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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Instead of setting up snippets, you could setup a workflow which simply has keywords linked to clipboard outputs, then you have full control over what is typed and what is output... i.e. you could have 'foo' which pastes some text. Cheers, Andrew
  2. If you have Dropbox [free], pop the image in dropbox and copy the public link for it, then click the image icon to add the image link. Have you tried selecting "Local Mounted Volumes" for the eject type. If it's a USB hard drive, it's likely treated as non removable media so won't show up under "Removable Media". Cheers, Andrew
  3. I suspect this is an issue with El Capitan / Bitwig / Java... http://answers.bitwig.com/questions/4659/bitwig-12-doesnt-start-on-el-captain-after-you-closed-it I have had the dock also freeze when trying to launch bitwig for the second time. I'm moving this to "noted" but I'm sure it will get fixed indirectly with an update of OS X / Bitwig. Cheers, Andrew
  4. This should hopefully be fully addressed when I overhaul workflows
  5. 'reload' actually just clears the application cache, Alfred doesn't re-populate the cache... so that won't speed up how quickly new apps appear. 10 seconds sounds LONG though, I see new apps in less than a second hmm.
  6. On analysis, I'm actually going to back this change out for now as it introduces some unintended consequences for normal operation. It's a really interesting bug, and one which I am going to look at in greater detail in the future. Cheers, Andrew
  7. Alfred uses OS X's metadata for finding files, so the speed at which files are available to Alfred's search directly rely on how quickly OS X adds them to the metadata index. This should usually be instant, and quicker than it takes for you to show Alfred and search for the file. At this point, I'm reluctant to add things into Alfred to work around the issue you describe (i.e. self indexing) as this could add significant bulk to Alfred's current light weight ethos. You could try a simple reindex of your metadata with the shortcut in Alfred's Advanced prefs. Once this is complete, OS X may be more instant when adding new files into the index. Cheers, Andrew
  8. This isn't currently possible, but something I have a note for and will be considering in the future
  9. There isn't a way to see the full path in the UI - I've added a note to look into adding this in the future in some form or other
  10. Ah sorry about that, if you update to b418 it should now be fine. This also gave me an opportunity to update to Xcode 7.1.1 which was marked as a critical update with parts of the tool chain!
  11. No problems, thanks for spotting this... the fix was actually a more holistic fix which prevents Alfred from re-classifying items in the clipboard as from Alfred when using the clipboard output object (i.e. plain text paste), so great spot! Cheers, Andrew
  12. This is now fixed in 2.8.1 b417 pre-release available in Alfred's update prefs.
  13. This should now be fixed in Alfred 2.8.1 pre-release from Alfred's Update prefs
  14. I actually already have some notes around this which I'm considering for when workflows get an overhaul
  15. You can actually setup with a direct ip connection, so you should be able to configure remote to work over a VPN
  16. I'm going to move this to the discussion and help section to get more eyes on it, there may be somebody who can help point you in the right direction for the actual issue in Finder! Cheers, Andrew
  17. I've just been playing with this and "active screen" is working as expected... could you give a little more detail into what you are trying and what you are experiencing? Cheers, Andrew
  18. Sorry about the slow reply on this, it's taken me a while to get an El Capitan environment ready to try and reproduce. 1. What happens when you try using that AppleScript in Apple's AppleScript editor? Does it still fail? 2. Are you seeing any errors in Console.app, or Alfred's workflow debugger when it fails? 3. Could it be related to the hotkey being used? 4. Have you considered another method for opening the folder, such as the open command in bash? Cheers, Andrew
  19. This isn't going to be possible, because at the point the user uses cmd+c, the current selected item is copied to the clipboard (or the pre-specified text). There is no provision for running an action when the user wants to copy. One option could be running an alternate output from the filter input (e.g. alt+return) and in the run script for this output, do the processing you require then use a pbcopy to populate the clipboard.
  20. Sorry about the slow reply on this, I've been away from my desktop computer. Podcasts in iTunes should be included in Alfred's iTunes mini player. Make sure you have "Include Podcasts" selected in Alfred's iTunes preferences, then reload the library when Alfred's mini player is showing by using cmd+r. You should be able to browse the episodes by artist, and also search for episodes. Let me know if you have any problems! Cheers, Andrew
  21. If you set the fuzzy mode to "Full fuzzy match from word boundary" in Alfred's Advanced prefs, typing texmate will show textmate
  22. There is support for this in the Script Filter workflow object XML, take a look at the "text" attribute here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/script-filter/#xml Cheers, Andrew
  23. You can reset the permissions on Alfred's preferences package from within Terminal.app. Firstly, quit Alfred 2, then using the following commands in Terminal, replace "preppeller" with your username... chown -R preppeller:staff ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/* xattr -rc ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/* chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/* chown preppeller:staff ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred* xattr -rc ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred* chmod 600 ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred* For anybody who has setup syncing, we also need to reset for the Alfred.alfredpreferences in the sync folder. I use an Alfred folder within Dropbox, so resetting my synced preferences look like this: chown -R preppeller:staff ~/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences xattr -rc ~/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX ~/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences Replace ~/Dropbox/Alfred/ with the location of your synced files. You should get no errors on any of these commands above. Restart your Mac and let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  24. Try holding cmd+opt after pressing i... once the iTunes mini player is showing, iTunes is launched but hidden... try clicking the iTunes icon if it's in the dock. This will bring it to the foreground.
  25. Alfred passes the URL to OS X, and doesn't have control of the behaviour after this. Having said that, have you experimented with Safari's option to "Always" open in new tabs?
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