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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. I think for what you are trying to achieve, you would be better served with just a Script Filter, instead of List Filter followed by a Script Filter. If you set the keyword for your Script Filter to umb, your script filter will be passed the argument following the keyword for every key typed. You will be able to pass back the 4 categories, and when one of those matches, the results for that category. If you correctly set the autocomplete parameter for the 4 categories and set valid to no, then if you press return on one of the categories, it will auto complete ready for the argument for that item. Hope this helps! Andrew
  2. Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated! As for the window width, as homever this isn't obvious... I'll make sure that this is easier to find in a future Alfred 3 release. Cheers, Andrew
  3. Very odd - If you select Alfred 3 in /Applications, right click and show package contents, then navigate to contents/services you'll find Alfred Text Service. Try adding this manually to OS X's Accessibility prefs. Let me know how you get on! Thanks, Andrew
  4. Thanks for spotting, I'll be fixing this in 3.0.1, thanks!
  5. This is a quirk of osascript which adds a newline to any output. Alfred actually runs all scripts in the same way, so a simple way to see what is being output from a script is to wire a keyword -> run script -> debug utility. Set the keyword to require arguments and show Alfred's debug panel. You can then change the script type (and get Alfred's default template) to see each output from the scripts. All of the script types don't add a new line except osascript. You'll also notice that in bash / zsh, the default script adds -n to the output to prevent the newline being added. One option would be for me to always trim outputs from the script output, but this would inevitably cause regression issues as some workflows may expect a newline being output. Cheers, Andrew
  6. If you select the Alfred Classic theme, does the lag go away? If so, it might be worth duplicating / creating a theme and setting the window blur to 0. Cheers, Andrew
  7. Alfred 2 will continue to get maintenance releases if necessary, but won't get any new features like Alfred 3 will be getting Cheers, Andrew
  8. Alfred is in the ignore list by default (to prevent clashes when you use e.g. the snip keyword). You can remove Alfred 3 from the ignore list from the Features > Snippets prefs on the little cog to the right of auto expansion. Cheers, Andrew
  9. Hi Alan, Thanks for spotting this, I've now put a fix in which makes Alfred select the longest matching keyword, so this behaviour should now be fixed. Could you please update to b650 and let me know? Cheers, Andrew
  10. Hi there, Thanks for spotting this! If you update to the latest build (3.0 b650) this should now be fixed Cheers, Andrew
  11. The cog was removed by design as it added additional fuss to the UI, especially now that there is much more flexibility with theming (e.g. extreme rounded corners). There are four ways to get to the preferences: 1. From the hat in the OS X menu bar, selecting "Preferences..." 2. Typing 'preferences' into Alfred (as you spotted) 3. Showing Alfred, then using ⌘, (my personal fave, extremely fast) 4. Using Alfred Remote to launch Alfred's preferences with a single touch It also wouldn't be too hard to setup a hotkey workflow to launch the Alfred preferences with a global hotkey Cheers, Andrew
  12. This is because I released a new version which has updated markdown support at the same time as updating the changelog with new markdown!! If you update to the latest version, you'll see the markdown is rendered correctly. Cheers, Andrew
  13. If you had a Write File followed by an Open File, it would have simply written the output of your script into a file, then the open file would have opened that file in the default editor. This would be useful if you had an extremely large output from a script and wanted to subsequently be able to scroll around the output, copy, paste etc. Growl was removed as, if you haven't already worked out, I take a HUGE amount of pride in keeping Alfred as efficient, lightweight and bug free as possible. The Growl framework hasn't been maintained in a number of years, and Alfred was carrying the weight of the framework for just a handful of users. Seeing as growlnotify can do the same job, I made the call to drop the framework as part of a sweeping analysis to keep Alfred clean, a point well demonstrated in the fact that with all the improvements I've made to Alfred, the Alfred 3 distributable is 2.9MB (vs 4.6MB for Alfred 2). Cheers, Andrew
  14. There are a few different options - you could wire into a Large Type output... or you could wire into a Write File output (set as temporary file), then wire that into an Open File to open it for copying info out of. I actually have some nice ideas for the future to better present data like this
  15. I'm not experiencing this - do you have a custom terminal setup in Alfred's Features > Terminal? Cheers, Andrew
  16. The .alfredworkflow files are actually just a zip of the workflow. You can unzip them into Alfred's Workflow folder (within the Alfred.alfredpreferences) and Alfred will automatically load them ready for use. It's worth mentioning that Alfred does a number of validations and checks when importing through the UI which would be skipped if you manually placed a workflow in Alfred's workflow folders, but if these are from trusted sources such as your own, then this is absolutely fine Cheers, Andrew
  17. I'm not sure how high priority Apple will treat this, as it only affects a tiny proportion of their users, and practically no Alfred users. It's in their hands now!
  18. By default, Alfred shouldn't need network access when you are using him. Looking at the search stack, this refers to a query to Apple's metadata server. Alfred runs these queries asynchronously, but there are some rare occurrences (corruption in the OS X metadata or metadata config is one) where this can have a roll on effect in Alfred Firstly, could you check that you don't have a network drive in Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope, then check that you don't have a bad network drive / node in OS X itself. Also, check /Volumes on your Mac for any unexpected mounts. If that all checks out, I'd try doing a full reindex of your metadata using the button in Alfred's advanced prefs. Be sure to select deleting the v100 folder as this will rebuild from scratch. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  19. The easiest way to do it is to put the original images directly into the workflow editor, Alfred will downsize them to 256px, then at some point later, reveal the workflow in Finder and drag all the created pngs into TinyPNG, download them and put them back into the workflow editor Cheers, Andrew
  20. When Alfred writes the file, it's a png saved from the raw image data dropped into the image cell. This is why you are seeing larger icons saved. I recommend using TinyPNG to make the images smaller after they have been added to the workflow, directly from the workflow's folder. Cheers, Andrew
  21. I currently have a ticket open with Apple - this is holistic issue and known bug in OS X which also affects Spotlight.
  22. It's worth mentioning that in v3, the built in export does a few more tasks such as stripping out specified workflow variables (i.e. if you've filled in an API key you don't want exporting)... Just keep that in mind if you are exporting workflows outside of Alfred's prefs
  23. There is no need for your aggressive tone, and I can assure you that I'm not lazy and that Alfred is extremely robust and reliable. Applications are included by default as this is core Alfred functionality. Having said that, you simply need to remove /Applications from Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope, and then type 'reload' into Alfred to clear the applications cache, and the applications will no longer be visible in Alfred. When adding or configuring workflows, you shouldn't need to refresh anything at all, they update in Alfred immediately. Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile (only visible to admins), and then I'll see if I can help you further with why workflows aren't refreshing for you. Cheers, Andrew
  24. I'm going to take a look at the logic of the clip merge before v3 release - It will almost certainly be a timing issue, and probably a too fast timing issue, i.e. Alfred is only seeing one item in the clipboard, not two separate identical items. Cheers, Andrew
  25. I don't think there is an available fix without a fudge, and seeing as a fix to this would have an intrinsic roll on effect to Alfred's core behaviour (every single time you use him) makes me extremely reluctant to change anything in Alfred with regards to this. Take for example checking running apps, Alfred would have to actually hide to know which app is active as Alfred is the active app when visible (even as a Panel, when OS X shows a different app name in the titlebar). Then Alfred would have to re-show and steal focus by force. This may be unintended behaviour as there are legitimate times when apps launch in the background without stealing focus. Either way, I've raised a developer ticket with Apple, so I'm going to wait and see what they say with this. As Vitor notes, you see the same behaviour with Spotlight so I suspect the real fix to this is in OS X / Finder not stealing focus when an app finishes quitting. Cheers, Andrew
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