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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. When the mini player is shown in Alfred, if iTunes isn't running, it will launch iTunes in the background... so if I launch the mini player with cmd+opt+i then I see the safe mode, but I only see it once the mini player is hidden as the dialog is behind the mini player. When you reindex, Alfred doesn't have any interaction with iTunes, he uses the underlying xml... so this won't cause the safe mode issue. Great to hear you like Alfred
  2. The only thing you can do is make sure iTunes is running first and just window closed. You'll only get this when iTunes is initially launched... maybe make iTunes launch and hide at login?
  3. I do think it's the issue... you shouldn't need to show Alfred before using the iTunes mini player hotkey. I can in fact reproduce your issue if I use cmd+option+i as a hotkey. You may just be seeing this dialog deferred as it's behind Alfred's mini player.
  4. Does the hotkey you have set include alt+cmd? If so, this may be causing the issue. If you hold alt+cmd and then click on iTunes in the dock, you'll get the same safe mode popup.
  5. You might find that selecting compatibility mode in Alfred's Appearance > Options will bring the behaviour back, but if you'd rather not even use the mouse, you could use Alfred's built in "Define" keyword which will open the definition of the selected word in Dictionary.app without having to use the mouse and triple tap [moving to the help sub-forum] Cheers, Andrew
  6. I do intend to add something similar to this, and there is already a ticket in my tracker... there is currently things with higher priority so I can't yet give a time scale though. Cheers, Andrew
  7. This definitely shouldn't be happening. Do you have any keyboard remapping tools setup on your Mac?
  8. Once the blue rectangle is showing, have you tried simply double tapping the shift key? The hotkey should update to this. It's also worth noting that, if you can get used to it, having a multi key combo such as holding alt and pressing space will result in less false triggers of Alfred (i.e. accidentally double tapping space and showing Alfred when you don't want to). Cheers, Andrew
  9. These aren't related to saving a workflow, but there is definitely some corruption happening. First up, I'd repair permissions on your Mac in OS X's Disk Utilities, then restart Alfred. If this hasn't solved the issue, try resetting the permissions specifically on Alfred's settings by pasting the following into Terminal. xattr -rc ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/ chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/ (this assumes that you don't have syncing setup. If you do, you'll need to run those commands for the Alfred.alfredpreferences package too) After this, restart Alfred. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew [moving to help]
  10. If you'd just like to browse it, type /Volumes into Alfred and then select the mounted drive. Here is a bit more info on file system navigation: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/file-search/#file-nav Cheers, Andrew
  11. I have a ticket to update Alfred's support for recent documents in El Capitan. Alfred should still show recent documents for files opened through Alfred, but the recent documents from the apps themselves have now moved. Stay tuned Cheers, Andrew
  12. Theoretically, but I've experienced in the past that mdimport sometimes just ignores the request to add to the index in the case of index corruption. When renaming a file and back again, it seems to treat it as a new metadata entry in the index. This could however just be random or a red herring, but just in case, I always suggest renaming
  13. It should work with applications, you just need to reload the cache with the 'reload' keyword after setting the ignore tag/comment on the apps as for performance, the cache doesn't always re-check metadata unless necessary.
  14. The metadata looks fine... could you try temporarily renaming the file and replacing the dashes with spaces? Once Alfred finds it correctly, name it back again to dashes. This should kick the metadata to be rebuilt for that file.
  15. I'll move to closed for now, let me know if you have a problem
  16. Alfred doesn't have any control of the outcome of the NSFileViewer setting, so there isn't a huge amount I can do to affect this. One option is you could create a file filter workflow which then passes to a script action which specifically interacts with Forklift for opening this file instead of using the NSFileViewer setting. I'm going to move to investigating, let me know if you find out any more details. Cheers, Andrew
  17. Ah, iTerm must be configured to "Copy on Select", which essentially means you are selecting text, this is being put into the OS X clipboard, then you are pressing cmd+c so it's being put into the OS X clipboard again which is why Alfred is triggering a merge. You could either disable "Copy on Select" in iTerm, or not press cmd+c after selecting text in iTerm as it's already copied as soon as you select. Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew
  18. The reason I didn't make this the default is that it can have some weird unpredictable affects. A good example of this is if you setup a hotkey to launch iTunes or iPhoto which includes alt in the combo, then this mod key is passed through to these apps and they will be launched with a dialog to select an alternative library. I'll add a note to consider what I can do with this for the future, but it will definitely be more obvious of an option! Cheers, Andrew
  19. I've been keeping an eye out for this behaviour on El Capitan and haven't managed to reproduce it. A few questions... Are you still experiencing the issue now that 10.11 is GA? Are you using an Apple brand Keyboard? Is it only in certain types of software (e.g. Parallels or Java) Cheers, Andrew
  20. I haven't been able to reproduce this, but if you could sample the process in Activity Monitor before killing it, that would help me work out what's happening on your Mac. Select the Alfred 2 process in Activity Monitor when it's stuck, click the little cog in the Activity Monitor toolbar and select Sample Process. If you could paste the output here! Cheers, Andrew
  21. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't allow this particular scenario to work via iTunes AppleScript as you can only rate local files. I have added a ticket to investigate the best option for this, which will likely be hiding the rating options when rating is not possible. Cheers, Andrew [moving to noted]
  22. Alfred uses some simple AppleScript to launch terminal commands similar to: on alfred_script(q) tell application "Terminal" activate do script q end tell end alfred_script If this isn't running your default profile, you may need to customise this to tell Terminal which profile you'd like to use. There are quite a few articles on Google discussing this, but this one looks pretty relevant: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/62219/how-does-one-change-terminal-app-profile-for-all-open-tabs-using-a-keyboard-shor Hope this helps! [moving to help]
  23. I've had a bit of a play with this and it should work fine... Could you try creating a folder on your desktop called "bananas-alfredtest", wait a few seconds for this to be indexed by OS X, then open Alfred and type: [spacebar]alfredtest ... where [spacebar] just means pressing space before typing alfredtest. This will insert a ' before the file search and put Alfred into file search mode. If this doesn't find the file, could you download the Alfred metadata tool and drag the file not being found into it so I can see the output: https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.1.zip Cheers, Andrew
  24. Likewise, if you click Finder in the dock, it goes to the correct space... but if you try to use Spotlight to open Finder, it doesn't switch to the correct space. I agree that it's annoying, but unfortunately, Alfred doesn't have control over this behaviour. You may find that a future OS X update by Apple will fix this behaviour.
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