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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. I've fiddled around today and managed to reproduce this now, big thanks! I'll see what I can do to fix this for the next release. Cheers, Andrew
  2. Thanks for spotting this. The feature is more designed for when using the 'spell' keyword and an OS X language setting without built-in definitions, but I can definitely see some confusion with these results. I've added a ticket to look into this. Cheers, Andrew
  3. This is a bit of an odd one, and may be outside of Alfred's control in this situation (I've still been unable to reproduce this on my Mac)... would you mind temporarily creating a new user account and trying from there? Cheers, Andrew
  4. Hmm, I haven't been able to reproduce this... would you mind opening Console.app and seeing if there are any crash logs for Alfred under the diagnostic reports? This may help me work out what's going on for you. Cheers, Andrew
  5. I'm not quite sure where to start on this one... could you try creating a new user account, switching to that user and see if you see any issues there?
  6. This is actually by design as it allows Alfred to get the file selection from any application regardless of scripting... even, for example, a text selected path in Terminal.app. If Alfred didn't use the pasteboard to get the file selection, it would be limited to a very small subset of apps which have scripting support. Remember that you've always got Alfred's clipboard history to get back to previously copied text! Cheers, Andrew
  7. I'm moving this to closed as it's a dupe of the other accepted report you raised in this thread... as this issue will require a significant overhaul of Alfred's file actions, it can't be resolved as a quick fix, it has to wait until a major overhaul. http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/4936-moving-files-to-a-hidden-folder-accepted/ Thanks for your patience!
  8. [moving to the help sub-forum]
  9. There may be a CDN issue... have you tried downloading it directly from http://alfredapp.com and simply replacing out /Applications/Alfred 2.app?
  10. I've just emailed it to you Cheers, Andrew
  11. There isn't much I can do in the way of debugging this as Alfred does very little between the point you request him to display and him displaying. Could you try temporarily creating a new user account and running Alfred from there to see if you get the delay? Cheers, Andrew
  12. Alfred should be instant on Yosemite... are other apps slow to launch? Also, if you select "Toggle Alfred" from the hat in the OS X menu bar, is it instant (this will let us know if it's the hotkey causing the delay). Cheers, Andrew
  13. This isn't possible... if it's just .workflow files, these are the downloaded packaged workflows, not the installed workflows... so you should be able to delete these. The way I tend to use Alfred is setup with a few file filters to specifically target / find the files I'm looking for. For example, I have a folder only filter (with keyword f, e.g. f desktop), and a documents filter (keyword doc). If you haven't played with filters, there are a few examples from the [+] button when adding new workflows. Cheers, Andrew
  14. Alfred also loads things like the news in Alfred's general preferences, so this may be what Little Snitch is seeing. Alfred doesn't check for updates if the option is disabled unless you go to the Update tab in the preferences. Cheers, Andrew [moving to closed]
  15. Apple actually treats files within this folder as system files and as such they aren't visible within Alfred or Spotlight. Having said that, if you create a workflow with a file filter configured for scripts with the scope set to that folder, then tick the box "Show files marked as System File" in the filter's Search Scope options, this should find the scripts fine Cheers, Andrew [moving to help subforum]
  16. Sorry about the slow reply, I missed your thread. You should be able to both paste a path (not ../ though) into the Move To... or search for a folder name directly and then navigate forward and back (searching within a folder) until you find the folder you are looking for. I think in your example, you need to type 'mamp', then navigate into that folder using cmd+down, then you can search within that folder for another folder. Cheers, Andrew
  17. I've just replied to your email - don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this
  18. Would you mind emailing me the filecache.alfdb file (our info@alfredapp address) so I can take a look? Also, could you try deleting and reinstalling Divvy which will force OS X to treat it as a new file in the index. Cheers, Andrew
  19. If you check, has ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/Databases/filecache.alfdb been re-created (with creation date today and a non-zero file size?). Also, when reindexing, did you select to delete the ./Spotlight-V100 folder?
  20. I think the first thing to do is to quit Alfred and then manually delete the cache db in Terminal by pasting: rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/Databases/filecache.alfdb Then reset permissions on the Alfred 2 app support folder by pasting the following in Terminal: chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/ xattr -rc ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/ Then restart Alfred. It might also be worth hitting the reset button on the Features > Default Results > Search Scope in case something has happened there. Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew
  21. That metadata looks good so Alfred should be able to find that without problems. There may be a reason Alfred can't access his cache db (e.g. permissions or corruption). Before helping you fix something like this, could you please temporarily create a new user account, switch to that user and try searching for divvy to see if it's found? Cheers, Andrew
  22. Just to chip in on this... It's definitely unexpected for Alfred to miss the first character you type, I suspect there could be something happening to prevent Alfred from getting instant focus from OS X. Vero's suggestion of temporarily trying a new user account and using the default hotkey (alt+space) is a good way of working out if something on your main profile is interfering with Alfred. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom if this for you!
  23. The video you link to doesn't seem to work, but Alfred should be able to work with Outlook for sending attachments. Could you answer the following: 1. Which version of Outlook do you use? 2. What is the name of the app in /Applications e.g. "Microsoft Outlook.app" 3. Is it set as your default mail client (test using Alfred's email command to start an email to the selected user) Cheers, Andrew
  24. Ah thanks for spotting this - It used to work (with e.g. Open With) but looks like Yosemite doesn't include certain file metadata Alfred used for this anymore. I'm going to move this into bug reports and see what I can do... Cheers, Andrew
  25. You can set Large Type to show on the mouse screen in Alfred's Appearance > Large Type settings
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