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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @politicus have you checked the buffer is enabled in Alfred's Features > File Search prefs? And that you haven't accidentally selected the compatibility mode?
  2. This definitely sounds odd - If you open Console.app, is there anything of note in there? This may give us a clue as to what may be causing the issue. Cheers, Andrew
  3. I have already made the fix for 3.2.1 but currently have no timescale for this to be released... it could be within a few weeks. Cheers, Andrew
  4. Nicely spotted, thanks! Alfred 3.2 was generally released yesterday but I'll be sure to get both of these things sorted in 3.2.1. Cheers, Andrew
  5. I added the footer text some time back to cover this exact scenario. The issue is, some situations are better truncating the middle, some the end. Alfred shows both, truncated in the middle in the footer text: Cheers, Andrew
  6. Alfred's version, the paths to the data and cache folders and a whole load of other stuff is actually available in scripts as environment variables: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/script-environment-variables/ You should be using 'alfred_workflow_data' to get the path for the workflow's data folder. Cheers, Andrew
  7. Alfred should be instant on Sierra, so more often than not, this is simple to fix. One thing which has been consistent when users are trying to type fast when showing Alfred is not letting go of the modifier key quick enough when typing. For example, in your case, very quickly using cmd+space and before physically releasing cmd, pressing the S which is seen as cmd+s. Another situation which can cause this is if you have an app which does keyboard modifying (or a 3rd party keyboard) which may be 'holding' the cmd key a fraction of a second longer than the physical key press. A few other things to try: Make sure there are no apps which have a similar hotkey combination which could be interfering with Alfred Try using focusing compatibility mode in Alfred's Appearance > Options as this forces focus to Alfred Try setting a theme without transparency (e.g. the classic theme) as older Macs may struggle with window blur Temporarily create a new account on your Mac, switch to that user. This will see if any 3rd party apps are getting in the way. Cheers, Andrew
  8. @leonid thanks for finding this out and the link
  9. @deanishe You are right, that would have been really difficult to explain without an example workflow! If you update to pre-release b758, this should now be fixed
  10. @vitor I've just done b756 which improves the behaviour a bit, but I'm not done with this yet. I'm going to rewrite a few bits of Alfred Text Service
  11. @vitor could you update to the 3.2 pre-release b752 and turn off the "slow down key events" option then let me know how you get on. I've tested it in Safari and Chrome and it seems to now work as expected. I've basically added a few ms delay between pasting and simulating cursor backwards as it looks like it sometimes takes Chrome a few moments before the paste actually happens.
  12. Try slowing down the simulated key events in Alfred's Snippet prefs from the cog, this seems to correct the behaviour for me. I'll look into wether there is a way to fix this generally without slowing key events Cheers, Andrew
  13. Would you mind popping an email to our info@ address with a bit more info (e.g. Mac spec, any other OS mods you may have), I'd like to get to the bottom of this Cheers, Andrew
  14. The most simple case is opening multiple images in Safari which breaks Safari if it's not already running. Affects Finder as well as Alfred. I've actually reported this as a bug to Apple and it was marked as duplicate, so they are already aware. I'm keeping the ticket open in my bug tracker and as soon as Apple fix this bug, I'll change the behaviour in Alfred. Cheers, Andrew
  15. This may be caused by one of the other apps in that accessibility list in your screenshot. Would you mind temporarily disabling the other apps in there (unticking them) and seeing if Alfred expands as expected? I also added a "slow down simulated key events" mode from the cog in Alfred's Features > Snippets prefs which can help with this situation. If you update to Alfred 3.2 pre-release, the key events with this mode have been slowed further than 3.1.1. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  16. For macOS Sierra, I'd recommend using Alfred 3 available directly from https://www.alfredapp.com If you'd prefer to stay on Alfred 1.2, you'll have to disable the spell/define feature. Cheers, Andrew
  17. You'd be better off just using a keyword input to capture the query, then run it through a Run Script which does your processing. This simplifies things as you just output the URL from the script which will be used as the input of the Open URL. You could even do this without scripting using: Keyword input -> Replace util (replace http) -> Process util (lower case) -> Open URL. Cheers, Andrew
  18. So in summary, Alfred 3.2 pre b749 works with 1Password 6.5 beta 24, and Alfred 3.2 pre b750 works with 1Password 6.5 beta 26. For those who are using pre/betas, make sure you update Alfred to 3.2 b750 before 1Password beta 26 else Alfred has issues. I'll be finalising the new 1Password integration before the 3.2 general release adding proper data sanitation etc. Cheers, Andrew
  19. Also, @AsburyParkJoe thank for reporting this - I admit I misread / misinterpreted your original post, I would have had this fixed on Friday had I realised! Cheers, Andrew
  20. @robert_muench We've contacted Bkav about this false positive a while back and are waiting for them to remove it. Cheers, Andrew [moving to investigating]
  21. This is due to the new 1Password beta integration... grab the latest Alfred 3.2 b750 here: https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/Alfred_3.2_750.dmg This should work fine Cheers, Andrew
  22. Hey chaps, The 1pwd integration changed causing an issue in the pre-release which I had yet defended / sanitised against. Either turn off 1Pwd 3rd party integration, launch Alfred and update to the latest pre-release... or grab it directly here: https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/Alfred_3.2_750.dmg ...which should work with the latest 1Password 6.5 (further info: there was an exception when decoding the 1Pwd data which prevented Alfred from fully launching which is why you were experiencing this behaviour) Cheers, Andrew
  23. The 1Password 3rd party integration has changed with 6.5 beta, so you'll be better off getting Alfred to automatically find the 3rd party data. The location for the beta should be: ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/1Password Make sure the 3rd party integration is switched on in the 1Password Beta too. Cheers, Andrew
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