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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. This is a really awkward issue to address, as even if Alfred DIDN'T close (hide) at this point, OS X / Finder would still steal the focus away from him. I'll open a new Apple TSI to ask about this, but I have a previous TSI which was closed a few years back saying nothing could be done in this case.
  2. That's correct, and in real terms, you should see a performance increase as Alfred only runs the script once and then has the data in memory for filtering with subsequent keypresses. Essentially... For simple static result lists, the new List Filter will be perfect. Requires no scripting and is easy to configure. For more complex static result lists which may need to be dynamically created based on upstream variables / configuration, using the updated v3 Script Filter and passing back JSON representing the results, then Alfred filters is the way to go. For full control over results and filtering, with the script being run as the user types, using the Script Filter as per v2 is best. Cheers, Andrew
  3. This is exactly why I updated the Script Filter with the ability for Alfred to filter the returned results. This can load / transcode / generate the data from anywhere you like, and pass it back in a single shot for Alfred to subsequently filter.
  4. For static lists, you won't even need to plug anything in like this, it's much simpler. There's a new "List Filter" input object, and the config sheet for this filter allows you to simply build a list of result items (with separate titles, subtitles, icons, arg etc) in the UI without any scripting. The other option Vero mentions is the Script Filter which can now return the results once, then Alfred does the subsequent filtering of the results:
  5. I actually have a note to look into making pasted items from Alfred transient which means that Alfred's clipboard history (and other clip histories) would ignore the text copied back into the history from Alfred's clip history, therefore maintaining order. This needs a bit of analysis to see if it breaks any behaviour, but it may make it into v3
  6. Also, if a workflow filter can find the png, Alfred's spacebar should should be able to find them too. Try duplicating the file and giving it a new name, then searching for the new one. Cheers, Andrew
  7. You need to use the full escaped name in shell / bash, i.e. if my file is called "file i want to mdls.png" I'd type: mdls file\ i\ want\ to\ mdls.png or mdls "file i want to mdls.png" It's also case sensitive, but to help you, bash has autocomplete by pressing Tab, so once you start typing the filename, you can press tab to complete or part complete it. Cheers, Andrew
  8. It surprises me that Alfred isn't showing it with higher priority if Spotlight shows it as first... is it within the search scope? If so, make sure "Touch folders after opening them" is selected in Alfred's Features > File Search > Advanced, then navigate to it in Alfred's file system navigation and open it from there. It should show up near the top in Alfred's default results after this.
  9. That look to be configured correctly - what do you have configured in Alfred's main contacts tab? What happens if you use cmd+o on a selected contact. Cheers, Andrew
  10. This isn't possible, but should be simple in the upcoming v3 workflows
  11. There is an example workflow from the + button in the workflow preferences which makes Alfred search for folders only - this may suit your needs
  12. Absolutely - this is going to be super easy in Alfred 3, this is what the workflow would look like: The first filter is configured to search for folders. The { } utility uses the folder which was found, and sets the search scope on the second file filter. Cheers, Andrew
  13. I suspect this is the issue you are seeing: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2015-encoding-issue/ You'll need to re-normalise the UTF-8, which you may be able to do in osascript / JavaScript: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/normalize If not, look at the 4th post down, I've shared a little shell utility which can renormalise UTF-8 on the command line after NSTask has been run. Cheers, Andrew
  14. Try removing Alfred from OS X's Login Items, then manually adding it back again with the + button. Cheers, Andrew
  15. I've just been having a bit of a play to see if this is possible with a file filter, but it looks like it's possible with a direct metadata query in Terminal such as: mdfind "kMDItemTextContent == '*This is a sentence*'" I'm going to take a look to see if there are some improvements to the file filter, as this should theoretically be possible. Cheers, Andrew
  16. Are you using a proxy to connect to the internet? If so, you may need to select to use the proxy settings in the bottom left of Alfred's "Advanced" preferences.
  17. Currently, 1Password only exports the primary vault and not team vaults for 3rd party integration. This is something they are aware of and hopefully, we will see additional vaults in the future! Cheers, Andrew
  18. I recommend using "Local Mounted Volumes" for this setting, in fact, Alfred 3 will default to this option. Cheers, Andrew
  19. Thanks for spotting this - quite coincidentally, I stumbled across this too this morning! Very strange and looks to be a bug in OS X causing it. I've found a workaround for the next release though! Cheers, Andrew
  20. You are referring to a Finder keyboard shortcut which is different to a globally registered hotkey. Globally registered hotkeys should always take precedence over application shortcut keys as they are intercepted by OS X and passed to the app which has registered them instead. In your case, it's like the hotkey has been intercepted before being passed to Alfred - I suspect that there is something installed on your main user profile(s) which is doing this. Vero will reply to your email shortly Cheers, Andrew
  21. Alfred can only prioritise results if OS X returns them as being relevant for a search term... I suspect that 'n' sometimes doesn't return the bookmark to Alfred from OS X which means he can't put it at the top, even though Alfred's internal knowledge says "If this bookmark is in the results, sort it to the top". First thing I'd try is up the number of matches returned from OS X into Alfred in the Features > File Search results from 20 to 40. It's also worth mentioning that when opening these files, the 'last used' metadata should be updated in OS X which means it SHOULD be an underlying relevant match and SHOULD be returned to Alfred for subsequent sorting. If this isn't happening, there may be and underlying metadata issue on your Mac (corruption / permissions issues). To address this, I would use the rebuild index shortcut in Alfred's Advanced prefs. Be sure to tick the option to delete the .Spotlight-V100 folder as this will force a full low level reindex (this can take some time). After reindexing, make sure the "Touch folders after opening them" option is checked in Alfred's Advanced prefs, and this should fix issue no.2. Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew
  22. Have you tried the search field at the top of the workflow list in Alfred's preferences? It not only searches by name, but also inside workflows for keywords, identifiers and hotkeys. It doesn't search within scripts though. Also, if you click the cog next to the search field, you can group workflows in categories which should make it easier to find the workflows you're looking for! Cheers, Andrew
  23. That search would better be represented as: https://www.google.se/search?q={query}+site:apple.com The + after {query} is treated as a space, and ensures that the query doesn't get muddled in with the "site"
  24. Fuzzy matching only applies to applications and preferences, files do word based matching but not fuzzy otherwise the results become overwhelming and therefore inaccurate. If you are launching Production Calendar quite a bit and would like 'pc' to match, you could add a Spotlight Comment, which Alfred also matches against Cheers, Andrew
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