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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @deanishe the first iteration of this will likely be defined in the JSON/XML returned from the script filter... i.e. "rerun script in x seconds if still focused". This would give a bit more dynamic control over duration / repeat for reload. It's also worth mentioning that Alfred will keep the current results visible while reloading the subsequent results, so you could theoretically do this (yet to be tried and tested)... On first run of the script, show cached results and ask Alfred in the JSON to re-run the script pretty much immediately. Don't return updated results until you have them, and as soon as you do, return them and Alfred updates the results. This way, you get two runs, one with your cached, and one when you have a second set of results. Cheers, Andrew
  2. Righty, I see what you're trying to do - I have some ideas
  3. You may have accidentally copied Alfred 3 into your /Applications folder a few times, and that's OS X auto incrementing Alfred 3 to Alfred 3-2. Quit Alfred and delete Alfred 2.app and Alfred 3-2.app, then run Alfred 3.app. Go to Alfred Preferences' Updates tab to make sure you have the latest version running Cheers, Andrew
  4. @deanishe filesystem navigation mode is in a separate context (i.e. without keyword). Is there any reason you can't achieve what you're trying to do with one script filter and a combination of (json) autocomplete / invalid arguments? I'm trying to understand the necessity to call back the workflow on itself in this case, then I'll be able to come up with a cleaner solution.
  5. @deanishe the reason I favour external trigger over simple keyword callback is that the external trigger locks the input to that specific workflow. When simply calling the workflow keyword, this can be ambiguous if a user has multiple items with the same keywords (muddling the results, a worse UX). I'll have a think about other solutions based on what you are trying to achieve.
  6. Just to let you know, {cursor} will be making it into Alfred 3, possibly even the next release Cheers, Andrew
  7. It would be quite a bit easier / cleaner to just give the option to rerun the script every x seconds, perhaps in the "Run Behaviour" options. I'll take a look at this before the next release and may add it if it's not too disruptive to the rest of the release
  8. @FroZen_X I'll look into what I can do to make this configurable for a future release, stay tuned!
  9. These are two essentially different scenarios even though they sound linked. I think the underlying, and less cludgy request here is: Make it possible for script filters to re-run (possibly timed?) if Alfred is still visible and the script filter is still the current context.
  10. OS X marks many items in ~/Library as system files. Assuming these files have been indexed by OS X, if you setup a file filter, be sure to select "Show files marked as System File" in the file filter's Search Scope tab.
  11. This is actually drawn in code (generated from PaintCode), so no actual image resource in Alfred's bundle. Cheers, Andrew
  12. @jackbrannen You would do this with a workflow inside of Alfred, no need for separate hotkey. Just a keyword object linked to an open file object. Cheers, Andrew
  13. I'll look into this, but for now, try switching Alfred to focus compatibility mode in the Appearance > Options preferences Cheers, Andrew
  14. Ah I can see why this is happening - I'll get it fixed in the next release. Cheers, Andrew
  15. That tip isn't actually very good - it takes quite a bit of work to be able to do that in a workflow. An Alfred 3 update will address this issue and make this much more obvious / easy to achieve
  16. @DONSA This definitely doesn't sound right - I'll add a ticket to look into this for the next release. For now, instead of using Lock (which suspends the user session, and could be causing the issue), use Screensaver with Password Cheers, Andrew
  17. Alfred isn't logging information like this, in fact, the disks spinning up is essentially invisible as far as Alfred is concerned. This may be logged by OS X though, if it is, it would be in Console.app. Cheers, Andrew
  18. I have to be honest, there isn't much else I can do to help you here. There are no constants for me to focus on to find a robust solution - i.e. it sometimes works in Alfred, sometimes doesn't work in Spotlight. The only thing which is clear is that the underlying metadata index in OS X which Alfred relies on is working intermittently - This is outside of Alfred's control. If there are certain folders which you call often which you want to open with abbreviations, it might just be best to create a workflow with a keyword connected to an open file, with the keyword fixed to e.g. di and the open file as "Design Inspiration". This way, the results will always match regardless of whether the Mac's metadata is broken or not. Cheers, Andrew
  19. @FroZen_X are the things (Alfred results) we see behind Alfred's calculator previous searches you've done? Is this Alfred glitching? or is it Parallels just not flushing the graphics and leaving old screen draw there? (I suspect Parallels works at a much lower level than many apps). It's hard to see what's happening from the screenshots. Cheers, Andrew
  20. @Stratocumulus If you have a moment, could you try temporarily creating a new user on your Mac. Log out of your primary account and in as the second user. Run Alfred (disable the Eject features just in case) and see if you experience the same issue? Cheers, Andrew
  21. Alfred 3 has awareness / support for Dvorak-QWERTY, and overall improved keyboard handling / layout caching. This fixes the fundamental issue you are seeing in which Alfred uses cmd+c to obtain the selected Finder item. Essentially, what's happening is Alfred is simulating cmd+c and depending on how Alfred 2 was started and which keyboard layout you were using at that point, the simulated keypress may relate to the Dvorak cmd+i (i.e. switched locations). I've tested with Alfred 3 and my Finder Selection hotkey alt+F and always get Alfred's actions panel regardless of keyboard. Cheers, Andrew
  22. Hmm you're right! The navigation fix should have fixed this too - I'll check why it didn't and get this fixed for the next release Cheers, Andrew
  23. Do you or could you have any soft / hard filesystem links to the external drive which is making Alfred's default search scope include the external drive? This will make OS X spin up the drive as it thinks you want to include it in a file search. Cheers, Andrew
  24. I haven't checked that script, but looking at the path, it looks like it's for Alfred 1 so won't work in Alfred 3. There may be an updated version for Alfred 3 somewhere though! There are two ways to manually add custom sites in Alfred. You can add them through the UI in Alfred's Features > Web Searches > Search prefs where you simply select "Add Custom Search". Here is a guide to create custom searches: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/web-search/custom-searches/ Alternatively, you can create workflows which give much more control over the results. For a good example of this, see the "Google Suggest" or "Amazon Suggest" workflow examples from the + button in Alfred's workflow preferences. Hope this helps Cheers, Andrew
  25. At this point, you need to chain multiple dispatch key combos in a workflow. I have plans to make this easier / more configurable in the future though. Cheers, Andrew
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