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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. As far as I'm aware, there is no change in this... 3rd party access is only given to the primary vault. Cheers, Andrew
  2. I haven't been able to replicate this either... could you double check Alfred's appearance settings that "Save position when dragging" is not ticked and Alfred is set to show on "default screen"? (This may be related to the focus changes in 2.7.2, but I want to look at the basics first)
  3. It's worth adding that you can create simple Workflow file filters to find the specific files you are looking for. For example, I often use the folder only search (one of the Workflow examples) to only return folders in Alfred's results. The more Workflows you use, the more useful it is to keep your default results as clean as possible (using the advice Vero offered above). Cheers, Andrew
  4. This is a bit of an odd one and I have a theory... before I explain, could you try temporarily turning off auto-paste on return, selecting the item with return from Alfred's clip history, waiting a second then manually pasting it? Cheers, Andrew
  5. I don't know the nitty gritty of how Keyboard Maestro works, but I'm certain it's related to this issue: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/7080-alfred-272-beta-build-mid-development-testing/?p=38484 and this fix: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/7080-alfred-272-beta-build-mid-development-testing/?p=38525 If it's possible to use the same: * kCGWindowOwnerName = "Alfred 2" * kCGWindowLayer = 27 then this may work for you? Cheers, Andrew
  6. I've added alfredapp:// to Alfred Remote 1.1 (no additional features for the URL scheme other than launching for now). I just pressed the go button in the app store, so this should be available later today Cheers, Andrew
  7. Hey there, This is discussed in this thread: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/6275-app-will-not-open-on-ios-9-beta-4/ I've just pressed the go button for Alfred Remote 1.1 in the app store, so should be available later today. This release addresses the iOS 9 issues Cheers, Andrew
  8. Just to let you know, Alfred Remote 1.1 is currently processing for release so should be available in an hour or so. This will fix the iOS 9 issues you have experienced
  9. It's not entirely clear what you are trying to achieve... In normal circumstances, Alfred will automatically hide after actioning so, e.g. if I open Alfred and type "Chrome" then press return, Alfred will hide himself and then launch Google Chrome. The options you see in Alfred's Advanced preferences are for modifier keys and won't do anything by themselves, e.g. the ctrl modifier is ctrl+return to "Search with default web search", tapping ctrl by itself won't do anything. Could you explain what you are trying to achieve, rather than what is happening?
  10. This is a bit of a tricky one as Alfred uses OS X's metadata server for file results. Using mdutil to locally enable spotlight on a remote drive _can_ work, but really, OS X only supports remote Spotlight searching when it's an OS X server maintaining the remote index and providing the results. The reason you may get spotty results by locally enabling Spotlight indexing of a remote drive is that your Mac can't watch for file changes on the remote drive in the same way as it can for the local drive. Cheers, Andrew
  11. This is a diagnostics tool which may help us identify what is happening on your Mac. By dragging in a file which Alfred can't find (golden glove), it will let us know if there is anything broken in the metadata or if the metadata is complete. If it's complete, then the issue lies somewhere in Alfred's configuration. If it's broken, the issue lies in OS X... It just helps us troubleshoot your issue really
  12. Just to update, I haven't overlooked this - David is currently working on a workaround / solution!
  13. This should now be fixed in the latest 2.7.2 b406 pre-release
  14. This should now be sorted in the latest 2.7.2 b406 pre-release [moving to closed]
  15. They shouldn't do! I just did a quick export and import of a workflow and the external trigger was intact.
  16. Just grab the newer Alfred 2.7.1 directly from https://www.alfredapp.com/ and replace the app in /Applications/Alfred 2.app The settings are stored separately from the app download so things should just work great Cheers, Andrew
  17. Little update, I currently have Alfred Remote 1.1 sitting in the App Store review queue and once it's approved, I'll release ASAP. This build will fix the issues you are experiencing with iOS 9 beta
  18. Sorry for the delay in reply to this... the issue and solution is posted in this thread: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1291-terminal-action-repeats-when-opening-new-tabs/ You need to set new tabs to open with "Default Profile" in Terminal.app's General preferences! Cheers, Andrew
  19. Quick update, for the next pre-release, I've moved the Open With... to use Alfred's file cache instead of straight metadata queries which means it's not only faster but also respects your fuzzy settings. I should have a new build for you tomorrow or so!
  20. This is essentially to make the behaviour within Alfred's playlist predictable (i.e. within the bounds of the playlist). I can see why this wouldn't work for Apple Music though... I'll add a ticket to see what I can do! Cheers, Andrew
  21. Just to update you, it appears the reason Alfred Remote is crashing is because iOS 9 removes the ability to get the network name (which Alfred displays when attempting to connect). I'm in the process of removing this now and after some testing, will submit Alfred Remote 1.1 for approval which should fix this. Bit of a shame as it was useful info! Cheers, Andrew
  22. In it's current form, this is a really hard thing for Alfred to differentiate from the standard behaviour (of close on focus lost)... I do have a ticket for it, but it may be a bit involving to fix so wouldn't be in a maintenance style release.
  23. This should now be fixed in the 2.7.2 b400 pre-release, available in Alfred's update prefs
  24. This should now be fixed in the 2.7.2 b400 pre-release, available in Alfred's update prefs
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