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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @rossbennett if you grab this beta build: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/scratch/Alfred_3.5.1_878.dmg the pattern matching should be better Note that this is essentially an untested beta build, but should work fine. Cheers, Andrew
  2. Anybody experiencing this issue, could they try this build: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/scratch/Alfred_3.5.1_878.dmg ...which replaces the QLPreviewPanel with a static icon representation of the file instead in both Alfred's file navigation view and clipboard history file view. Note that this is essentially an untested beta build, but should work fine.
  3. We are gathering together information to put together a bug report for Apple relating to Quick Look / the Quick Look preview panel, for now, if you are not fussed about seeing this, you can turn off rich file previews in Alfred's Features > File Search > Previews. Cheers, Andrew
  4. @rossbennett this is essentially a behavioural changed caused by switching from using the OS X metadata to search bookmarks over to indexing bookmarks internally (as in High Sierra, there is no longer metadata for bookmarks). The new bookmarks feature in Alfred was partly borne out of necessity, and brought in later in the macOS 10.13 beta cycle than I usually like (as I had hoped that the missing bookmark metadata was just a macOS bug). As such, this feature is still young, and has some improvements in the pipeline which should better restore the behaviour you are expecting... This will be sooner rather than later Cheers, Andrew
  5. @40-02 hmm, I haven't made any direct changes with case sensitivity in 3.5 - has this worked in previous versions of Alfred?
  6. @KCMO10 this seems to be an issue with the latest version of OneNote which has also been reported by another user. It appears that OneNote is extremely slow to paste in the latest release. While we can't fix OneNote from crashing, if you turn off Alfred restoring the clipboard content in Alfred's Features > Snippets > Auto Expansion [cog] > Tweaking, then expansion should work. I am going to update the "Restore After" option to offer a longer delay before restoring clipboard content, which is why you are seeing the original content pasted. Cheers, Andrew
  7. It looks like CacheFly had routing issues a few hours ago, but these should be resolved now. We'll contact them to let them know that users are still experiencing issues. http://status.cachefly.com Cheers, Andrew
  8. @nikivi Alfred's default file searches use the same workflow File Filter under the hood
  9. Using the kMDItemContentType will be the highest performance too
  10. @agierczyk ts is the timestamp column, this is in seconds since reference date (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 2001). Cheers, Andrew
  11. @robert_muench you're right, it looks like the original page is offline. I'll add a note to update our documentation!
  12. @robert_muench Alfred's calculator is based on GCMathParser which works in radians. If you type cos(-180) into google, you'll see the same. Cheers, Andrew
  13. @GuiB that's correct, it's simply whitespaces at this point. This is something which will definitely change to represent a much wider range of word boundaries.
  14. @xilopaint It's extremely likely that macOS doesn't index the library caches folder, in which case, Alfred can't search metadata in that folder.
  15. @xilopaint if you have a hotkey directly to a workflow input, you get the workflow input's icon on the right instead of Alfred's icon.
  16. @surrealroad I've now made this fix, could you please let me know how you get on?
  17. @mikedvzo I actually have a ticket to implement this for when Alfred Remote is updated.
  18. @nikivi Alfred doesn't know when your script will return with results, and any change to the default behaviour will inevitably cause undesirable behaviour. Don't forget that you have full control over dynamic configuration of objects though... why not add a JSON Config utility between the hotkey trigger and the script filter to just set the titles to nothing. For example, something like this: You'll probably want to pass through the arg too... set the configuration as something like this: { "alfredworkflow" : { "arg" : "{query}", "config" : { "title" : "", "runningsubtext" : "", "subtext" : "", }, } } Cheers, Andrew
  19. It's worth adding that this may very well be a bug in macOS, as there is no reason for the target files to be marked as system - this prevents them from showing in Spotlight too. Note that this workflow operates directly on the actual shared files. I don't think the alias files are relevant in this case, in fact, I didn't even see where they were. Cheers, Andrew
  20. @Xavez I just noticed in the metadata that it's marked as a system file which Alfred ignores by default. Try this workflow with keyword 'ishare' which should find system files in the shared folder. I've tested it and it seems to work as expected: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6vmv9ofusqzb6gh/Search Shared iCloud.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Cheers, Andrew
  21. @Xavez The file you dropped in to the metadata tool is different to the alias' you show in terminal. Is this what you are seeing when you drop one of the .alias files in, or are you dragging a different file in? Alfred should find the file you dropped in as long as ~/Library/Mobile Documents/ is in Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope, which it is by default.
  22. @GuiB Thanks for spotting this, I'll have it fixed for the next pre-release
  23. @Alex M try this duplicated version of the theme with lower blur: https://www.alfredapp.com/extras/theme/kVih5pkcFN/
  24. This is a known issue with certain Macs and is due to the way High Sierra deals with blur radius. To work around this issue, duplicate the frosty teal theme, reduce the transparency a little, and make the blur under 50%. What's interesting is that it only affects certain newer Macs - my low power old Mac Mini (barely meets minimum spec for high sierra) works absolutely fantastically with high blur themes.
  25. @Cra1g If you just want to run a command, why not use the Run Script action which won't open Terminal at all. If you have to open Terminal, there are plenty of ways to quit Terminal after this. The cleanest would probably be to automatically append exit to your Terminal command. Cheers, Andrew
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