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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Dot files aren't indexed by OS X, but you can see (and filter) these in Alfred. For example, to see dot files in your home folder, open Alfred and type ~ which will take you to your home folder in the navigation mode, then type . From this, you can further filter within this specific folder by starting to type the name of the dot file you want to see.
  2. Dean is correct - 'counter' is just the passed in environment variable you are reading. In your returned XML or JSON, you are setting variables which will be passed out of that workflow object down the stream, or passed back in as variables if the script is run again within the same context... so useful for two things, but really quite useful for setting state between same runs. This workflow example was just thrown together, but you are right, it would probably have better clarity if 'counter' wasn't a global namespace variable.
  3. {cursor} placement is now in the Alfred 3.2 pre-release. Note that this is done with simulated keypresses, so placing {cursor} at the beginning of a giant snippet can take a little while to reposition the cursor.
  4. Fair enough - if you update to b749 it'll now accept / and ~/ paths and internally convert to a file url
  5. You can now get Alfred 3.2 pre-release which should give you 1Password 6.5+ integration for now
  6. If you update to b748, this should now be fixed
  7. @deanishe You can just bung a file URL in there such as: file:///Users/preppeller/Desktop/friday-night-movies/old-ladies-eating-cheese-in-the-70s.mov Cheers, Andrew
  8. @vitor hah thanks, well spotted... I rushed out this workflow in the pre-release as there is no documentation for this. I'll fix this for the next pre-release
  9. Interesting spot! I've just spent a bit of time investigating this and it looks like macOS 10.12 has different behaviour where using fn+return passes the mods as being the number pad enter key so it's treated differently in Alfred. I'll get this fixed shortly and do another pre-release
  10. @FroZen_X I've added some new options in Alfred's Features > File System > Previews to allow you to exclude both file types and paths from showing previews. The file type icon will be shown instead
  11. The Alfred 3.2 pre-release will now show which app is blocking text expansion. This is updated around every 10 seconds while the Snippet preferences are showing.
  12. If you update to Alfred 3.2 pre-release, you now have the option to pass the active app out of the hotkey object which means you now have control over context. For example, you can have multiple connections out of a hotkey connected into filter objects which filter by the bundle id.
  13. This is now fixed in the 3.2 b747 pre-release
  14. The 3.2 pre-release should fix this - could you let me know how you get on
  15. If you update to the Alfred 3.2 pre-release, you can now do two pretty powerful things with script filters... session variables and rerunning filters. The documentation is yet to be updated, but I've added a new built in getting started workflow called "Advanced Script Filters" with a populated read-me. This workflow has both the JSON and XML versions of Script Filters both using variables and rerunning filters with timers. Let me know how you get on!
  16. No worries - shouldn't be long before the Alfred 3.2 pre-release which will have the initial 1Password 6.5 integration, but it's worth noting that their integration data may change again before the 6.5 general release which would temporarily break the integration again. Cheers, Andrew
  17. Hi there, Alfred 3.2 will have support for the updated 1Password 3rd party integration. This should be available in time for the 1Password 6.5 general release. I'm moving this out of the bug forum, as it's not a bug in Alfred, and have updated the title for clarification. Cheers, Andrew
  18. I can see why this is possibly happening as Alfred doesn't fully resolve symlinks before writing the info.plist, but I'm not sure why this would have worked before but not now. Either way, I'll fix this for the next release Cheers, Andrew
  19. @rounak while I can see why this issue is happening, what are you actually trying to achieve here? If you want to show the actions panel for the given file, select the file and use the Features > File Search > Actions > File Selection hotkey. This will always show the actions panel for the file you have selected. If you want to pass the selected file through to a workflow for processing, set the hotkey action to "pass through to workflow". Essentially, if you were to type that exact file path into Alfred, you'd get the same results you are seeing here in the file system navigation from selecting a path and showing Alfred with that path. If you turn off "Fuzzy Matching" in Alfred's Features > File Search > Navigation, you'd see the exact file you selected in this case. Cheers, Andrew
  20. @tcconway This is definitely unexpected. Could you please email the crash log from Console.app to our bugs@ address so I can take a look - It will be listed under User Diagnostic Reports on the left hand side. Cheers, Andrew
  21. The next release, Alfred 3.2 will show you which app is preventing auto expansion from working within his snippets preferences, which should take a little mystery out of this question
  22. @Canor if you adjust the transparency or the blur of the theme, this will almost certainly go away. It's unfortunately a cocktail of rendering issues in OS X in combination window shadow caching. Cheers, Andrew
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