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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Hi chaps, I've now put out 2.7.3 pre-release which includes this fix! Cheers, Andrew
  2. Do you have more than one version of 1Password installed? E.g. beta and app store?
  3. The forum is currently experiencing spam issues (bots etc) which we (and our forum mods) are keeping our very best to keep on top of. Unfortunately, if you are subscribed to a forum, you'll likely get the emails when they post in the forum even if we delete and clean them up moments after. I'll talk to Vero to see is there is anything we can do! Cheers, Andrew
  4. Do you have any other clipboard apps such as popclip installed as this can cause the clipboard double copies (which is what Alfred will interpret as merge). Cheers, Andrew
  5. This decision was made as iTerm's AppleScript was evolving over time (and there are now two different versions with two different integrations). By separating it, a working integration (without quirks such as the double open tab) can be released without Alfred's core being updated too. Cheers, andrew
  6. Have you looked at the new iTerm integration? https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/better-iterm-integration-in-alfred/
  7. Alfred only treats valid URLs as valid bookmarks. If an entry in 1Password is missing either http or https in the URL, Alfred doesn't include these so as not to make any assumptions... so the missing items may just be missing http or https in their URLs in 1Password. Let me know! Cheers, Andrew
  8. Have you seen / tried the solution posted here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/7343-pasting-from-clipboad-history-viewer-doesnt-work-consistently-with-intellij/?p=38988
  9. Hi there, The issue is going to be with the specific client and its connection to the network / drive or its own metadata index, and not Alfred. As this is an issue outside of Alfred's control, Alfred's logs wouldn't provide anything useful in this instance to debug. Cheers, Andrew
  10. Thanks for your help guys! I'm going to move this into the help sub-forum
  11. As Alfred doesn't index network volumes himself, any performance issues with searching a network shared folder are entirely out of Alfred's hands. Alfred will present results to you instantly after they are fed back to him from OS X (which is why local file results are almost always instant). I'm not sure what to suggest to help speed up OS X's network search as there are many factors involved (depending on your setup). You may need to do a bit of non-Alfred research regarding network search, or perhaps somebody on this forum may be able to give you some ideas? Cheers, Andrew
  12. Did the build I posted above solve your issue? Cheers, Andrew
  13. I've made some improvements in this build which should prevent this issue: [edit] - link removed, update to latest pre-release Cheers, Andrew
  14. Excellent! And yes indeed, this version will update automatically in the future as if it were a normal release Cheers, Andrew
  15. Yep, exactly that! Just quit Alfred 2 first else OS X will tell you that you can't overwrite the app as it's running
  16. If you just overwrite /Applications/Alfred 2.app, this is the same as updating the app... your settings are stored separately to this
  17. Could you grab this build and give it a try for starting at launch... [edit] - link removed, update to latest pre-release! Cheers, Andrew
  18. I'm going to move this into bugs as I think it's related to the other bug reports in there, I'm going to look into seeing what I can do to fix this Cheers, Andrew
  19. As for Alfred not launching (or not displaying on initial launch), there have been murmurs of this and I'm currently looking into a solution. As for the window position not saving, could you make sure you have "Save window position" ticked in Alfred's Appearance > Options. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  20. There isn't a way to disable half stars when hovering over the stars in the iTunes mini player, but if you use the shortcut keys cmd+ctrl+[1-5] while the miniplayer is visible, this is whole stars only, e.g. to rate the mini player track 3 stars, use cmd+ctrl+3. Cheers, Andrew
  21. I'm currently fiddling with some code to see if I can reproduce this as a few other users have murmured similar kinds of issues! Glad you are sorted for now
  22. Could you please check if Alfred is showing if you use the "Toggle Alfred" option from the Alfred hat in the menu bar? Cheers, Andrew
  23. Hi there, The Karabiner dev updated the beta during Alfred's pre-release to support the new focus method - he posted here with info on how to upgrade: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/7080-alfred-272-beta-build-mid-development-testing/?p=38525 Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew
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