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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. I intend to completely overhaul the theming system in a future release which will include arbitrary font support and much more control in general. It's unlikely I'll be changing the font setup before this point as it's not a trivial change, with many things to be considered (weird spacing / descenders on some fonts, exporting and sharing). Having said that, the SF font will be available in the next release. Cheers, Andrew
  2. Could you double check that this option is selected (it should be by default)...
  3. Hey Greg, The link in my first response covers exactly this, the input sources using cmd+space! Glad it's working now! Cheers, Andrew
  4. This is because if the hotkey is already in use by OS X, the key combo is not even fed to Alfred's hotkey field. OS X intercepts the hotkey and passes it to the app which has it registered. Alfred doesn't even know you are trying to type a hotkey because of this, so cannot give you any feedback. The cmd+space issue is almost always addressed by telling Spotlight / Language switcher not to use this combo [in the link provided above]. Once cmd+space is freed up, then OS X will feed this combo into Alfred's preferences so that it can be used as the hotkey. Cheers, Andrew
  5. Did you manage to set the hotkey you needed?
  6. There shouldn't be an issue for the hotkey field... cmd+space can sometimes be an issue though... http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:cmd-space Try a really obscure hotkey in there such as holding down ctrl+alt+cmd and pressing a Cheers, Andrew [moving to help sub-forum]
  7. These can be turned off in Alfred's Adv. preferences "Show notification icons in 10.9"
  8. This workflow looks like it could be useful if you have google talk setup in iMessage: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1168-imessage-focus-with-part-of-namehandle/ Some people are experiencing issues in newer versions of OS X so your milage may vary... worth giving a try though? Cheers, Andrew
  9. You can do exactly this in Alfred with the 'weather' keyword... e.g. show Alfred and type "weather london england" Cheers, Andrew
  10. I agree, there are definitely improvements which can be made in this area, but I may leave this until a more major release (as there is the Workflows workaround at this point). Other improvements would be the option to encode spaces as other characters such as - and _ which would give even more flexibility. I've added a ticket
  11. Ok ok, no worries... managed it! Alfred can have a more aggressive foreground with QL still in front
  12. I've been playing with this for a little while and it looks like OS X caps the window level of the preview window so there is no way around this issue. I'm reluctant to put in a hack (defaults write) to force Alfred's window level, but I've left this ticket open in my bug tracker to think about what can be done.
  13. I have something like this in mind for the future but would take a fair amount of fettling to get working properly as many of Alfred's functions rely on passing control back to OS X.
  14. I'm going to look at adding this soon... I've had a long created ticket for this and never got around to it
  15. I'm making a few changes to the focus / key status in the next release, so I'll look at making Alfred NSMainMenuWindowLevel + 3 Edit: Scratch that, unfortunately, that puts the QuickLook window behind Alfred so this change isn't possible.
  16. I'm working on something for the next release which affects the way Alfred assumes focus / key... this may help in this area. Stay tuned
  17. This is something that I'm aware of and something which has been getting progressively worse with newer versions of OS X. You can reproduce this behaviour without Alfred... With a Safari window on your primary screen and a Safari and Chrome window on your secondary screen, select the Safari window on your second screen, then Chrome, then cmd+tab back to Safari and it selects the incorrect Safari window (same behaviour you are seeing in Alfred). I am working on something which should hopefully significantly improve this behaviour in the next release Cheers, Andrew [marked as accepted]
  18. Andrew

    Update Stuck

    Try downloading Alfred directly from http://alfredapp.com and manually replacing /Applications/Alfred 2.app
  19. Alfred's clipboard was specifically designed to be text only, so no formatting. As such, when pasting, the formatting will match the destination formatting. This may change in the future, but there is no workaround for now. Cheers, Andrew
  20. I've noticed that you are using the Dropbox Apps folder which has been known to cause some syncing issues... could you try setting Alfred to sync to a different folder within Dropbox? Cheers, Andrew
  21. Would you mind showing me a screenshot? I want to see if the local results have any relevance to the typed term. Also, if you have selected additional items in Alfred's Features > Default Results > Extras (inc the Bookmarks), try temporarily unticking these. Andrew
  22. Check in Alfred's Features > web search preferences to see if the web searches are enabled and that the keyword hasn't been changed... Also, if you continue typing past the keyword, does that work... i.e. Show Alfred and type: google bananas
  23. Hi there, I've popped together a simple workflow which will do this for you... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/URL%20with%20Dashes.alfredworkflow Download and double click to install into Alfred, then use the keyword 'villa' in Alfred e.g. villa villa yoga A little about how this workflow works... There is a keyword input which is set to 'villa' connected to a php script containing the following: // replace spaces with - $query = str_replace(' ', '-', "{query}"); // setup the URL to open $command = "open 'https://www.villa-bali.com/en/villa/seminyak/$query'"; // open the URL shell_exec($command); This takes {query} and replaces spaces with -, then constructs the command to open that URL in OS X, then runs the command. Hope this helps! Cheers, Andrew
  24. This is by design as using Alfred's hotkey again (with or without preview showing) hides Alfred. If you just want to dismiss Quick Look and go back to Alfred, tap shift again (or press Esc). Cheers, Andrew
  25. If you grab this build: https://cachefly.alf...d_2.7.2_391.zip Unzip and replace /Applications/Alfred 2.app, this issue should now be sorted Let me know how you get on! Andrew
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