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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Thanks for the update chaps - I'm moving this to noted so that it's still searchable for other users who may experience this issue! Cheers, Andrew
  2. There is obviously a permissions issue outside of Alfred's control preventing Alfred's Preferences from writing to the tmp folder. Now that El Capitan's Disk Utility doesn't have the repair permissions option anymore, try following this guide to repair permissions: http://osxdaily.com/2015/11/04/verify-repair-permissions-mac-os-x/ A quick search on google for "Error -60005 creating authorization" also suggests trying changing your account password which may flush some issues. Cheers, Andrew
  3. Alfred learns your usage and prioritises accordingly... but first up, I'd set the fuzzy matching in Alfred's Advanced preferences back to the default "Fuzzy capital letters" as this will give less noise in your results and you'll find you'll get much more accurate initial results before Alfred learns your preference. I'm not sure why "Sequel Pro" matches "pa" though - if you type "mdls /Applications/Sequel\ Pro.app" into Terminal.app and look through the response, it will show that may be a tag or alternative name which will match 'pa'. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  4. Could you try temporarily creating a new account on your Mac and see if things work there? Cheers, Andrew
  5. I'm not sure what I can add to this thread to help you at this point - I still haven't managed to reproduce it and it's not a widespread (actually quite isolated) issue. Having said that, I'm still keeping aware of this to see if there is something I can do in the future which may circumvent this. Cheers, Andrew
  6. You could remove /Applications from Alfred's Features > Default Results, then type 'reload' into Alfred? Cheers, Andrew
  7. It looks like this is being caused indirectly by the OS X metadata querier - did you try reindexing yet? If not, select to delete the V100 folder as there may be some corruption in the metadata. Cheers, Andrew
  8. Did this create the "hello" file in /tmp? I suspect that for some reason, Alfred Preferences is not able to write to the tmp folder. This could be a permissions issue, or the tmp folder is being incorrectly reported to apps. Have you tried creating a new user account as this may be an issue with your primary account? Cheers, Andrew
  9. While Alfred is freezing, could you select the Alfred process in Activity Monitor.app then from the toolbar, select "Sample Process". This should help identify what may be causing your issue. It might also be worth restarting your Mac and reindexing the metadata using the shortcut in Alfred's advanced prefs. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  10. Alfred doesn't interfere with the clipboard in this way, he has a read only view over the clipboard in normal use. If you are experiencing this with cmd+c / cmd+v in OS X, then this is occurring outside of Alfred's scope. Out of interest, when you copy the URL, what are you seeing in Alfred's clipboard history? Cheers, Andrew [moving to the help sub-forum in case anybody else may know what is causing your problem]
  11. EDIT: This is now available as a pre-release, if you update to 2.8.2 b429 pre-release from Alfred's Update prefs I also made another minor change in this build which may help with the 1Password 6 beta, let me know Cheers, Andrew
  12. I've just had a play with this and Alfred is actioning the buffer items in the order you see, so the behaviour may be caused by the destination software. i.e. if I have pdf1, pdf2 and pdf3 in the buffer and use "Open With..." in Preview, I see that Asks OS X to open pdf1 in Preview, then pdf2 in Preview, then pdf3 in Preview. One thing I remember a long time in the past was an odd behaviour where some software wasn't correctly buffering up the open requests and would buffer up while the app was launching, opening these ones after the app had launched and dealt with the latest open with commands. Try using the buffer with the destination app open and see if you get different behaviour. Cheers, Andrew
  13. I'm going to show the automatically discovered path in Alfred's Advanced tab in the next release which should help debug issues such as these. Cheers, Andrew
  14. Also, could you show me the output from Terminal if you type the following command: touch /tmp/hello Cheers, Andrew
  15. Could I see a screenshot from the Terminal output from those commands please?
  16. Alfred is being given the display name by OS X (without knowing the language)... perhaps try setting your localisation to German, and then back to English then typing 'reload' into Alfred. Also, what is the app showing as in Finder? Cheers, Andrew
  17. Quit Alfred then paste the following commands into Terminal.app, replacing "andrew" with your username... chown -R andrew:staff ~/Documents/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences xattr -rc ~/Documents/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX ~/Documents/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences Let me know how you get on, or if you see error messages with the above Cheers, Andrew
  18. You are correct, Alfred shouldn't be showing a folder which doesn't exist! I'll add a ticket to get this fixed Cheers, Andrew
  19. This looks like a permissions issue as Alfred is unable to create the workflow folder. I can help you with a few Terminal commands to fix this - To help me with this, do you have syncing setup? If so, which folder? Cheers, Andrew
  20. There may be something on your default user account affecting Alfred's behaviour. Could you try temporarily creating a new user account and seeing what the behaviour is from there? Cheers, Andrew
  21. Is this only happening for a single contact? Or all contacts? If it's all contacts, my guess is Alfred is finding perhaps old metadata or a backup of contacts which don't directly relate to current contacts. It could also be that Alfred doesn't have access to search your contacts in OS X's security preferences.
  22. I can't think of a technical reason as to why you saw this, was it an isolated issue?
  23. Very strange indeed, as this crash seems to be deep within OS X's core frameworks. Would you mind temporarily creating a new user account and trying to launch Alfred's preferences as a fresh user? Cheers, Andrew
  24. Yep, you are right on this one... If I also encode the URL part of the custom search, it's looking good. Alfred actually checks if a URL is valid before trying to add encoding, which is why when pasting into Alfred, things aren't re-encoded. I'm gonna change my fix on this to fully encode the custom search export instead! Cheers for you help on this Andrew
  25. Hmm playing with this further, if the name of the search doesn't have %20 instead of space, Safari searches in google for it rather than opening with the URL handler as this isn't in the "?" query part of the custom search URL. Edit: I missed that you mentioned this too!
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