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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @deanishe if you create a folder called Andrew's Folder! on your desktop and copy it from Alfred, you'll see it's copied literally as shown (which can then be used e.g. for a cd in bash). What's happening is the entire path is wrapped in single quotes, then the single quote before the backslash is the end of the string literal, then it's adding a single quote with \', then it's adding the end of the path as a string literal in single quotes. There are alternative ways this could be escaped, i.e. '/Users/preppeller/Desktop/Andrew'\''s Folder!' /Users/preppeller/Desktop/Andrew\'s\ Folder\!/ ... but many years ago, when this was first done, there was a reason I went with wrapping the entire path in single quotes. I think it may have been to do with UTF8 characters, but don't quote me on that. Cheers, Andrew
  2. @dennis.a It looks like you've actually spotted a bug - if you have fuzzy set to "Fuzzy capital letters" in Alfred's Advanced prefs, this works as expected, but when set to fuzzy from word boundary, the behaviour doesn't match the default results as intended. I'm going to move this to the bugs forum and have it fixed for the next release Cheers, Andrew
  3. @Brandon Yap As far as I've looked, Apple don't give API (or shell) access to this method of locking, so it won't be included in Alfred by default. The way I lock my computer is to set the screensaver to require password on return, then use the sleepdisplays or screensaver commands in Alfred. You could even change the keyword of one of these to 'lock' in Alfred's System Command prefs. Cheers, Andrew
  4. @zachx08 There are a few ways you could do this. Firstly, if you are using the "Launch Apps / Files" action, there is a checkbox at the bottom which toggles visibility. This will allow you to, for example, have one hotkey connected to this action with a single app, then use the hotkey to toggle between the app showing and hiding. Alternatively, you could use some AppleScript to hide or minimise specific apps in the "Run AppleScript" action, e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/a/3564215 Hope this helps Cheers, Andrew
  5. @jaywang this folder shouldn't be indexed unless there has been a quirk in the macOS metadata index. Perhaps try typing 'reload' into Alfred to flush the caches. If this doesn't work, try rebuilding the macOS metadata index using the shortcut in Alfred's Advanced preferences. Cheers, Andrew
  6. @Moses if you look inside the Alfred.alfredpreferences package in the workflow folder, are the workflows still there? Cheers, Andrew
  7. @Blaz It looks like you are remapping the right command key to right option in iTerm. Try not remapping both cmd keys and see what happens.
  8. @Srisri Alfred uses the macOS metadata store for file search, which acts a bit like a full text search lucene index. As long as the file is seen by macOS as having a style of plain text, it should be indexed and therefore searchable by Alfred with kMDItemTextContent Cheers, Andrew
  9. @lazermoose Alfred doesn't have a mechanism to watch for new mail, and this sound isn't part of Alfred's sound bank, so unless you have installed a workflow doing something very specialised, this isn't coming from Alfred.
  10. @eeyoredragon Dean is correct, Alfred never has access to any of your 1Password data except an extremely high level overview of logins when you enable 3rd party integration in 1Password. The data Alfred has access to is essentially limited to item name, website url and uuid. When you ask Alfred to open anything from 1Password, Alfred does one of two things depending on the type of item: it'll either open a URL directly which includes a UUID which the browser 1Password plugin recognises and processes, or Alfred will ask 1Password to open the item directly. In both cases, if 1Password is locked, 1Password will ask for your passphrase before processing the item. So, to answer your question: There is no way for Alfred to access any data within 1Password. Cheers, Andrew
  11. @Srisri You'll need to configure the search fields for the filter to look at text content. Select the Advanced tab of the file filter config sheet and from the + button, select kMDItemTextContent. Remove the other items so it looks like the following: Then, just use the file filter's keyword and search terms. Hope this helps! Cheers, Andrew
  12. Ah sorry, not including ctrl+click was an oversight. This will be fixed in the next build Cheers, Andrew
  13. @Overload119 The easiest way to achieve this at a generic level is to have a single separate hotkey defined to show Alfred with the currently selected text in macOS, and place the cursor to the left. i.e. my Alfred hotkey is alt+space, but I have ctrl+alt+space (workflow hotkey trigger by itself) setup as the following, which puts Alfred in a state (cursor to the left) ready for me to type the keyword: This way, you only need to remember two hotkeys - One for Alfred by default, and one for Alfred with selected text. Cheers, Andrew
  14. @snowfox Alfred 3 launches apps off the main thread to work around this issue. I've just re-downloaded Google Chrome to test, Alfred disappears then you get the popup asking if you want to open it. Are you seeing this with all apps you have downloaded? Also, the screenshot you posted is slightly different as it looks like you are trying to launch an app directly from a dmg instead of moving to /Applications... could this be contributing to the issue? If I can reproduce this, I should be able to fix it! Cheers, Andrew
  15. @vitor perfect use case for clipboard history placeholder, and in fact, better than the new option I added in the Advanced preferences to buffer and restore in the Advanced prefs which can have minor memory implications.
  16. @koolio I've just done an Alfred 2 maintenance release which includes the updated LinkedIn search along with other updated web searches
  17. @koolio yep - I'll fix it in a maintenance release of Alfred 2. For now, you can disable the default web search and add a custom search for the url above Cheers, Andrew
  18. The Alfred 3.3 pre-release b787 has now had some work done on the file actions, so this should be sorted
  19. If you update to the 3.3 b787 pre-release, this should now be sorted
  20. @S. Sasaki If you set the focus mode to compatibility in Alfred's Appearance > Options preferences, it works around this macOS bug. Hope this helps! Cheers, Andrew [moving to help]
  21. @HeatherH Thanks for spotting this - I'm going to move it into the bugs forum and have it fixed for the next release Cheers, Andrew
  22. @xmarc999 To expand on Vero's answer, 1Password overhauled their 3rd party integration at version 6.5. The bookmarks-default.json referred to in the two agile bit links you provided, and the quoted forum article refer to 1Password before 6.5. The updated 1Password stores their multi-vault integration data in one of two locations depending on wether you are using the App Store version or not. App Store Version: ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/Caches/Metadata/1Password/ Non App Store Version ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/1Password/ Only one of these folders should exist, Alfred will use the one which exists and contains data. Cheers, Andrew
  23. @DONSA using my recommended method will still allow you to unlock with your watch. The issue arrises in the fact that under the hood, the lock command actually suspends the macOS session which is what's possibly incompatible with something. You could even rename the 'sleepdisplays' command to 'lock' (with password required in the macOS Security & Privacy prefs) and it'll do the same job but without suspending the session.
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