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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Alfred will very quickly learn to re-latch keywords to selected results, so if you type 'm' and select 'Mailplane' a few times, this will be the first match. As for iTunes, Apple have the following keywords set: "Music, Radio, Apple Music, Apple Radio, iTunes Radio, Beats 1, Beats One, B1, iCloud Music Library, Apple Music Connect, My Music" So it's going to be for 'music'. Hope this clears things up! Cheers, Andrew
  2. It is equivalent of that, yes... but it allows a scenario where an action after the input can decide if Alfred should be shut or not.
  3. Alfred is essentially working as expected in this situation - this is why the option exists for simulating the release of hotkeys. Now that you have set these hotkeys to pass the modifiers through, it's as if you are holding those modifier keys during the workflow, and subsequent actions. You'll need to set these back to simulate mod release for the subsequent actions to be treated as if you weren't holding down modifier keys. Cheers, Andrew
  4. This can be achieved very simply with a workflow. Here is one I've thrown together to get you started: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Dict%20lookup%20and%20save%20word.alfredworkflow use keyword rdict to lookup the word. The word opens in the dictionary app, and is saved to ~/Desktop/words.txt Cheers, Andrew
  5. Hi All, Just a quick post to let you know of a few new workflow objects in the 3.1 pre-release which is now available. Alongside the self explanatory new "Dispatch Key Combo" output object and "Hide Alfred" utility object, there is an interesting new "Call External Trigger" output object. The main purpose of this object is to replace using an AppleScript action to call an external trigger to "loop back" in a workflow. It also brings several other benefits. I'll just paste the readme of the new "Call External Trigger" getting started workflow: If you update to the 3.1 pre-release and add the new "Call External Trigger" workflow getting started guide from the [+] button in Alfred's workflow preferences, you'll see an interesting example of how this can be used to essentially create callback functions. Cheers, Andrew
  6. I've just updated to beta 4 and can confirm this, looks like Apple have fixed the indexing issue. I'll be fettling with Alfred's metadata queries again before 3.1 is released to reflect this. Cheers, Andrew
  7. If you update to the 3.1 pre-release, you should see shuffle turned off when playing through Alfred's mini player
  8. I've just put an early 3.1 in pre-release - if you set your updates to pre-releases in Alfred's update preferences and update to this release, this issue should now be fixed. Cheers, Andrew
  9. The option you are looking for is from the hotkey field itself as seen here (set it to "Pass through modifier keys"): https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/triggers/hotkey/#tips I'm not currently at my development Mac, so I can't send you a beta build, you'll get this tomorrow Vero will reply to your email regarding limits shortly. Cheers, Andrew
  10. I did a clean / fresh install of macOS and updated it to the latest version earlier this morning and have managed to reproduce this issue. It only occurs with the default search results and not if you use the [spacebar] prefix search for file search mode (this was the first clue that it was an Apple bug). It's a bit of a frustrating one as it's clearly a bug in Apple's metadata server, and each time I modify Alfred's query to the server, I have to wait 15 minutes for the reindex to complete. Having said that, I have stumbled across a workaround by reorganising some of the parameters in Alfred's query to different positions. I'll be reporting this as a bug to Apple as I suspect that certain file filter workflows may also trigger a reindex. Stay tuned, I'm currently working on a fix. Cheers, Andrew
  11. This is extremely interesting, thanks for bringing this to my attention - Alfred used to disable shuffling before playing (a long time in the past), then Apple removed the ability to do this via AppleScript (bug in iTunes?) which led to all sorts of hacky attempts to work around this as linked to in that link: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4568820?tstart=0 It looks like the AppleScript has been fixed in iTunes which means Alfred can now potentially bring back disabling shuffle before playing, which would be fantastic! I've added a ticket to investigate this further! Cheers, Andrew [moved from closed to bugs]
  12. This is actually the same thing as the other bug in this forum: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/9050-keyboard-becomes-unusable-after-starting-up-workflows-in-alfred-301/ That thread gives a workaround, but if you pop an email to our info@ address, I'll share a beta build with a fix Cheers, Andrew
  13. Alfred runs at the default priority, but I think it's the metadata stuff causing issues. Interestingly, in my experimentation this morning, I can't get lag in Alfred even with my processor running at 100% on both my iMac and MacBook.
  14. This is something I could likely improve but it would have compromises such as going in the opposite direction and allowing a processor intensive workflow to slow your Mac down. Having said that, I suspect that the lag will have something to do with OS X's metadata querying which is allegedly asynchronous, but I've definitely seen the setup calls being held / blocked which adversely affects Alfred. I'm going to raise an internal ticket to see if there is something I can do to improve this situation. *Pets MacBook above screen, don't worry, this won't last long...* Cheers, Andrew
  15. If you copied them from the other location, then they shouldn't be there as Safari only automatically maintains the bookmarks in the other location - i.e. if you create a bookmark in Safari, the associated metadata will appear in the ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/Bookmarks/ folder automatically, which is what Alfred (and Safari) use for showing you bookmarks. Cheers, Andrew
  16. Have you set the quicklookurl parameter for the JSON result as a URL? https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/script-filter/json/ You can set and override the quicklook for any result with this parameter. Cheers, Andrew
  17. I think a single script filter with keyword a would suit you better. This way, you have full control over what results are returned in Alfred when certain keywords match. You'll need to do a little more programming for this though: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/script-filter/ Cheers, Andrew [moving to workflow help]
  18. I'll be updating the AppleScript in the next release to recognise Airmail 3 by default Cheers, Andrew
  19. I've made a change which will be in the next release of Alfred which will allow esc to be set rather than closing the configuration screen Cheers, Andrew
  20. I'll update the delay object to accept double values for the next release
  21. If you setup a simple workflow with a file filter, the action will define how the selected result is actioned, so you could use an "Open File" action so the item will open directly with Path Finder... so essentially, your workflow will be: File Filter -> Open File You could put this in the same workflow as your file trigger workflow Cheers, Andrew
  22. Out of interest, do you have the "Features > File Search > Advanced > Touch folders after opening them" option ticked? If not, OS X may have been gradually de-ranking these folders over time such that they are no longer seen as relevant when Alfred requests for search results matching. If this is unticked, tick it and then find the folder using its original name. Once you've opened it (and Alfred has fettled with it), OS X should see this as relevant for Alfred again. Cheers, Andrew
  23. Could you both pop an email to our info@ address, I'd like to give you a beta build which should sort the issue. Cheers, Andrew
  24. That is the correct location for them, Safari automatically maintains them in that location so you should leave that in the search scope. Where was the other copy?
  25. Are Alfred's snippets working in other apps fine for you (and OS X text replacement)? I'm not currently running iTerm, but am not seeing an issue in normal apps in the latest OS X or macOS beta. Cheers, Andrew
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