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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @cbowns try doing an xattr -rc /path/to/app to remove all extended attributes before copying it to /Applications. This should work absolutely fine, and something I've been doing for quite some time with various things. Interestingly, a while back, I started deploying Alfred in a signed dmg instead of a zip, as recommended by Apple - Apps packaged inside a signed dmg are not translocated by macOS. It's unlikely Alfred's move command will remove the extended attributes, as it would sidestep a default feature added by Apple. Cheers, Andrew
  2. @cbowns not sure if you spotted in that thread, but you can remove the quarantine flag with xattr after the mv, and then the app won't be translocated by macOS.
  3. @Adrianthomas In the Script Filter's configuration, set the keyword argument to "Argument Optional". This way, the Script Filter will be run as soon as the keyword matches, before the user types any argument. Hope this helps Cheers, Andrew
  4. @rossbennett interesting, thanks for posting! @HRD I still don't think there is anything for me to do right now other than keep an eye on this. I don't want to engineer a solution to work around a beta "work in progress" in High Sierra.
  5. @Jasondm007 the workflow I created was a simple file filter (using macOS metadata). Modifying this to look for specifics within Notes.app (such as note folders) would be rather more involving, and I suspect, a bit more scripting. Somebody here may be able to prove me wrong on that though!
  6. @Damoeire the difference between those two keywords is that open will open the item, find will reveal it in finder. For most other types of files, the consequence is more obvious, but with folders, both will end up in Finder. The open command will open Finder to within the selected folder, the find command will select that folder in Finder. I haven't experienced any issues with either of these keywords and folders, and the actual behaviour of this is controlled by macOS itself (Alfred doesn't do anything differently when asking to open a file or a folder, just passes off to macOS). Have you tried just restarting your Mac in case macOS is having a funny moment? Cheers, Andrew
  7. @Jasondm007 You can't override Apple's key behaviour. If a key has an alternative (Apple) function, you need to hold the fn key to turn that key into an actual function key to use it in Alfred. You can turn all keys into standard function keys in Apple's Keyboard prefs, then you could assign custom functions to every key. Cheers, Andrew
  8. @Acidham If you just want to list items in Alfred's results without any scripting, remember you can also use the List Filter.
  9. @RodgerWW I've been using text expansion on my testing Mac for a while and it has been working as expected. Have you tried rebooting?
  10. Yep, @deanishe is correct, Script Filter XML output will still be interpreted by Alfred for the foreseeable future, it just won't be getting feature updates like the JSON output. Cheers, Andrew
  11. @Obbut I've now updated the "Alfred" and "Alfred Dark" default themes to be less than 50% blur, and more opaque. They look practically the same, but should be higher performance. Would you mind updating to the 3.4.1 pre-release from Alfred's update prefs and check this for me? Cheers, Andrew
  12. @Obbut perfect thanks, I'll tweak the default themes to take that into account so less people experience this issue.
  13. @marlabs The Script Filter is for populating results into Alfred, and as such, a specific JSON output is expected. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/script-filter/ You can get an example to get you started from the + button bottom left of the workflow preferences, select "Getting Started > Script Filter" which will give you a working example. Cheers, Andrew
  14. @Obbut any help with this is appreciated... Could you let me know if there is a threshold of theme blur which this is introduced? Or wether any (tiny) level of theme blur also has an issue. Also, if you switch to the high performance graphics card on your MBP (untick automatic graphics switching in energy saver prefs), do you still see the issue? Cheers, Andrew
  15. @runelind I'd be interested in finding out if a PRAM reset fixes the issues too, seeing as people are complaining about the Iris 6100 performance here and people say PRAM reset fixes it in some cases: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/2015-macbook-pros-intel-iris-6100-is-so-choppy-in-yosemite.1857649/
  16. Yeah this is bizarre, and almost certainly a macOS graphics driver bug relating to newer MacBook Pros. Alfred uses native blurring on the main window, and there is faultless performance with any blur level on my old test Mac Mini mid-2010 with macOS 10.13 beta installed. If this isn't fixed by Apple, I'll possibly remove blurring from the default themes to prevent confusion.
  17. At this point, my macOS 10.13 test machine isn't indexing Safari bookmarks at all (i.e. Spotlight isn't seeing them). If macOS were to be indexing bookmarks, I suspect they may just be in a different location which needs to be added to Alfred's default search scope.
  18. @Jasondm007 You should just be able to use F5 and F6. As the Apple Keyboard doesn't have additional functions assigned to these keys, don't hold the fn key, just use the F5 or F6 key by itself.
  19. The icon staying in the dock (for the first time you setup Text Expansion) was a quirk introduced in a previous build. I've actually fixed this for 3.4.1. If you disable and re-enabled text expansion after it's setup, it won't be in the dock. Cheers, Andrew
  20. @BrianGilbert_ Doh sorry, I didn't see that you offered the new path (as I had just replied to a couple of identical emails for ScreenSaver). I'll get this fixed in the next pre-release Andrew
  21. @BrianGilbert_ I'm currently looking to see if there is a new way to start the screensaver, if I can't find one, I'll raise an Apple DTS
  22. @samdale67 Are you seeing the bookmarks in Spotlight? There is a good chance they have just not been indexed yet.
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