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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. I'm going to have a bit more of a play with this today to see if I can reproduce the issue, and either way, see if there is anything I can do to improve the behaviour for you! I'm going to move this back into the bugs forum for now Cheers, Andrew
  2. Are you still seeing an issue with this? I am finding contacts fine with MacOS Sierra in both the normal and metadata contacts mode in Alfred. Cheers, Andrew
  3. Hi there, As with any bug posted to the bug subsection of this forum, I need time to test before I can respond. OS X 10.12 is currently in beta, so I don't have this running every day, therefore, it sometimes takes longer to respond. I've now managed to test this issue on MacOS 10.12, and can confirm that Alfred is finding bookmarks fine, so this is likely a quirk on your Mac with the MacOS Beta. You may find that rebuilding your metadata (shortcut in Alfred's Advanced preferences) will fix the issue. It's also worth keeping in mind that we are keener to respond to more polite and thorough posts. Cheers, Andrew
  4. This was an oversight and should have made it into v3.0. If you update to the Alfred 3.0.3 pre-release b692, this is now set as script environment variable 'alfred_workflow_version' Cheers, Andrew
  5. There i an odd mismatch going on there, the file has type "dyn.ah62d4rv4ge8043a" which is essentially an arbitrarily created type by OS X when the file type is unknown... I'm not entirely sure why the file has this file type when it should have net.daringfileball.markdown, it could be corruption in OS X's metadata index. if you manually add this type to the file types, then they should be found though Cheers, Andrew
  6. I'm keeping .alfredworkflow the default extension as I'm aiming to improve general forward / backwards compatibility in the future (i.e. when Alfred 4 comes out). Cheers, Andrew [moving to closed]
  7. Is latching working as expected? I.e. use the exact typed keyword and select the result you want two or three times, that should then latch to that combo.
  8. It's also worth noting that Alfred 2 and Alfred 3 have the workflow data folder as an environment variable - it's best practice to use these in your workflows instead of hard coding as it helps compatibility.
  9. Alfred's history works with specific types of data, at this point: plain text, images and file lists. Composite rich text is not supported as absolutely everything within OS X is rich text, even for example, copying plain text from Terminal. This not only bloats the history db, but also removes a key ability from Alfred which allows you to automatically paste and match style from the clipboard history. Having said that, I'm not sure while a filename is being copied - this may be something to do with the source metadata from the app you are copying from. Cheers, Andrew
  10. Try dragging an markdown file into Alfred's Features > Default Results > Advanced section for custom file types. It's also worth noting that Alfred works best if you have the default search only finding the types you absolutely want, then put Alfred into the file search mode specifically by prefixing your search with [spacebar]. This keeps everything fast and efficient. Cheers, Andrew
  11. I suspect when you are re-compressing, you are keeping the parent folder containing json files, rather than just a zip of json files. The easiest way to zip in a format compatible with Alfred directly from Finder is to go into the folder, select all the json files, right click and select "Compress x items". You can then rename the .zip to .alfredsnippets. If you'd like to compress from the command line, Alfred uses the following: ditto --norsrc -ck SnippetsSrcFolder CollectionName.alfredsnippets Where SnippetsSrcFolder is the folder containing all the json files. Hope this helps Cheers, Andrew
  12. Almost certainly, you'll just need to specify the exact path to sublime in the Run Script, as running scripts don't inherit your default bash profile. You may also want to tick the option to escape double quotes. Cheers, Andrew
  13. Are the apps being found normally in Alfred? If so, for one which is failing for fuzzy, could you drag one of the apps into this metadata tool and let me know the output? https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.1.zip Cheers, Andrew
  14. If you've setup Alfred to use OS X metadata for finding contacts, where are the [incorrectly / not showing] contacts stored when you bring up Alfred's contact panel and reveal them in Finder?
  15. Alfred has no forward knowledge in your workflow, so if there is one output which necessitates a "Keep Alfred Open", then he defaults to this. There may be a case for a workflow "Hide Alfred" utility object, I'll make a note to look into this Cheers, Andrew
  16. Yep, this is totally a bug in Alfred - sorry! I'm not quite ready to do a 3.0.3 pre-release, but here is an early 3.0.3 build which will fix the issue (should be stable for day to day use): https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/Alfred_3.0.3_681.zip Cheers, Andrew
  17. If you have the Features > System > Eject scope set to "Mounts in /Volumes", Eject All will likely be including your Macintosh HD. Drag any folders such as this one into the Blacklist below this, and they won't be included in the eject all. Hope this helps! Cheers, Andrew [moving to discussion and help]
  18. I've answered that here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/9123-alfred-preferences-often-switches-gpu-to-discrete/ If you don't visit the Appearance tab in Alfred, it won't switch. Also, this is only for the separate preferences app, not for Alfred itself, so as soon as you close the preferences, it will switch back to internal GPU. Cheers, Andrew [moving to closed]
  19. There is a very good chance that when I add the internal trigger object (to call same, or other workflow, replacing the AppleScript loop back), that the current workflow stream variables will be passed through to the receiving object. I think that this will add a significant amount of power and allow for callback style calls between workflows.
  20. This is expected behaviour as the themes tab uses Core Image to perform the blurring of the theme background in the editor, which can make OS X decide to switch to the GPU. Alfred's preferences run as a completely separate application to Alfred, which means quitting the preferences will switch you back to the discrete graphics for Alfred's normal operation. [moving to closed] Cheers, Andrew
  21. This is actually pretty easy, here is my safari search with sh for history and sb for bookmarks: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Search%20Safari.alfredworkflow You could attach a hotkey to the beginning of one of these if you'd like to access one of these searches directly without a keyword. Cheers, Andrew
  22. Yes, it is "fixed" as Alfred no longer has this external dependency. And thanks for wanting to upgrade, much appreciated!
  23. Hi there, The link to download Alfred 2 directly is here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/v2/ Alfred 3 no longer uses php for one part of the download verification, all verification is done internally. Cheers, Andrew
  24. Alfred 2 and 3 both have environment variables for the data folder and cache folder, if you use these, they are cross compatible. Once I've added a way to call a workflow trigger from within a workflow without needing AppleScript, this should future proof us against incompatibilities
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