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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @nandorocker it works system wide as this will work in any app which provides files (or even text representing a file path). As I said, the file selection into Alfred uses the pasteboard to obtain the file selection, which is unrelated to double tap cmd combination. It's also worth noting that Alfred has a clipboard history too (if that's what you mean by a clipboard tracker), and items brought into Alfred through the file selection hotkey won't show in Alfred's clipboard history. Cheers, Andrew
  2. @nandorocker firstly, can you confirm that quitting Alfred makes this behaviour disappear? If it's definitely Alfred, there are a few places you can check to see if you have a hotkey with double tap set which could be copying things to the clipboard (i.e. via a file selection). All of these are within Alfred's Preferences: Features > File Search > Actions > File Selection (this copies the selected file to the clipboard) Workflows > [cog] > "Show Hotkeys" and scroll down the workflow list to see a double tap command If you are using Pop-clip or similar, try disabling Features > Clipboard > Merging > Fast Append Cheers, Andrew
  3. @40-02 thanks for your patience with this, it's involved writing a [high performance] custom filtering routine for SQLite. if you update to the latest 3.6 b895, I've added a new option in the Features > Clipboard > Advanced preferences. Select the "Diacritic and Unicode case insensitive matching" option, and this should now work as expected Cheers, Andrew
  4. Alfred 3.6 pre-release b895 has had a bit of an overhaul for the snippet matching. The snip keyword and clipboard history viewer snippet search now share the same search code so they are consistent. I've also added some options in the Features > Snippets preferences to also match by snippet content. Finally, you can now also turn off the word based matching for snippets so they are consistent with the non-anchored broad search of the clipboard history content. Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew
  5. Alfred 3.6 pre-release b895 has had a bit of an overhaul for the snippet matching. The snip keyword and clipboard history viewer snippet search now share the same search code so they are consistent. I've also added some options in the Features > Snippets preferences to also match by snippet content. Finally, you can now also turn off the word based matching for snippets so they are consistent with the non-anchored broad search of the clipboard history content. Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew
  6. Sorry to dig an old thread up, but I've added a new playlist local suffix field in Alfred 3.6 pre-release's Features > iTunes > Adavnced which will allow for machine specific playlist names. Let me know if this helps Cheers, Andrew
  7. @puttin macOS treats the fn key differently to standard modifier keys (it's not even defined as a carbon modifier in the framework), so Alfred only uses it for direct access to the F keys Cheers, Andrew
  8. The Alfred 3.6 b893 pre-release is now aware of multiple Google Chrome profiles, and you can select which one you'd like to use in Alfred's Web Bookmarks features prefs. If you have setup any symlinks workarounds etc, it's probably worth backing these changes out now. Cheers, Andrew
  9. The Alfred 3.6 b893 pre-release is now aware of multiple Google Chrome profiles, and you can select which one you'd like to use in Alfred's Web Bookmarks features prefs. If you have setup any symlinks workarounds etc, it's probably worth backing these changes out now. Cheers, Andrew
  10. Please note that the beta build has now been removed. There are general improvements in the Alfred 3.6 b893 pre-release which support the bug fixes Apple made in high sierra 11.13.2. Cheers, Andrew
  11. Note that this is now part of the Fixed 3.6 b893 pre-release, so no need to download the workflow. If you are already using the workflow, you can revert to using the built-in lock command
  12. @Ryan McGeary this'll be fixed in the next pre-release. Not a bug per-se, but I thinking about this, it's close enough related to the keyword that it should be migrated too.
  13. @nikivi when thinking about a feature request like this, it's better to step back and look at what you're trying to actually achieve rather than looking at how you are currently manually doing something. What you are actually trying to achieve would be better if there was some way of allowing workflow based programatic access to contact information rather than fudging simulating a keypress to "hopefully" select the bit of information you're looking for (e.g. 'g' could match github, or goodreads etc). There is a good chance that I'll be adding a Contacts Filter workflow input at some point in the future which will have the ability to pass out the selected contact's info into the workflow for subsequent processing. I'll have to think about wether there will ever be keyboard based shortcuts within the Contacts viewer, as there is currently no focused search field which would make it operate differently to other areas of Alfred. Cheers, Andrew
  14. @kazekara have you tried typing 'reload' into Alfred to clear his caches?
  15. @kontiainen Does Alfred show when using the "Toggle Alfred" from the Alfred hat in the menubar? If so, have you tried setting a different hotkey for Alfred? When you say you force quit Alfred and it doesn't start anymore, do you get an error when trying to start it? Cheers, Andrew
  16. @iGyver did you try slowing down key events (in that troubleshooting guide)? If that doesn't work, try turning off restoring of previous clipboard content altogether (on the same preferences sheet). Andrew
  17. This is being tracked in this thread: Read through the workarounds I listed there, but Apple fixed the majority of their metadata issues with 10.13.2, so I suspect a full reindex will sort your issues. [moving to closed]
  18. @linuxlsx I suspect that this has something to do with IDEA being a java app. It could be that macOS is reporting the currently active app to Alfred as Java when IDEA has focus. Is it working as expected with native apps on macOS? Cheers, Andrew
  19. @deanishe no worries, this will be sorted in the new year. Out of interest, are all your symlinked workflows in folders dotted around the filesystem, or do they all exist from a single separate folder. One thing I've been mulling over for quite some time is the ability to add additional paths for workflows. For example, the Alfred.alfredpreferences workflows folder by default, then additionally ~/Alfred/Workflows. Alfred would load all workflows within the additional folder in the same way. This would allow you to have synced and non-synced workflows etc. Cheers, Andrew
  20. @davidg there is a link to v2 in the download section at the bottom of our homepage. Also, if you type v2 into the search box in Alfred's webpage, the top result is where to download Alfred v2. Finally, if you type "Alfred v2 download" into google, it takes you straight to our page with the download link @GuiB gave you. We are definitely not trying to lock you out of v2! Cheers, Andrew
  21. @andybergon What do you mean by the Dropbox auto-sync feature? If you're talking about setting Alfred's sync folder, could you please enter your registered Powerpack address in your forum profile? (This is only visible to Vero and me). Cheers, Andrew
  22. @phx Try updating to 10.13.2, and restarting your Mac. Alfred does a very standard call to macOS to tell it to launch a file or app. If this isn't working, then something will be up in macOS. You could also try temporarily creating a new user account and trying on there. Cheers, Andrew
  23. @jyoshimi if you update to 10.13.2, then these issues should be addressed. They were caused by underlying bugs in macOS 10.13. Here is a thread where I discuss this: Cheers, Andrew
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