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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Within scripts, Alfred's workflow variables are set as environment variables. This means you don't have to worry about escaping, or modifying the script if switching to using an external editor... in PHP, I believe you can use getenv(varname) to get an environment variable. I'd also recommend you to move away from using the {query} mode and using the argv mode instead for passing in the input, as this is generally much cleaner. Cheers, Andrew
  2. No probs, I've made that update for the next release - it also isn't overwriting if already set
  3. Just a quick note, for the next release, when running Python scripts, I'm setting or appending the workflow folder to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. Cheers, Andrew
  4. Uninstalling and reinstalling Alfred is unlikely to make any difference for this situation. As I said, the shared files used for recent documents are managed by OS X and are completely independent of Alfred. Alfred just reads these files when you ask him to. Having said that, if you'd like to reset Alfred completely, here are all the associated files: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/reset-alfred/ Thanks, Andrew
  5. Alfred actually just works like a web browser, the http:// shouldn't even be shown there as it's a red herring. If a website is correctly setup with HSTS, then the site will be loaded with https automatically without redirection. I'll remove the http:// from the url title in a future release to prevent confusion. Cheers, Andrew
  6. Hi there, Alfred shows recent documents from two difference sources: The first source is documents opened through Alfred with the "Open With" file action. These are stored internally for immediate display in the recent documents file action. Secondly is from OS X's shared file lists. Alfred takes a read only view of these (never edits or changes them), and displays them to you in the recent document file action. With these, Alfred can only show the documents listed within the shared file lists for a particular app, so if these aren't being correctly updated, or are out of sync, then Alfred can't show you the recent documents. By the sounds of things, if recent documents aren't being updated to the shared file lists, or even showing in your apps or in OS X, then there is an issue outside of Alfred's control which is preventing Alfred from showing you your recent documents. This could be a permissions issue (i.e. those apps can't maintain their recent documents list), some corruption within OS X, or even another app which is meddling with these files. The first place I would start is perhaps repairing permissions on your Mac. This is different in Yosemite (Disk Utility.app) to El Capitan (Command Line), and we can't warrant OS X actions like this. As this isn't a bug with Alfred, I am going to move this to the Discussion and Help section where other technical Mac users may be able to help you! Just to let you know, I've archived the email you've sent as I've replied here. Good luck! Cheers, Andrew
  7. I tell you what, I'll make it so Alfred also recognises alfred3workflow the same as alfredworkflow in 3.0.2... but exporting from Alfred 3 I'd like to keep as always .alfredworkflow The External Trigger will stay the same, all I'll be doing is adding a better way of calling the external triggers from within workflows using a specific "Call Workflow Trigger" object, avoiding AppleScript altogether
  8. Hey chaps, just a quick message to say I have seen this thread. Just a few notes: ipaterson is correct that during V2's release, object versions increased for particular objects when features were added, and will continue to update during the life of v3 when changes are made to objects. It's absolutely correct that Alfred shouldn't be installing a workflow if it's not compatible (when installed through Alfred itself). Installing and then showing that it's incompatible isn't a good experience at all. I've added a note for the next update of Alfred 2 and Alfred 3 to prevent incompatible workflows from being installed. I've never really liked the loose coupling of an AppleScript Output calling a Workflow Trigger. While the need for doing this is hugely reduced in Alfred 3 by allowing object chaining, I am going to address this in a future version by adding a "Call Workflow Trigger" output object. This will not only allow other workflows to be called, but also give a very tight coupling when calling back on the current workflow regardless of naming etc. This should better future-proof workflows. It's unlikely that i'll be changing the workflow extension for Alfred 3, but I can add a field into the info.plist to say which Alfred version the workflow was exported from, but again, the compatibility is more down to the specific workflow object versioning as ipaterson spotted. It's also worth mentioning that we currently haven't been pushing Alfred 3 particularly hard from a marketing perspective as there is only so much Vero and I can do at once, and as you can imagine, the post v3 release period is manic. As we start enlightening Alfred 2 users that Alfred 3 exists (as it doesn't auto update to v3, many don't even know yet), and with experience of what happened with Alfred 1 to Alfred 2, it won't be long until the vast majority of users are on Alfred 3. Cheers, Andrew
  9. I have a note for allowing tab, but this will take further consideration as tab has other purposes in OS X such as switching between fields which means Alfred would have to intercept this behaviour. This is a more involving change than space suffix. Cheers, Andrew
  10. Alfred 3.0.1 now allows leading and trailing spaces in the keyword. Cheers, Andrew
  11. Andrew

    High CPU

    Could you please sample the Alfred process in activity monitor when you are seeing high CPU? Cheers, Andrew
  12. Hi Allan, Alfred runs as a user level process, not system, so doesn't have elevated rights to your system. As such, workflows have the same level of access to your system as any other "normal" app you may download. I have also made the Alfred Text Service run as a separate process so that the additional accessibility access granted to Alfred Text Service isn't inherited by workflows. When manually installing an Alfred workflow, a number of simple security checks are done along with stripping out things like hotkeys to avoid a workflow from conflicting with current apps or workflows you have installed. Also, if you are currently using Shawn's Packal.org to find and download workflows, this has additional security scanning/checking. The active Alfred community take a close interest in workflows and if there were to be a workflow which isn't operating as advertised, this would be picked up pretty quickly! One thing worth noting is that I'm planning a similar system to Apple's developer certificates for workflows which will allow a further level of protection for workflow creators and users Cheers, Andrew
  13. Thanks for the update, and following this up! Fingers crossed this gets sorted soon
  14. I've put together a small test workflow, and it looks to be working in this very basic scenario: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Bug%20Test%20Workflows/fn%20modifier.alfredworkflow Could you please modify this workflow to show where it's not working, and I'll take a look! Cheers, Andrew
  15. It looks like Spotlight just shows on the screen the mouse pointer is on - Alfred also has this mode: "Show Alfred on mouse screen" in the Appearance > Options. Cheers, Andrew
  16. You can now use cmd+s on any entry in Alfred's clipboard history!
  17. If this was working fine in the past without changing any configuration / search scopes, you may just need to do a reindex - there is a shortcut for this in Alfred's Advanced preferences
  18. If you bring up the actions panel for both and 'reveal in finder', you might find that one copy is in a backup folder. The only ones you need are in ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/Bookmarks/ Cheers, Andrew
  19. Please don't apologise! This was an important process to help us identify the issue, which we now have a much better understanding of! Many thanks, Andrew
  20. It looks like this is the issue getting in the way of Alfred's text expansion: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=258882 It looks like there is recent activity here with a reproducible case for chromium, so we can hope for a fix! This issue has been going on since 2010 though: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=258882 Cheers, Andrew
  21. Hah interesting! I'll pass that info on to Vero - it might be a good one for our knowledge base thanks!
  22. Alfred always pastes without formatting (plain text), so I suspect that within Notes.app itself, it internally treats the paste and match style key combo differently.
  23. Not all apps support that combo, so it would turn things into a bit of a fudge which I'm not willing to do. I'm moving this to noted as it's not a bug in Alfred, and I'll keep this in mind for the future.
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