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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Alfred and all components are specifically signed, so you shouldn't be seeing this error message. I can verify the signature of Alfred Text Service as follows: preppeller$ codesign -dvvv /Applications/Alfred\ 3.app/Contents/Services/Alfred\ Text\ Service.app/ Executable=/Applications/Alfred 3.app/Contents/Services/Alfred Text Service.app/Contents/MacOS/Alfred Text Service Identifier=com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Text-Service Format=app bundle with Mach-O thin (x86_64) CodeDirectory v=20200 size=650 flags=0x0(none) hashes=14+3 location=embedded Hash type=sha256 size=32 CandidateCDHash sha1=6224fff19b9ff7add59a3fbc15500bcf04d972a3 CandidateCDHash sha256=5719840a48fc57f0586aabc5d378c2ff9a323aee Hash choices=sha1,sha256 CDHash=5719840a48fc57f0586aabc5d378c2ff9a323aee Signature size=8936 Authority=Developer ID Application: Running with Crayons Ltd (XZZXE9SED4) Authority=Developer ID Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Timestamp=21 Jul 2017, 14:24:54 Info.plist entries=24 TeamIdentifier=XZZXE9SED4 Sealed Resources version=2 rules=13 files=2 Internal requirements count=1 size=204 As with @vitor, did you download this from our website? Perhaps try downloading the dmg and installing again? Also, have you installed anything which may have broken Apple's Root CA? Cheers, Andrew
  2. @samzhang In Alfred's Features > File Search > Previews preferences, untick the "Quick Look" option.
  3. @AriW Try slowing down the key events, as Alfred may be too quick for MS OneNote. You can do this in Alfred's Features > Snippets > [cog] > Tweaking preferences. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  4. @HRD I'll be able to load the bookmarks manually in Alfred's next release. I'm going to lock this topic now as there is no need to continually bump it - I already have an internal ticket for this issue.
  5. @GuiB Alfred doesn't exclude this, but if it's already being used (or reserved) by macOS, then the key events won't even be making into Alfred's Preferences for setting.
  6. @Jasondm007 Alfred has a small set of exclusions to prevent confusion. These exclusions were added in Alfred v1 after people didn't realise the hotkey field had focus and e.g. typed cmd+w to close the Alfred Preferences window not realising they had set the hotkey, which then overrode the behaviour for all of macOS for closing windows. The default exclusions are: ⌘Q ⌘W ⌘S ⌘X ⌘C ⌘V ⌘Z. You can in fact force Alfred to use these (or any already assigned hotkeys) if you edit the workflow plist directly, but there is no way to make Alfred take precedence vs other previously assigned hotkeys of the same type (although, usually system assigned hotkeys will be overridden). Alfred registers the hotkeys with macOS, then gets notified my macOS when one of these hotkeys are triggered. How macOS decides which hotkey should be triggered isn't publicly documented. Cheers, Andrew
  7. @GuiB This is dealt with by Alfred's workflow framework code, so hopefully fixing arrays / complex arrays for this case will also fix any other areas which weren't working
  8. @GuiB just a quick update on this - I've raised an internal ticket as dynamic configuration of the 'Fields' part of the file filter needs a code update to work (looks like this has never worked). This would get the 'alt' connection path working in your example workflow. It also looks like variable replacement within [complex] config tables also aren't being correctly replaced, so I'll get that sorted too. Your workflow example was completely on point btw, it makes my job significantly easier! Cheers, Andrew [moving to bugs]
  9. @nikivi You need to set the connection coming out of the list filter (the little circle on the connection) to "Don't close Alfred window on actioning result". This will change it to a square, and should prevent the window closing between the list filter and script filter.
  10. Interestingly, I can now see bookmarks and history in 10.13 Spotlight, but still can't see any filesystem metadata which is what Alfred uses to show these bookmarks. I'm wondering if the underlying metadata has changed in type - if anybody can find the metadata files (which were in ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/ pre 10.13), then they get a pretend gold star! Either way, I've now created a ticket to look at manually loading the plist for the bookmarks in case this isn't rectified by Apple.
  11. @s4nji nicely spotted thanks - there seems to be a general issue with Caps Lock which stems from the way Alfred watches for multi key / dead key states with the text auto expansion. I'll take a look into this for the next release. Cheers, Andrew
  12. @deanishe related apps isn't part of the designated migration, but I can see that this could be useful to be migrated. I'll add a ticket to look into this as this will be the first non-keyword, non-hotkey item migrated. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any reason this can't be included in the migration though Cheers, Andrew
  13. @GuiB thanks for the workflow, I'll take a look into this once I finish what I'm working on and get back to you
  14. @deanishe the behaviour in Alfred's default results won't change (and therefore the AppleScript behaviour for "search" won't change). The new "browse" AppleScript command will open the navigation window and just use string you pass, so you'll be able to add a trailing slash or not depending on what you want.
  15. @deanishe this is by design, and the behaviour is consistent with pasting a path into Alfred. It allows you to copy a path from e.g. pwd in terminal (which doesn't have a trailing space), paste it into Alfred and it will browse the same folder as your terminal session. If you paste ~/Desktop or ~/Desktop/ into Alfred, it will browse both, as these are treated as actual paths (the path is interpreted and resolved before the filtering within the file system navigation view). It is in fact just a side effect of Alfred recognising the search term as a path and navigating into it which is why the navigation is happening from AppleScript. The AppleScript search command is showing Alfred's default window with the specified search term (which happens to be a path), this search term is passed to the framework which is interpreting it as a path and then replacing the view out with the file system navigation view (you can actually see it flicker as the views change if you look closely). A tidier solution could be to add additional new AppleScript: tell application "Alfred 3" to browse "~/Desktop" This would open the navigation view directly, skipping the path recognition and processing via Alfred's default results view. Cheers, Andrew
  16. @Empyreal I wonder if this is an Atom (electron) save dialog issue as it seems to work fine in the macOS native save dialog. Does it work fine for you in the TextEdit Save dialog?
  17. It surprises me that this isn't easier to do by default... I'll add an additional AppleScript command for the next release which will be something like: tell application "Alfred 3" to action "~/Desktop" Cheers, Andrew
  18. @deanishe is correct. Unbelievably, the Apple Contacts API doesn't support diacritic insensitive search... so Alfred offers using this which is slightly more reliable when spotlight is acting up, or switching to spotlight which has diacritic insensitive matching.
  19. @nikivi I've also been unable to reproduce this - is Alfred correctly learning in other features?
  20. @GuiB I have actually addressed this recently after this thread: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/10427-typefile-is-ignored-when-variables-are-also-set-changes-made-for-341-b858-pre-release/ You can now simply add variables per item, for example (using your workflow): Second item in your list: { 'title': "Desktop", 'subtitle': "By setting env var = file action doesn't work", 'type': "file", 'arg': "~/Desktop", 'variables': { 'varName': "varValue" }, 'icon': { "type": "fileicon", "path": "~/Desktop" } } I did update the documentation, but didn't make a big deal about highlighting it: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/script-filter/json/#variables Let me know if you have any problems with this Cheers, Andrew
  21. @NickNY I've also replied to your Facebook messages earlier today, did you also try turning off Optimised Storage for iCloud as per this article: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207236 This may also bring your files back from iCloud. I take on board that iCloud Drive is getting more unreliable (especially for Pro apps), and I have raised an internal ticket to provide more warning when trying to use it to store Alfred's preferences. Cheers, Andrew
  22. If it helps, Alfred's 'Replace' workflow utility object can actually accept new lines if you alt-enter in the right field. It's likely at some point I'll take a fresh look at all of the utility objects to see how they can be improved Cheers, Andrew
  23. @kballard the sheet from that cog only used to contain preferences relating to auto expansion, but it's now outgrown this. It's likely this cog will be replace with something more obvious in a future release.
  24. ... it's also worth noting that it would be super simple to create a workflow which adds a File Action for "Move to Applications", set for type Applications only. This could be a super simple script which removes xattrs and moves to /Applications/ Cheers, Andrew
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