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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. If you copy and paste that same check mark into Notes, do you get the same behaviour? Cheers, Andrew
  2. I didn't manage to reproduce this, however, I've overhauled the text expansion listener for 3.0.1 b661 to something which should prove to be more reliable. Would you please update and let me know if you are still experiencing the issue with Alfred / LastPass? Many thanks, Andrew
  3. I've been trying to work out why osascript doesn't respect the passed in environment through NSTask like the others do, it seems to be a bug with osascript, but I'll keep working at it!
  4. Could you please update to the 3.0.1 pre-release build 657. Build 657 should also improve performance of snippet expansion under load
  5. Workflow variables are set as environment variables within scripts, so you can access them directly regardless of the script mode ({query}, argv, external). Cheers, Andrew
  6. The release version ended up being alfredremote:// - this one should launch as expected
  7. Could you grab the 3.0.1 b656 pre-release build from Alfred's update prefs, a fix for this was in the build I put up yesterday
  8. Could you update to the latest 3.0.1 b656 pre-release build in Alfred's Update prefs, this should be fixed now
  9. If you update to the pre-release b655, you can now use spaces in snippet keywords
  10. If you update to the b655 pre-release from Alfred's update prefs and install the "Dynamic File Search" workflow example from the workflow prefs + button, this is a pretty simple example of how you could build a dynamic search. This example is only one level deep, but with keyword "ff" you'll be able to first search for "Medieval", then press enter on the folder, then search for the file by typing "Ninny" Hope this helps Cheers, Andrew
  11. Try typing 'reload' into Alfred to refresh the cache. If that doesn't work, try finding the file first by name, then seeing if the spotlight comment works after that. Cheers, Andrew
  12. Alfred won't be stealing characters, but it may be something to do with Alfred being a non-activating panel. Try setting Alfred focus to compatibility mode in the Appearance > Options, this may help Cheers, Andrew
  13. Any of the snippets marked red in dropbox will need to be renamed in Alfred (or you could just rename them in Finder until they go green), they should then sync. Cheers, Andrew
  14. If you update to the 3.0 b633 pre-release, I've now added an option to touch aliases after opening them (on by default). This should allow you to add aliases to Alfred's default search file types, and then when using them, they will immediately prioritise in Alfred. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  15. Hi there, Could anybody who is still experiencing issues with text expansion please update to the b655 pre-release to let me know if that helps. While we haven't been able to reproduce this issue yet, I've made some general changes to the way Alfred expands text. Many thanks, Andrew
  16. If you update to the 3.0 b655 pre-release from Alfred's update prefs, newly added or edited snippets now have any non-syncable characters stripped from their names on saving Cheers, Andrew
  17. This should now be fixed if you update to the 3.0 b655 pre-release from Alfred's update prefs Cheers, Andrew
  18. As this isn't a bug, I've moved this into feature suggestions and made a note. Cheers, Andrew
  19. Hi there, Thanks for spotting this - if you update to the 3.0.1 b655 pre-release from Alfred's update prefs, it's now fixed Cheers, Andrew
  20. This is an issue to do with unicode in the filenames - I actually already have this fixed for the next build. If you go look in Dropbox, you'll see a red cross on any snippets or collections with an e.g. emoji in their name. Cheers, Andrew
  21. There are a number of ways Alfred's distributable has become smaller (2.9MB zipped download at the point of 3.0 release). - Tidying and consolidating framework code, removing defunct code and resources - Replacing many png resources with SVG or PaintCode resources - Switching from using some frameworks to Apple internal frameworks (e.g. OpenSSL / Growl), aided by the switch to OS X 10.9+ My general ethos when it comes to developing Alfred is making sure that Alfred carries no defunct or legacy code, and that all code is written by me and internally. Without reliance on 3rd party code, it makes it much easier to tune Alfred and make him bug / crash free. This is particularly important for an app that runs the entire time your Mac is running - i.e. if a normal app crashes, you don't think too much about it. If Alfred suddenly doesn't appear when you use one of your hotkeys, it's extremely obvious. And yes, Alfred is developed with Xcode 7. Cheers, Andrew
  22. Thanks for spotting this! I'll definitely get this one fixed for the next release! Cheers, Andrew
  23. This is something that I'm aware and is reasonably difficult to fix due to the way OS X deals with clipping and view hierarchies. I will leave this in bugs for now until I have a better response, but one option is to add some bottom padding to your window which matches the border radius. Cheers, Andrew
  24. I've moved this to investigating, I aim to improve the overall reliability of text expansion as Alfred 3 progresses
  25. Thanks for spotting, I'll fix this for the next release
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