R FONTENOT On the page you link to and provided by @Vero, it doesn't talk about adding the sounds to the library folder... here is a quote from the webpage: So to rephrase this into actions: Open the Play Sound object configuration in your workflow. Click the squares icon next to the Cancel button. Drop any sound into that folder (this is the folder the workflow lives in). Press the little refresh button next to the list of sounds in the Play Sound object configuration. You can now select the custom sound you have added to that workflow. The grey help text in the Play Sound object also contains these instructions, plus, if you haven't noticed, the little (?) button in the bottom left of each workflow configuration sheet takes you to the help page for that specific sheet.
  4. @PAUL R FONTENOT in the same sentence you quote, it says: So, no need to go to a webpage, they are built into Alfred!
  5. @Tsunami this should now be fixed in the 3.6.2 b921 pre-release. As before, the hotkey will pass through an empty selection if no selection is made in Finder, but the filter will now work in both cases for your workflow. While your suggestion of not continuing if no selection is made is potentially a good one, this can now be correctly addressed with the filter and gives ultimately more flexibility. Changing this behaviour would almost certainly create regression issues with existing workflows. Let me know how you get on with the fix! Cheers, Andrew
  6. @nikivi with that hotkey in your test, did you set the hotkey to fastest mode (pass through modifiers)... there shouldn't be a delay with large type.
  7. @Tsunami Ah interesting, I see what you're saying now. I've taken a look at the code and it looks like the filter only operates when there is a string fed into it, but the hotkey selection passes a list of one or more files out of it. I'll get this sorted for the next release Cheers, Andrew
  8. Using cmd+n on that page to add a new snippet is quicker! Also, fwiw, all +/- buttons are at the bottom right of their respective table/list throughout Alfred's preferences. I've tried to keep this consistent, and also added keyboard shortcuts in as many places as feasible.
  9. Safari bookmarks will now work in Beta 2 if you add Alfred to the macOS Security & Privacy prefs for allowing access to application data. I'll be looking into a way of making this automatic / more seamless in the future.
  10. I have a round of macOS Mojave fixes coming in a week or so, including a fix for this
  11. @Tsunami with both hotkeys, I'm seeing the full path copied to the clipboard. If you add in a Debug utility immediately after both hotkeys, what do you see as the output in Alfred's debugger?
  12. @Bouzmine I can reproduce this and can see what's happening. In duplicating an entire workflow, while the parent UID changes, the fallback item UID is staying the same which is causing the problem when adding fallbacks. To fix this, if you open one of the workflows, select all and cut the contents and re-paste it back in, the items will have new UIDs and will work as expected (note, the fallback icon will disappear because of this). I'll have a think about what can be done to make this work as expected
  13. It's worth mentioning that when you type 'Reload' into Alfred, this clears the Application cache and doesn't actually trigger Alfred to reindex them. Any Applications should be found instantly after this, and if they aren't, there is something up with the macOS metadata index.
  14. Hey there, I'm actually still up fiddling with a few 10.14 things None of the troubleshooting steps we suggest (or @deanishe has suggested) will disable your spotlight server, or give you the lower level errors you describe. It sounds like the issue started before you even tried to troubleshoot, and this is why "Left" wasn't found by Alfred (or Spotlight). This could be related to using the macOS Beta, worse things have been know to happen with the macOS metadata index. I think your best bet would be to unload and reload the metadata index. Pop these two commands into Terminal: sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist Then try rebuilding the macOS metadata index using the shortcut in Alfred's Advanced preferences. Be sure to select to delete the /.Spotlight-V100 folder as this will clear out any corruption (which is usually a cause of a systematic failure of the metadata index). Hope this helps! Cheers, Andrew
  15. @deanishe We sometimes see quirky behaviour from users with Logitech keyboards down to the driver. I'll move this to noted for now.
  16. @deanishe I'm trying to reproduce this and can't, Alfred should cancel listening for double taps with each alternative key pressed... for example, in the hotkey field, if I quickly type ⌘D ⌘S, then the D should have cancelled out the ⌘ becoming a second tap. Is there a specific combo sequence I can use?
  17. So as far as I can tell... Alfred's 1Password 7 integration works as long as 1Password is already unlocked otherwise nothing happens. If they are using Google Chrome which is launched but has no windows open, using the 1Password URL scheme yields nothing. I've fed this back to 1Password, so hopefully we can see a fix for this asap! Note, I've done Alfred 3 b918 pre-release today which I'm hoping will be compatible with any fixes 1Password will make to resolve this! Cheers, Andrew
  18. @charlie-brise I've just been playing with this again, and it looks like 1Password needs to be unlocked for it to act upon its new 1password: URL scheme - I'll send them another email!
  19. @HRD this will need to be fixed by 1Password - I've already emailed them about it. The latest release of Alfred now correctly calls the new 1Password 7 URL scheme to Open and Fill. After this point, Alfred has no control over what happens. I'm sure they'll have this fixed up quickly! Cheers, Andrew
  20. I've just done a new Alfred pre-release which mostly works aside from the bug I spotted with Google Chrome, which is when you have Chrome launched but no windows open, 1Password won't open the window to the specified URL. Open and Fill should work fine other than this.
  21. It almost works with 1Password 7.0.4 which fixes the issue with Open and Fill, but there is still a bug in 1Password which I've fed back to them. Shouldn't be long now! Cheers, Andrew
  22. 1Password have acknowledged this issue and will fix it in an upcoming update, at which point, I'll switch Alfred across to using the new 1Password URL scheme for formulating an Open and Fill Cheers, Andrew
  23. @HRD I can reproduce this, and I suspect this will need a fix in 1Password 7. I've also tried updating Alfred to use the new 1Password 7 URL scheme for open and fill, but this seems to only work when 1Password is unlocked. If it's currently locked, the open and fill URL just gets ignored. I've sent an updated email to 1Password
  24. @Pavel Alexeev Alfred copies the minimally formed number by design as this offers maximum compatibility when pasting to all types of destination app. If you'd like to copy the fully formatted leading 0 number, you can use cmd+c on the result. This has in fact been the behaviour in Alfred since the start, so I'm reluctant to consider changing it.
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