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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. It looks like this is a Finder specific bug in OS X, which I'm able to reproduce without Alfred. If I setup my El Capitan Mac to what you describe and then switch to the Safari space, open Spotlight then type "Finder" and return, Finder becomes active in the menu bar on the Safari space but doesn't switch to the Finder space. I suspect that this is because Finder is, in reality, always available on every space in the form of the menu bar and desktop, even though the windows are assigned to a specific space. One workaround in Alfred could be to use the 'find' keyword for the folder you want to start browsing finder in, for example, if I type "find preppeller" into Alfred, it will switch to the Finder space and open a new Finder window. Cheers, Andrew [moving to noted]
  2. With Alfred Remote 1.1, if an action is set for "confirmation" then you'll need to double tap the "Quit All Apps" icon in Alfred Remote. If you single tap the icon, you should see "Tap to Confirm" on any actions which need double taps. You can turn off confirmation for specific actions in Alfred's Remote preferences by configuring the action (e.g. "Quit All Apps") and unticking "Confirm" Hope this helps! Cheers, Andrew
  3. Hmm, interesting spot and I can definitely see this as unintended behaviour. I've added a ticket to investigate this a little further and see what I can do about it! Cheers, Andrew
  4. There aren't timeouts (if you haven't set a script filter to terminate on subsequent input). I'm going to move this into the Workflow help to get more eyes on the issue, and see if somebody can work out what might be going on! Cheers, Andrew
  5. If you are using the latest version, Alfred 2.8, you can switch Alfred's focus to "Compatibility Mode" in the Appearance > Options prefs. This will make Alfred take focus like previously and should fix these kind of issues Cheers, Andrew
  6. I could theoretically understand why this may not work in standard mode, but compatibility mode should work essentially the same as pre 2.7.2. Is this something worth mentioning to BTT?
  7. There are definitely improvements coming to workflows in the future, so stay tuned. As for passing keyword as an environment variable, do you have a specific use case for needing this? The reason I've abstracted the keyword out of workflow scripts is that it's not fixed, i.e. somebody installing the workflow would change the keyword which means you can't use it as an identifier in the script.
  8. This shouldn't be happening in 2.8, but if you are still experiencing an issue, try setting the focus mode to "Compatibility Mode" in Alfred's Appearance > Options. Cheers, Andrew
  9. I've spent the last 30 mins trying in vain to reproduce this with Terminal active in various different states and have been unable to. Have you tried to reproduce this on a second user account?
  10. Could you update to Alfred 2.8 which addresses a few issues relating to focusing / visibility... let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  11. In Alfred 2.8's Appearance > Options, select the focus to "Compatibility Mode". Java caches the clipboard if the focus doesn't change. By setting Alfred to Compatibility Mode, he will take focus from OS X like he did pre-2.7.2 and should work with Java. Cheers, Andrew
  12. I'm not sure, but likely next week some time
  13. I've added a note to the env variables page: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/script-environment-variables/ Cheers!
  14. Compatibility mode is in Alfred's Appearance > Options in the bottom left "Focusing". This will make Alfred operate more like he did before 2.7.2. Alfred shouldn't be changing spaces by itself, the window is closed each time so when re-shown, it should show on the currently active display. Even this mission control option should (and in my case doesn't) affect where Alfred shows, even with Alfred's preferences open on the other space. So I'm not really sure why the spaces are changing when you show Alfred hmm.
  15. I can definitely look into this... @vitch - can you also check if Alfred is set to show on the "active screen" in the Appearance > Options. Also, did the compatibility mode work out for you?
  16. This definitely shouldn't be happening, and I can't reproduce the behaviour you decide in either Alfred or Safari. It might be worth temporarily creating a new user account on your Mac and trying from there. There could be something on your main account which is undesirably affecting the behaviour. Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew
  17. Grab the 2.7.3 pre-release from Alfred's Update prefs and you should be good!
  18. It's possible that you haven't filled in the bundle id for the workflow (in the same place as where you set the name for the workflow), as this is used when formulating the data and cache folders. Also, the current workflow progression of triggers->inputs->actions->outputs was really there for simplicity when v2 was released. This will almost certainly change in the future. For now, just run the output of your action into an output 'run script' and instead of a default web search action, open the url with {query} from bash. Cheers, Andrew
  19. If you update to the 2.7.3 pre-release (in Alfred's update prefs), you can now set a compatibility mode which will make Alfred focus like 2.7.1. Having said that, it might be worth mentioning this to Dash as there may be something he can do about this. If at all possible, you'd want to stick with the new activationless focusing in 2.7.2 as this makes Alfred's experience throughout OS X much smoother.
  20. If you update to the latest pre-release from Alfred's Update tab (b411), you'll now be able to set a "Compatibility" mode in the Appearance > Options. This will make Alfred take focus like he did in 2.7.1 and should solve your issue! [moving to closed]
  21. If you update to the latest Alfred 2.7.3 pre-release (build 411) from Alfred's update prefs, I've now added a "compatibility" mode into Alfred's Appearance > Options. I appreciate that there may be some situations as described above where it's more desirable for Alfred to act more like an OS X app when taking key window! Cheers, Andrew
  22. I've now put out 2.7.3 pre-release which includes this fix!
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