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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Hey Josh, There are a few different ways this can be done, but the easiest is to: 1. Quit Alfred 2. Copy the up to date Alfred.alfredpreferences into ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/ 3. Open Terminal and paste: defaults delete com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences-3 syncfolder 4. Start Alfred Check that syncing isn't setup in Alfred's Advanced preferences, and you're good to go For anybody else who sees this: If you'd just like to migrate settings to a different Mac, just copy across the Alfred.alfredpreferences before installing on the new Mac, then you don't need to change the sync folder. Cheers, Andrew
  2. @Harry36 the crash is happening outside of Alfred's control deep within the macOS metadata API. The first thing to try is to remove everything from Alfred's search scope in the Features > Default Results preferences, including unticking "include folders in home", then add back a few folders such as desktop and documents. See if the crash is still happening, then add back further folders until you see the crash. If we can work out if a specific file is causing the issue (and wether this file has any interesting characteristics), then I'll be able to raise a bug report with Apple. If I can't get any solid information, they will reject the bug. Cheers, Andrew
  3. @glawrie Interesting, I haven't heard of tracks being added in reverse order before, are you saying the playlist Alfred creates has the tracks added in reverse order? Is Shuffle turned on in iTunes? Also, Alfred should only create one playlist, and this is needed for Alfred to define the tracks it wants iTunes to play. If multiple playlists are being created, it could be that you have playlist syncing turned on and iTunes isn't managing to sync the playlists quick enough causing a conflict resulting in multiple playlists. Are you syncing playlists to any devices or iCloud in iTunes?
  4. Hm interesting, I've never noticed this... I don't suppose you have any other apps installed which may be interfering or fettling with the window focus?
  5. Here is a super simple workflow which uses keyword ('simlock' by default) and simulates ctrl-cmd-q. ---- LINK REMOVED --- Note: this is now fixed in 3.6 b893 pre-release, so workflow is no longer needed Note @Tetsugaku you'll need the Powerpack for this - if you already have this, could you please fill in your registered PP address in the forum profile, this is only visible to admins. Cheers, Andrew
  6. @pontus mine open the correct relevant folders in iCloud... so if I open the Sketch documents folder, it opens Finder to the Sketch iCloud folder.
  7. This is an interesting conundrum, and something which is going to take a bit of consideration. For file search, Alfred uses the macOS metadata for searching, and as you've seen this is returning the Document folders within the mobile document folders for iCloud Drive. Finder is fudging these to just show the application name: For example, with Sketch: ~/Library/Mobile Documents/WUGMZZ5K46~com~bohemiancoding~sketch/Documents ... is just showing as Sketch in Finder, even though it's actually Sketch's Documents folder. This is obviously some extra logic within Finder, which is not applied to Spotlight / metadata. I.e. You'll see the same "documents" results within Spotlight as you do within Alfred. Alfred is already doing a better job than Spotlight in this respect, as at a glance, Alfred will show you the source of the document folders within iCloud. Having said that, even though this isn't technically a bug in Alfred, I've added a ticket to look into what I can do to make this more graceful. Cheers, Andrew
  8. @Benjamski Alfred's file preview panel had to be replaced with a static image instead of using an Apple Preview API view as this was causing the window transparency to break in high sierra. I'm keeping an eye on this being fixed by Apple (as I suspect it's also related to the GPU performance bug), if they fix it, I may return the view to Preview version. If you have the shift version enabled, a quick tap of shift on the selected result should do the same as cmd+y. Cheers, Andrew
  9. @emeryamiller if you update to the 3.5.1 pre-release, I've also reduced the blur on the frosty teal theme. Any custom themes, reduce the blur to less than 50% and they should be fine. I've still left the ability to over blur themes as the lag is only affecting a subset of users, and Apple are aware of this GPU / blur bug. Cheers, Andrew [moving to closed]
  10. @XPLOT1ON if the app which is being pasted in to alters the text in some way (e.g. adding new lines), then Alfred won't be aware of this and the cursor placement will be in the wrong location. This has been known to happen in Google Documents, and some non-standard Apple software.
  11. @Kourosh if you update to the 3.5.1 pre-release, this should now be fixed
  12. @danaviv if you update to the 3.5.1 pre-release, this should now be fixed
  13. @danaviv if you've upgraded to High Sierra, the macOS recent documents format has changed. I have a fix in the works for this which should be pre-released early next week Cheers, Andrew
  14. I'm not doing anything unusual in Alfred's workflow editor, so do let me know if BTT come back with more info on this, just out of interest!
  15. @pauljacobson double check that Alfred's hotkey isn't conflicting with Spotlights - if you are getting intermediate behaviour like this, it's more usually a hotkey conflict.
  16. @Kourosh I have a fix for this in the works for 3.5.1
  17. I can use cmd+a and immediately drag with resting 3 fingers (not clicking). Do you have any other settings or 3rd party hacks enabled?
  18. With no selection in Alfred, move your pointer over an item and press cmd+a to select all. With no additional tapping, if you just put three fingers on the trackpad and start dragging, does it drag all the objects?
  19. If you miss step 2, then it works fine. Tapping on a single node obviously selects that single node. Just 3 finger drag a selection, then 3 finger drag one of the objects in the selection immediately.
  20. A quick note that macOS recent documents have changed in high sierra, so only internal recent documents may be shown in 3.5. I'm currently working on updating Alfred to read high sierra recent documents for 3.5.1. Cheers, Andrew
  21. I'm still unable to reproduce this... I can three finger drag a selection then three finger drag one of the nodes to drag all of them. Are you tapping between making the selection and dragging?
  22. @suprandr have you added that volume to Alfred's search scope? (Preferences > Features > Default Results).
  23. I just enabled 3 finger drag on my iMac with magic trackpad 2, and can three finger drag a selection then three finger drag the objects around in Alfred's workflow editor. This is using 3.5 and 10.12.6, same config as you. Is there something else I need to do to reproduce this not working?
  24. Nice instructions, thanks! In a future update, Alfred will get better non-default profile support for Chrome bookmarks, which will mean you shouldn't have to faf like this! Cheers, Andrew
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