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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @Otter The stack trace doesn't give me anything useful (I suspect that, as you say, this made things continue therefore the stack trace is normal. Likewise, if running a stack trace pushed the event system on, then this suggests something very much outside of Alfred's hands. I suspect that there is something up at the macOS level which is affecting the very low level event system. It's likely that this has a wider impact than just Alfred, but you are seeing it manifest within Alfred as you can operate things without clicking or focused keyboard input. One thing you could try is set the workflows to pass through the modifiers, as this slightly alters the way Alfred and macOS interact when it comes to registered hotkeys. This may be enough to sidestep the issue. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/triggers/hotkey/#tips At this point, I'm not sure what else to suggest to solve this. Perhaps reinstall Alfred (just in case it's not a macOS thing but an Alfred corruption). You can reset Alfred's settings using this guide: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/reset-alfred/ I'm certain that a macOS reinstall would fix this issue, and likely a new user account... but as you said, this isn't practical in your situation. I'm going to move this to the help sub forum (as this isn't a bug in Alfred), but I'll keep an eye on any feedback you give. Cheers, Andrew
  2. @shira under Alfred's Advanced preferences, you can find some default modifiers, so you could make alt+return on a result always search in your top fallback (google by default) regardless of whether it matches something.
  3. @FroZen_X you can delete individual items manually using cmd+backspace in the clipboard history viewer. If you could set Keyboard Maestro to use a transient marker when populating the clipboard, then Alfred's history will ignore this. Alternatively, you could setup an Alfred workflow to do a similar task, and Alfred's Clipboard output object can set the text as transient. Cheers, Andrew
  4. Vitor is absolutely correct that TLDs are now open ended, so these are valid domains. @shira Have you included file search in your default results? This is a good reason to keep Alfred's default file search behaviour (focused default results, then using the open keyword, or [spacebar] prefix), as this means you'd type [spacebar]install.py to search for that as a file, or install.py to open this as a website. Cheers, Andrew [Moving to help forum]
  5. @Otter this definitely isn't intended behaviour, and something I haven't heard about before. It sounds to me like something is possibly locking Alfred from continuing. If you get to the point where it hasn't triggered, could you open Activity Monitor, select Alfred and select "Sample Process" from the cog in the toolbar. This should tell me what could potentially be holding Alfred up (A workflow, some corruption etc). It's also worth mentioning that the hotkeys are abstracted from Alfred, registered at the macOS level, then fed as events into Alfred. A 3rd party (Accessibility enabled) app could also be interfering with this event chain. I would suggest temporarily creating a new user account, switching to that account and seeing what behaviour you get there. Cheers, Andrew
  6. @skatkov I'm moving this to "Discussions and Help" as this isn't a bug in Alfred. It'll likely be a permissions issue, or something similar. Take a look at the troubleshooting link above. I'll keep an eye on this, but I'm certain it'll be simple and we'll have you up and running soon Cheers, Andrew
  7. @jwir3 I have raised bugs with Apple, and used DTS with a few different iterations of macOS, and every time they have responded with "there is nothing you can do to avoid this without using private APIs". this. I'll move it to 'noted', but for now, this is a known issue which you just have to press esc to work around. Cheers, Andrew
  8. @Ontonator this is by design, and the reason the JSON is parented with "alfredworkflow". Is there a specific case where this would get in the way of what you were trying to achieve? It's also worth noting that any JSON config passed into workflows as a text argument, or output from (script / JSON config) objects only alter the directly connected object(s). This is an extremely powerful and flexible feature allowing scripts to alter down-stream behaviour. As an example, if you were to place a 'debug' (or even a simple 'junction') object directly after a keyword object, then connect the post notification to the output of the debug object, the Post Notification object wouldn't receive this JSON / configuration. Cheers, Andrew
  9. @Gary King This is actually an omission and should work for both typed snippets and using the snip keyword. I'll have this fixed for the snip keyword in Alfred's next release Andrew [moving to bugs forum]
  10. @vitor pretty much sums up the reasoning behind this. Essentially, Alfred is extremely lightweight on a user's Mac, having minimal CPU and battery impact at all times. This is essentially achieved by only running the internal logic paths required which lead to the user's desired result at any one time, not running any unnecessary code. This becomes more significant when [non-native] workflows may take a decent amount of CPU or network traffic. Added to the fact that this is a rarely requested feature, it's unlikely that this will be implemented into Alfred's default results. Having said that, and having a think about this, there is one aspect I would consider. You can already create a workflow and attach it to an input filter (such as a file filter, script filter etc). At this point, it's a 1 to 1 mapping for hotkey to input filter. If there was interest, I'd look at enhancing this so that one hotkey could connect to multiple input filters, and results from all filters would be shown. This would essentially allow you to build a workflow which shows a custom version of Alfred with the specific, highly customised results you'd like. Cheers, Andrew
  11. @19000 You may need to select "Dvorak-Qwerty" instead of "Dvorak", as this maintains the standard locations for the cmd modifier keys which would allow the simulated copy to continue working.
  12. @m3adi3c If you update to the 3.3.1 b806 pre-release, Alfred should now behave much better with this
  13. @m3adi3c It's also worth mentioning that Alfred's file cache is actually fed from the file search, so if an app doesn't show immediately, usually re-searching for the app (without the space or apostrophe prefix) will find it.
  14. @m3adi3c that's enough info thanks! I can see where that is happening now - I'll have this fixed today thanks Andrew
  15. @m3adi3c Just reviewing this code, I noticed that I'm not launching in the background when using the file system navigation (browsing). Is this how you're launching apps? When launching from the default results, it should do it in the background and not exhibit this issue. Cheers, Andrew
  16. @tornado I forgot to add, now that you know what is causing this, it might be worth hitting "Reset" at the top of the scope list to add back in Alfred's defaults for things like preference panes etc
  17. @tornado Excellent - I'm glad you got to the bottom of this! These things are always tricky
  18. ctrl+click on the hat is now possible in the 3.1.1 pre-release
  19. @Zork I have been playing around with the clipboard after text expansion and am seeing no issues with it. Instead of getting the clipboard content with AppleScript, have you tried setting the hotkey in your workflow to pass the clipboard content into your workflow? Then you can pass this into the AppleScript. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/triggers/hotkey/ Set the Argument to "OS X Clipboard Contents". Cheers, Andrew
  20. Have you tried fully resetting Alfred and running it as if it were a fresh install? This could possibly be caused with some corruption somewhere. Here are the instructions for resetting Alfred 3: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/reset-alfred/ (You can back those folders up before resetting). @tornado in your case, the sample you sent back in December points to your issue being a metadata related issue, and macOS is halting Alfred during attempting to set the query search scope. This call should return instantly but it's halting. You could try unticking "Include folders in Home", and removing all items from the search scope (except /Applications) from Alfred's Features > Default Results to see if that helps? Did you try a hard reset of your metadata including the option to delete the /.Spotlight-V100 folder? Cheers, Andrew
  21. @therockmandolinist Here is the site describing transients: http://nspasteboard.org Alfred ignores the clipboard if one of the data representations in the clipboard is of type "org.nspasteboard.TransientType". Cheers, Andrew
  22. @Zork try using "(the clipboard as text)" instead of just "(the clipboard)" The clipboard contents can contain multiple data items, including rich text, images etc, all within a single clipboard entry. Specifying getting the clipboard as text will ensure you get the plain text version.
  23. Alfred 3.3 now has this option in the Alfred's advanced prefs - set Selection Hotkeys to "Restore previous clipboard item". Cheers, Andrew
  24. @dennis.a the typographical one is 10.9 specific as the font was wider and macOS wasn't correctly adapting the field length. These are odd ones to spot as we very rarely boot up 10.9 so thanks for that Cheers, Andrew
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