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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @raguay.customct could you provide a bit more details on this? The 3.2.1 release shouldn't have changed anything with regard to the flow through a workflow.
  2. It's not possible to search by date within Alfred itself, but the clipboard database is an SQLite database stored in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 3/Databses/clipboard.alfdb It's pretty self explanatory if you take a look at the schema, so you should be able to find what you need Cheers, Andrew
  3. @ideodora This could very well be the default hotkey binding for Alfred's File Selection. Try clearing the hotkey in Alfred's Features > File Search > Actions preferences (at the bottom) Cheers, Andrew
  4. @raguay.customct sorry about the delay on replying here - I've just done the first 3.2.1 pre-release which will have this fix in it
  5. Would you two mind updating to the 3.2.1 pre-release and let me know if you see an improvement in the behaviour? Cheers, Andrew
  6. I agree with @deanishe - I suspect that the hotel has wireless isolation, and is certainly blocking bonjour traffic.
  7. @deanishe hm ok - well either way, I suspect it will be fixed for both. I could only reproduce it in Sierra
  8. @wangyijie Thanks, with 'slow motion' or 'take your time' I can see a tiny bit of latency on my Mac - I'll add a ticket to see what I can do to eradicate this
  9. I can see what is happening, and it's a combination of Alfred trying to be as efficient as possible (fast rejecting certain scenarios to prevent the Alfred Text Service from using any more CPU than absolutely necessary) and a (probable) macOS bug where the fn key is being passed through as an active mod in the reproducible case above. Essentially, when following this case, macOS is reporting that the fn key is still depressed when you type the first 'd' of 'ddate', and Alfred is rejecting this. I've removed this particular 'efficiency' fast fail in the Alfred Text Service and it fixes this issue - I'll be doing a pre-release of 3.2.1 reasonably soon where you'll see the fix Thanks for your help! Cheers, Andrew
  10. @wangyijie Dictionary is only showing one definition at a time, Alfred is showing you the definition for every visible word. How much latency are you seeing?
  11. @wangyijie I'm not seeing sluggish behaviour here - what spec Mac do you have, and how many dictionaries / languages do you have installed? Cheers, Andrew
  12. @Mikeatalfred perfect thanks for that! It looks like this issue could actually be macOS Sierra related (my iMac / dev machine is still on El Capitan). Your exact reproducible case works on my iMac but not on my MacBook - I should be able to get this sorted now cheers!
  13. Andrew

    High CPU usage

    @rockpilp Alfred should be extremely well behaved when it comes to CPU and RAM, especially at idle. As you theorised, this could be a workflow, or it could be OS X's metadata index causing an issue (perhaps by a new app you've installed?). Are you still seeing this issue? Cheers, Andrew
  14. @deanishe I'm trying to reproduce this just in TextEdit and an unable to reproduce using the delete key (older wide Apple keyboard) or arrow keys. 1. I'm typing some text, selecting all using cmd+a, pressing 'delete', then snippets are working as expected. 2. I'm typing some text, using up arrow, typing a snippet keyword and it works as expected 3. I'm trying @Mikeatalfred's cmd+up, enter, up, typing a snippet keyword and it works. hmm :/ If you try in TextEdit, what behaviour do you see?
  15. @deanishe thanks for working that out - I'll get that sorted in the next release
  16. @Mikeatalfred try selecting "Expand snippets mid-string" in Alfred's Features > Snippets > [cog] > Options. Alfred may be misinterpreting keystrokes before the snippet as being part of the same word, so not expanding. Mid-string turns off this check. Cheers, Andrew
  17. @Samantha This could be caused by any number of things (outside of Alfred), but one thing you could try to set the hotkey trigger mode to either pass through or wait for modifiers release (right click on the hotkey field). It may be the combination of simulated modifiers released and something in Chrome which is causing the modifiers to remain stuck. Also, are you on the very latest Alfred 3 release? Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  18. @alexzou I can see that you are using iCloud for your sync folder and that there are two copies of the Alfredpreferences package which suggests that there has been a syncing conflict (or that the preferences haven't fully synced before you set it up on a second Mac). In my experience, testing the iCloud folder for syncing has been slow and unreliable. I would always recommend using Dropbox to sync Alfred's preferences as this has worked faultlessly for me for years. You could try copying each of those preference files separately to your desktop named exactly as Alfred.alfredpreferences (the one Alfred is actually looking at), and after copy, set your sync folder in Alfred to look at ~/Desktop for the preferences. This will allow you to find out which of those two preferences files have your preferences in. Cheers, Andrew
  19. @manavortex Your dock looks cool! The Alfred prefs icon is within Alfred 3.app here: Alfred 3.app/Contents/Preferences/Alfred Preferences.app/Contents/Resources/appicon.icns Hope this helps Cheers, Andrew
  20. @HRD Vero isn't suggesting corruption at all (having said that, betas have been known to all but brick devices so YMMV). When you say that you need to reinstall Alfred Remote, what do you actually mean. As an experienced iOS user, and a registered Apple developer, you must appreciate that you have provided practically no information about what you are experiencing, and seeing as this hasn't been reported by other users, all we can do is guess what could be happening. Andrew
  21. If "UNIX error exception: 17" is happening at the point you try to run, it could be: If this is the return code from curl: https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html CURLE_FTP_COULDNT_SET_TYPE (17) Received an error when trying to set the transfer mode to binary or ASCII. If it's from Unix: http://people.cs.pitt.edu/~alanjawi/cs449/code/shell/UnixSignals.htm SIGUSR2 17 Exit User Signal 2 Have you tried running simple terminal commands directly in Alfred using the > keyword? e.g. >ls Have you also tried using a "Run Script" action instead of run terminal command? Andrew
  22. Yeah you really should be able to use the + prefix in the File Action trigger too, I'll add a ticket to look into that. The only way to avoid that with the buffer is to switch the buffer to using shift alt in the prefs. I can see how that gets in the way though, I hadn't thought about deleting the word with alt backspace to search for the next file. I'll have a think about that.
  23. @deanishe you can actually already do this if you prefix the type with a + for example: +public.image ... will search the content type tree instead of the content type. This should be documented somewhere, I'll check tomorrow and add if it's not Cheers, Andrew
  24. @ohennig make sure that the passed in {query} hasn't got a trailing line feed, as it could be that "has been loved" is just on the next line. This is very likely if you are outputting from AppleScript which adds a line feed by default. You can use a transform utility object before the notification to trim the whitespace. Cheers, Andrew
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