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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. I'm wondering, is it possible that your Dropbox folder is a symlink to a different location? Have you tried adding the Dropbox (Personal) folder directly to Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope? Andrew
  2. Have you configured iTerm to use ctrl instead of cmd when pasting? Cheers, Andrew
  3. There is an 'automator' command (/usr/bin/automator), so you should be able to just call your scripts directly using a Run Script action in Alfred (set as Bash), then using the command: /usr/bin/automator /path/to/workflow An alternative approach would be to use a simple script and bypass using automator. Take a look at this workflow: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/539-zip-for-alfred-3-compress-files-and-folders/ Cheers, Andrew
  4. It's unlikely that snippets will work within a VirtualBox VM, so your best bet is to add VB to the list of ignore apps from the config cog in Alfred's snippets preferences. Cheers, Andrew
  5. This is actually added by osascript. The best option is to pop a Trim utility after the script before the copy to clipboard Cheers, Andrew
  6. This is now possible in Alfred 3.1 by wiring the output of the Large Type to a Delay utility for 2 seconds, then to a Hide Alfred utility. Cheers, Andrew
  7. I suspect this is related to the other snippets issue in the bugs forum: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8871-alfred-3-snippets-dont-auto-expand-fix-awaiting-chromium-bug-fix/ Have you tried quitting Safari / Chrome, or restarting your Mac? Cheers, Andrew
  8. Alfred only has a technical relationship with OS X's contacts database / API, and not BusyContacts. As long as contacts are correctly synced from BusyContacts to OS X's Contacts, then Alfred should be able to see / show them. Could you also make sure that Alfred has been granted access to contacts in OS X's Security & Privacy > Privacy > Contacts preferences. Cheers, Andrew
  9. Pop an email to our info@ address and I'll share my workflow and a bit of an explanation of the mods you may need Cheers, Andrew
  10. If you update to the 3.1 b716 pre-release from Alfred's update preferences, this should now be fixed Cheers, Andrew
  11. Hi There, This actually looks like a bug - I'm going to move this into the bugs forum and look at getting it fixed in the next release! Thanks, Andrew
  12. I've started profiling and modifying Alfred to better improve performance under load and just put the 3.1 b715 pre-release live. If you update, you should see an overall improvement in file search performance and lower lag in Alfred, especially when the Mac is under load. While I'm far from finished on this, I'd be interested in hearing your feedback on b715 when it comes to the lag you're experiencing. Cheers, Andrew
  13. Hmm, I didn't even realise that I could make Alfred's AppleScript respond to Alfred and Alfred 3 - I'll put a ticket in to look at this as this would be ideal! For internal calling though, I'd definitely recommend using the new object as the performance is night and day faster than AppleScript. Cheers, Andrew
  14. Alfred's integration with 1Password is essentially quite simple. Alfred crafts a 1Click URL from the 1Password 3rd party integration data and passes this URL to OS X to open in the default browser. Beyond this, the behaviour of how 1Password processes this URL is outside of Alfred's control... In this case, there isn't much else Alfred can do. Vero will chime in on the thread you linked. Cheers, Andrew [moving to investigating]
  15. Essentially, the "Argument Required" is used by Alfred to decide how to process the current workflow (or internal feature). The "arg" is slightly different to this, in most cases (in particular for internal features), the arg likely matches the typed argument, for workflows and script filters, the 'arg' can be anything. This is why the two things should be really treated separately, and valid = false is the best way to go to get the desired behaviour. The failsafe I was talking about is just a little bit of code to prevent a workflow or internal feature with "argument required" set actioning / passing an empty argument out of it if the 'arg' is empty. Cheers, Andrew
  16. Ah thanks Dean, I've just put b712 out on pre-release which should fix this! Cheers, Andrew
  17. Alfred can actually do this, but it requires the Powerpack and a workflow to replace the default hotkey. If you ever change your mind about "nor would I want to get powerpack just for this", let me know and I'll share a workflow with you Cheers, Andrew
  18. Alfred is actually working as expected and dean's response to this (using the "valid" parameter) is correct if your intention is to prevent a result from being actions. Essentially, if you leave the arg field empty, Alfred treats this as a valid result but empty arg. This is actually warned about in the documentation: "While the arg attribute is optional, it's highly recommended that you populate this as it's the string which is passed to your connected output actions. If excluded, you won't know which result item the user has selected." (https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/script-filter/json/) The "Argument Optional" and "Argument Required" more relates to what the user is typing into Alfred. To clarify this, if you select "Argument Optional", the first time your script will be run is with an empty argument. If you select "Argument Required", the first time your script will be run is when you have typed some argument. This means that "Argument Optional" allows actioning of results when no argument is typed. It's also worth noting that Alfred actually has some (failsafe) logic which sees a result as incomplete if the actual JSON/XML result's arg parameter is empty and you have set "Argument Required". Cheers, Andrew
  19. I've just thrown together a quick test workflow, and the custom actions still work. If you open up your workflow and show the debugger, then try the action again, you may see some error information relating to this... but it looks like a workflow error at this point. Let me know Cheers, Andrew
  20. I'm not sure what that is? Could you expand on what issue you are having? Cheers, Andrew
  21. Could you share the custom web search URL you currently have in Alfred? This should be super simple with a URL of, for example: http://example.com/{query} Cheers, Andrew
  22. If you have setup syncing in Alfred, every setting in Alfred is essentially written to the Alfred.alfredpreferences package, including workflows, snippets, the lot, to the folder you have selected. You can confirm this by right clicking on one of your workflows and select "Open in Finder" where you'll see that it exists within this package. The actual syncing mechanism is dealt with by whichever sync service you are using, e.g. Dropbox. If you'd like to manually backup your Alfred settings (and aren't using something like Time Machine), simply copy the Alfred.alfredpreferences package to your backup device. Cheers, Andrew
  23. As far as I know, this isn't possible - Alfred just dispatches the call to show a notification and OS X shows this for a standard length of time. It looks like you might be able to hack this a bit using a defaults write to affect the global amount of time these notifications are shown: http://osxdaily.com/2014/01/29/change-notifications-banner-time-mac-os-x/ I can't warrant that this will work though! Cheers, Andrew
  24. Alfred registers hotkeys with OS X, outside of this, Alfred has no further control over how OS X deals with this, so there is no way to change behaviour or stop propagation. Interestingly, I have set a hotkey for cmd+m in Alfred to launch an app (as I never use this to minimise windows), and this has overridden the default behaviour for cmd+m... not sure why this would be different with your situation. Which hotkey combination have you set? Cheers, Andrew
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